Welcome to NGB and our Baldur’s Gate III walkthrough for The Pale Elf quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know so you can easily complete the quest.
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How to Begin The Pale Elf Quest
The Pale Elf is the companion quest for Astarion in Baldur’s Gate III. You’ll receive this quest automatically after allowing this dashing nobleman to join your party shortly after escaping from the Nautiloid.
To find Astarion, you’ll need to head west from the beach, where your character wakes up and goes through the Nautiloid wreckage. He’ll be standing along a dirt path near the coordinates X:183 Y:272.

Approach him to trigger a cutscene, leading to a little tussle with him. Almost all of the options end with the Intellect Devourer connecting you both, stopping the fight. You’ll then be able to recruit him or tell the guy to hit the road. Choosing the latter results in you not getting this quest.
The Pale Elf Walkthrough
Continue traveling with Astarion
When you first get The Pale Elf quest, there isn’t much you can do with it yet. You’ll need to rest a few times to learn more about Astarion.
One time, he can be seen sneaking away, and another, he’ll try to bite your neck, revealing himself to be a vampire. You’ll be given two options: To talk through it or to try passing a skill check where you’ll stab him through the heart with a stake. Doing the latter will result in him dying, thus completing the quest.
If you take the first route, you can ask him some questions about his affliction. He will even suggest that you let him drink some of your blood so he can be stronger for the fights ahead.
If you agree to this, you’ll have 2 chances to pass a skill check; otherwise, Astarion will drain your life. You’ll also get the bloodless debuff that gives you -1 to Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and Ability Checks. Do this,s or saying no will end the day. Speak with him again in camp to see the rest of the group’s reactions to learning what he really is.
If you travel to the Riverside Teahouse, which Auntie Ethel calls home, you’ll meet a monster hunter named Gandrel. If you pass a persuasion or intimidation skill check, you’ll learn he is hunting Astarion.
If you press him as to why, he’ll say that vampires stole their children and that Astarion knows about it. You’ll have a choice. You can tell him where to find Astarion or protect the team’s resident vampire.
When pressed, the option to attack also becomes available.
For this playthrough, we chose to tell the man that Astarion was under our protection. Speak with Astarion the next time you’re in camp and mention Gandrel to learn more about him.
The below objectives can’t be completed until you reach Act II.
In Act II, the Grand Mausoleum will be nearby when you’re nearing Moonrise Towers. Bring Astarion with you as you approach the area (I was controlling him). You’ll run into Rapahel there, and they will have a conversation. Astarion has some infernal runes carved into his back and wants to know what they say. Raphael said he would tell Astarion, but first, he would need to do him a favor by killing an Orthon.
Kill the Orthon
Head into the Grand Mausoleum and work to the Gauntlet of Shar, specifically the Gaunlet of Shar Ancient Sigil Circle. From there, follow the path heading east, then northeast to reach the domain of Yurgir. Follow the Displacer Beast there to find Yurgor, the Orthon we’ve been sent to hunt.

He’ll smell Raphael on you and demand to know where the devil is. This will present you with a couple of options. You can attack him (and his followers), leading to a tough fight, offer to help him break free of the curse, or persuade him to kill all of his followers and then himself. (We chose the last one!). Once the demon is dead, this objective will be completed.
Await Raphael’s Next Appearance
With the Orthon dead, it’s time to meet with Raphael. You can do this by heading back to camp and taking a long rest. This will trigger a cutscene where the devil will show up and tell you about the runes on Astarion’s back. Please note that you might have to do a few long rests for this cutscene to trigger.
The below objectives can’t be completed until you reach Act III.
Travel the road to Baldur’s Gate
After learning about the runes on his back, Astarion is ready to take Cazador out of the picture. Speak with him at the beginning of Act III before reaching the city in camp, and he’ll tell you that we should seek out his fellow spawn to learn about Cazador’s plans.
Reach Cazador’s Palace
In Act III, when you reach Rivington, head northeast of Arfur’s Mansion to find a camp (and bring Astarion with you). Speak with Ulma there, and she will ask Astarion to save their children from his old master. You can make whatever choice you like, but we told Astarion that he owes them revenge, if nothing else. You’ll also gain the Investigate Cazador’s Palace quest.
The next stop on the tour is Fraygo’s Flophouse across from the South Span of Wyrm’s Crossing. Again, ensure you have Astarion in your party, then go up to the second floor. You’ll find Dalyria and Pale Petras there. Interact with them to learn where Cazador is hiding.
Please note that if you rest for a few days, Astarion’s siblings will show up in the middle of the night and try to take him by force. This, of course, leads to a battle no matter what choices you make during their conversation!
To reach Cazador’s Palace, travel to the Lower City Central Wall waypoint in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate. Enter the Central Watch Tower building on which the waypoint rests, and then climb up the stairs to reach the top of the wall. Follow it north to reach Cazador’s Palace.
Along the way, you’ll run into some guards. If you tell them that you’re there to kill their master, they will, of course, attack you! To avoid combat, opt for the intimidation or deception checks. Afterward, you’ll be able to continue.
If you choose to fight the guards, make sure to loot the key from one of their corpses. Keep following the path to reach Szarr Palace.
Once inside, follow the red carpet through the curtain doorway. You’ll then reach the Sinister Door. Interact with this door to get a couple of skill checks. Passing them will tell you that there is a small slot in the door that something can fit in.
From this point, feel free to explore the rooms.
To continue the quest, you must head to the Door to the Kennel on the lower level. Head inside for Astarion to begin a conversation with Godey. You’ll need to defeat Godey and then loot the Szarr Family Ring. You’ll need to insert this ring into the Sinister Door to open it.
Another thing to note is a book in the guest room on the south side of the hallway from the kennel. It will be admitting a necrotic aura. You’ll need to get past the aura by jumping, then loot the Mahogany Wardrobe to the left of the bed to receive the Kozakuran Dictionary, which might help you understand the Sinister Door.
After opening the Sinister Door, you’ll immediately enter the throne room, triggering a fight against giant rats, bats, wolves, and werewolves. If any thralls are nearby, they will join in the fight, too. Once you defeat everyone, you can explore the area or head directly to the Office Hall on the southwestern side of the throne room. This will bring you to the Dais. Use this to descend under the palace to Cazador’s Dungeon.
Upon entering Cazador’s Dungeon, follow the hallway north. When you get to the end, there will be 3 doors. Head through the one on the left then cross over the bridge and interact with the glowing door. Use the ring to unlock it then head inside.
Straight ahead you’ll see a skull on a pillow. Interact with it. During the interaction, you’ll need to pass multiple skill checks. When you’re done, you’ll receive the Black Mass Scroll. Make sure to read it to learn about the ritual that Cazador is trying to complete.
Next, return to the hallway with 3 doors, then head through the northern door, which you’ll need to unlock using the ring. A cutscene will trigger with a prisoner when you reach about halfway to the next door. After the cutscene, interact with the gate on the other side to find the Hunters’ kids.
Afterwards, continue north to find Cazador. Approach him to trigger a cutscene. If you brought Astarion, he’ll be captured, and you’ll have 3 turns to free him using the Help command before he’s disintegrated and Cazador ascends.
If you want to make the fight easier, bring someone who knows telekinesis and throw Cazador into the abyss surrounding the area. This will finish him instantly, allowing you to focus on all the other enemies. Once Cazador’s HP goes to 0, he’ll be sent to the coffin in the middle of the arena. Approach the coffin as Astarion to trigger an event.
During this event, you’ll need to choose whether to let Astarion complete the ritual or not. If you want to talk about it, you must pass a persuasion check. If Astarion is prevented from ascending, he becomes happier. If he ascends, he’ll become cruel and unfriendly.
Next, you’ll need to make a choice about Cazador’s staff and the cells it controls. You can either kill the people in the cells, release them, or leave them. If you release them, they will be sent to the Underdark, where they’ll be free to live without harming the souls of Baldur’s Gate. Astarion will later tell you that he feels this option is the correct choice, and it’s hinted that he might potentially become their leader/protector after the Absolute is dealt with.
The Hunters will not be happy about this choice, but they will back off once you mention that their children are among those sent to the Underdark.
If you leave them there, then the Hunters will come in and take care of them all.
If you kill them, then Astarion will regret the choice, but the Hunters will say you did the right thing.
After making your choice, The Pale Elf quest will end! On the way out, you’ll run into Ulma and the rest of the Hunters, who will comment on your choice.
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