1. Old Pioneer Cemetery Brochure
- Located at the entrance of the Old Pioneer Cemetery behind the left gate on the stone fence
2. Hungry Jim’s Menu
- Located on a booth in Hungry Jim’s at Marion Forks
3. Marion Forks Bumper Stickers
- Located on a computer desk in the Marion Forks Bookstore
4. Marion Forks Post Cards
- Located on a wooden end table next to a couch in the Marion Forks Bookstore
5. The Benefits Of Bear Creek Hot Springs
- Located in the building at the Bear Creek Hot Springs Ambush Camp on a counter
6. Salmon Hot Springs Guestbook
- Located in the Salmon Hot Springs Hotel to the central western side of the map
9. Seeking Gorgeous Man
- Inside Crazy Willie’s Truck Stop on a desk in the back room past the cash registers
10. Frontier Motel Brochures
- In the main office of the Frontier Motel on a chair by the front door (same room as wall safe)
11. Sherman’s Camp Brochure
- Received at Iron Bill’s as part of the story
12. Meet The Campfire Cadets
- Found in the main office of Camp Pioneer in Lost Lake
14. Route Camp Whisky Menu
- Located on a booth in the Bucking Elk Lounge at Rouge Camp
16. Crater Lake Postcards
- Located on a table in the Crater Lake Visitor’s Center southeast of Wizard Island
18. Chemult Suds-Fest
- Located on a wall in the Big Mountain Travel Center in Chemult
19. Balloons Over Chemult
- Located on a wall in the house next to the train station in Chemult
26. Adam Finch Stout Label
- Located on a wall in a house east of the Berley Lake Ambush Camp
27. Snowbrush Ranch Alpaca Farm
- Located on a coffee table in the living room at the alpaca farm north of Rogue Tunnel Nero Checkpoint in Iron Butte