Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Athenas Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges. Here you’ll find all the locations needed to complete this challenge!
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Athenas Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges Locations
Stormhaven Square

This log is located on a concrete platform connected to the tall clay-colored building with a spinning satellite dish on the top of it near where you first meet Maya. See the map below for the exact location. To reach it, stand in front of the giant bell facing west. Climb up the building on the right using the dumpster to access its roof. Jump up to the highest part of the roof then jump across to a concrete platform connected to the clay-colored building to find the log.

Dido’s Remorse

This log is located on a church wall in the back of the Dido’s Remorse cemetery at the northeastern section of the map. See the map below for the exact location.

Outside Anchorhold

This log is located in the water on the left side of the shrine-like area after the Captain Traunt boss fight where you get the Vault Key Fragment. See the map below for the exact location.

Athenas Dead Drop Cache

This cache is located in the Anchorhold near the entrance to the left of the bridge when facing south. After you pass over the bridge, head through the courtyard with the fountain in the middle and through the doorway into an open area. Go down the small flight of steps and take a left (east) following the walkway around the building you just exited to come to a gated doorway with a crate near it. Climb on the crate and jump over the doorway to reach the area containing the cache.
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