Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Starfield War Relics mission! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.
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How to Start War Relics
The War Relics mission will automatically begin after completing The Devils You Know faction mission.
Starfield War Relics Walkthrough
Report to Hadrian
For the Starfield War Relics mission, you’ll first need to travel to the Red Devils HQ on Mars in the Sol System. Once inside, speak with Hadrian. You’ll have the option to tell her about her father. (We did!) If you do, she’ll be upset at first but accepts the facts and makes some good points. It won’t distract her like MacIntyre thought it would. No matter your choice, follow Hadrian up the stairs to a bookshelf.
Search for Kaiser on Niira
Travel to the 1-Of-A-Kind Salvage on Niira in the Narion System. Once there, head inside and go upstairs to find the UC Defense Manual 01 magazine!

Next, speak with Gel. Being the businessman he is, Gel will sell you information on Kaiser’s whereabouts. You can either pay him 1,000 credits outright or persuade him down to 675 credits. Alternatively, you can take your chances out in the fields. It’s not too bad to find him yourself. Just head north out into the fields and keep walking until you spot a crashed ship (the UC Syracuse) near the edge of the debris field.

You’ll hear a beacon. Follow the sound into the ship to spot Kaiser. The password is “Nos Belli Machinis”.
Find a MicroCell
Return to Gel. You can either purchase the MicroCell from him for 11,469 credits or you can hunt for the materials then craft one. If you ask him, he’ll tell you the location of the materials for a price… he wants whatever else you find when scrapping the machines.
Alternatively, you can hunt for the materials yourself then keep everything you find! You will specifically need to find 1 MicroCell Shielding, 1 MicroCell Conductor Array and 1 MicroCell Power Source. Once you’ve found the materials, you’ll need to fabricate a MicroCell using the Industrial Workbench near the giant robot.

Return the MicroCell to Kaiser
Now that you’ve gotten a MicroCell, return to Kaiser to hand it over. You’ll then be able to speak with him. He’ll want your help in completing his mission before he agrees to leave. Help the poor guy out then follow him to the mission site. When he stops, speak with him to learn that Unit 99 is under Ecliptic control. You’ll be able to choose whether or not you want to try and disarm Unit 99 without killing it or just clean house and eliminate it!
Disarm Unit 99
Kaiser does not like this option and believes killing it is the better option. We had Andreja with us and she made a comment of how we should just kill it. If you want to go this route, Kaiser warns that you’ll need to go alone so select “You wait here. I’ll check it out myself.” From Kaiser, make your way to the left side of the camp. There you will find a rock that you can use to jump down into the camp near a set of stairs leading up.

Sneak up the stairs then interact with the Local System computer on the wall. Select “Specimen Cage Management” then “Seal Specimen Cage”. This will take care of the (Optional) Find a Way to Seal Unit 99’s Restraints objective.
Next up, you’ll need to eliminate the Ecliptic Forces without being detected. Be warned that there is a Level 42 Ecliptic Specialist near the stairs!! If you decide to kill all the enemies, Unit 99 will still be spared!
Return to Kaiser when you’re done and have him disarm Unit 99. Poor Unit 99 gets left behind in the cage as the mission moves you on to the next task. If you want to release the beast, return to the Local Systems Computer to unseal the cage then release the specimen. Please note that this creature is still hostile even though it has been wiped!
Kill Unit 99
Andreja likes this option and Kaiser believes it’s the best course of action! For the frontal assault, head to the camp to clean house! Once you attack the enemies, they will release Unit 99 from its cage. Be warned that there is a Level 42 Ecliptic Specialist guarding the beast and Unit 99 is Level 30!
Speak with Kaiser
After clearing the camp, speak with Kaiser to further elaborate on the help you need.
Return to the Red Devils HQ
Afterwards, return to the Red Devils HQ on Cydonia in the Sol System then witness the reunion with Kaiser. When it concludes, the Starfield War Relics mission will complete!
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!