Xenoblade Chronicles X – Forest Foray Mission Guide

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Welcome to NGB and our Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition walkthrough for the Forest Foray mission! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Forest Foray Mission

Forest Foray Xenoblade X

To begin the Forest Foray mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, speak with Sullivan in NLA’s Industrial District. The recommended level for this mission is 5.

Forest Foray Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

Forest Foray Walkthrough

It seems there are many unusual forms of plant life in the forest to the west of NLA. Go and help Sullivan investigate.

Gather three Sekka Cosmoses in Noctilum

Sekka Cosmos is an item you can pick up from the ground at Sapphire Carpet and Yagami’s Vista in Noctilum. If this quest is active, they will have a green marker above them!

Talk to Sullivan at the Integrated Production Plant

Once you’ve collected the items, return to Sullivan and speak with her.

Gather six Phosphorous-Tree Seeds in Noctilum’s Rust Lake

Rust Lake in Noctilum

Travel to Rust Lake in Noctilum. Once there, gather six Phosphorous-Tree Seeds. Look for the orangy red shiny objects on the ground to find the seeds. Be mindful of the high-level enemies in this area as you scour the search area.

Talk to Sullivan

After collecting all the seeds, return to Sullivan and speak with her. The Forest Foray mission will then complete.

Completion Rewards

As a reward for completing the Forest Foray mission, you’ll receive the following:

  • Experience x130
  • Reward Money x6,000
  • Limited NVD

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