- Restore Power
- Loot The MMU
Item(s) of Interest:
- Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 1231 (Nero Intel Collectible)
- On a counter in the Santiam Tunnel Nero Checkpoint Mobile Medical Unit
- Nero Injector
- Found in a white medical create in the Mobile Medical Unit
Restore Power
Head to the Santiam Tunnel Nero Checkpoint and locate the generator next to the Mobile Medical Unit. After that, head to the fallen portapotty near a popup tent to locate the gas can. Pick it up and throw it over the fence behind the MMU. You will also want to clear out the nest near the entrance to the tunnel and loot the chest inside for a fuse. Head back to the MMU and use the fuse to repair the fuse box. Also, take this time to do a sweep of the checkpoint, disabling any speakers you find so they don’t make noise when powered on. When you are ready, climb on to the roof of the MMU and drop down into the fenced-in area. Locate and pick up the gas can then use it fuel up the generator. Turn it on and enter the MMU.
Loot The MMU
Loot the white medical crate in the lab to complete this mission.