Xenoblade Chronicles X – The Mad Monk Affinity Mission

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Welcome to NGB and our Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition walkthrough for The Mad Monk affinity mission! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start The Mad Monk Affinity Mission

In Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, affinity and main story missions are unique in that you can only undertake one at a time. If you begin an affinity mission, you won’t be able to start a main story mission, and vice versa. Furthermore, you can only have one affinity or story mission active at any given time.

The Mad Monk affinity mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition can be found in NLA’s Administrative District. The recommended level for this mission is 20 and the required level is 20. To begin this mission, you must accept the “Backup Request” basic mission. The primary destination is Noctilum.

The Mad Monk Walkthrough

Search for the missing BLADEs with Boze.

Head to Noctilum’s Vitriol Cesspool

The Mad Monk Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

Fast travel to FN Site 209 then enter the cave to find the Vitriol Cesspool. Once inside, a cutscene will trigger. Decide to help the ma-non!

Gather five muneria flowers in Noctilum

The Muneria Flowers can be found at Rustpool Banks in Noctilum.

Talk to Jejebba

Once you have the flowers, return to Jejebba to hand them over.

Talk to the survivors

Next, head deeper into the cave, skirting all the Level 40 hostile enemies. In the southwestern part of the cave, climb up the rocks to reach Reggie and speak with him.

Talk to the survivors

After the cutscene, fight the swarm of Level 13 & Level 14 Heinous Blattas. Survive these enemies for two minutes.

For the next two minute wave, you’ll fight Level 17 & 18 Heinous Forfex. Again, continue fighting these enemies until time runs out!

Talk to Reggie

After the fight, speak with Reggie to trigger a cutscene.

Talk to Eleonora

Travel to the BLADE Concourse in the Administrative District and speak with Eleonora. The Mad Monk mission will then end.

Completion Rewards

As a reward for completing The Mad Monk affinity mission, you’ll receive the following:

  • Experience x220
  • Reward Money x13,000

Boze will then become a party member!

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