Welcome to NGB and our Borderlands 3 guide on the Athenas Crimson Radio Crew Challenge. Here you’ll find all the locations needed to complete this challenge!
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Athenas Crimson Radio Crew Challenge Locations
Athenas Broadcast Tower

This broadcast tower is located on the top of the building in the image above near the entrance of the Anchorhold. See the below map for the exact location. You can reach the top of the building by climbing up the shed with a speaker on top of it to the right of the building. From there, jump across to the concrete platforms with the two crates and climb up to the top of them. Next, jump onto the cornerstone with the yellow paint. Then jump onto the roof and make your way to the crate in the middle of the roof. Climb up the crate and jump onto the railing. From the railing, jump to the section of the building sticking out of the wall with a hole in it. Climb up to a higher rooftop and then head up two metal containers stacked on top of each other to reach yet another rooftop. From here, jump across to the concrete platform connected to the tower with the satellite on the top. Climb up two ladders to reach the terminal at the top of the broadcast tower. Sabotage it to complete this challenge.

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