Xenoblade Chronicles X – The Fashionista Mission Guide

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Welcome to NGB and our Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition walkthrough for The Fashionista mission! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start The Fashionista Mission

The Fashionista Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

To begin The Fashionista mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, speak with Victoria in the Commerical District. This quest becomes available after completing Chapter 6, and the recommended level for this mission is 4.

The Fashionista Walkthrough

Help Victoria and Panyar design undergarments for Ma-non clients.

Go to North Founders Street in the Commerical District and ask Veverta for her measurements

Go to North Founders Street in the Commerical District and ask Veverta for her measurements

Travel to the southern side of the Commercial District and speak with Veverta about her measurements.

Go to Armory Alley in the Administrative District and ask Aalis for her measurements

Go to Armory Alley in the Administrative District and ask Aalis for her measurements

Travel to Armory Alley landmark in the Commercial District and speak with Aalis about her measurements.

Go to the starboard side of the Ma-non ship and ask Vyponne for her measurements

Travel to the Starboard landmark in the Ma-non Ship and speak with Vyponne about her measurements.

Gather five pieces of supple leather from lepyxes in Primordia

Travel just west of NLA to the West Gate Plain where you’ll find the Level 6 Wood Lepyx. Take them out and gather the Supple Leather they drop.

Talk to Victoria

Return to Victoria on Central Melville Street in the Commercial District.

Gather five mondcherries in Primordia

After the underwear was unsuccessful, you’re now going to try perfume! You can find Mondcherries at Cliffside Beach, East Gate Plain, and South Janpath Plain in Primordia.

Gather three sona herbs in Primordia

You can find Sona Herbs on the ground at FN Site 113 and Northpointe Cove in Primordia.

Give the perfume ingredients to Panyar

Return to where Victoria and Panyar have been standing and deliver the ingredients to Panyar. The Fashionista mission will then complete!

Completion Rewards

As a reward for completing The Fashionista mission, you’ll receive the following:

  • Experience x220
  • Reward Money x12,000
  • C&C Medium (Female)
  • Upgraded Swimsuit Top
  • Upgraded Swimmer’s Band R
  • Upgraded Swimmer’s Band L

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