- Restore Power
- Loot The MMU
Item(s) of Interest:
- Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 0980 (Nero Intel Collectible)
- Found in the Marion Forks Tunnel Nero Checkpoint Mobile Medical Unit on a counter
- Nero Injector
- Found in a white medical crate in the Mobile Medical Unit
Restore Power
Head to the Mario Forks Tunnel Nero Checkpoint and locate the generator near the Moblie Medical Unit (MMU). Once you find that, look for a truck near the tunnel and jump into its bed to find the gas can. Use the gas can to fuel up the generator, but before starting it, do a sweep of the camp to destroy any speakers so they don’t attract any additional attention. When you’re ready turn on the generator. Right after doing this, you’ll notice that a fuse has blown on the MMU. Look for a white trailer close to the tunnel to find a chest inside containing a new fuse. Use it to repair the MMU thus restoring the power.
Loot The MMU
Loot the white medical crate in the lab to complete this mission.