Xenoblade Chronicles X – A Day in the Life Affinity Mission

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Welcome to NGB and our Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition walkthrough for the A Day in the Life affinity mission! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the A Day in the Life Affinity Mission

In Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, affinity and main story missions are unique in that you can only undertake one at a time. If you begin an affinity mission, you won’t be able to start a main story mission, and vice versa. Furthermore, you can only have one affinity or story mission active at any given time.

A Day in the Life Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

The A Day in the Life affinity mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition can be found in NLA’s BLADE Barracks. The recommended level for this mission is 16 and the required level is 16. The primary destination is Primordia.

A Day in the Life Walkthrough

You decided to observe Commander Vandham at work for an entire day. Go follow him around.

Head to Barista Court in the morning

In the morning, head on over to Barista Court in the Commercial District to trigger a cutscene.

Head to the hangar during the afternoon

Wait until the afternoon then head to the hangar in the Administrative District.

Get a blue electrical tentacle from placid duoguills or others in Primordia

In Primordia, travel to Headwater Cavern on the western side of Biahno Lake. Once in the cave, stick to the right side. You’ll find a lake at the bottom of a cliff. Jump on in to find Level 10 Cave Duoguill.

Get a blue electrical tentacle from placid duoguills or others in Primordia

Keep defeating them until you receive a Blue Electrical Tentacle.

Talk to Cedric

Travel to the hangar in NLA’s Administrative District and speak with Cedric.

Gather info in the Administrative District on the commander’s nighttime place of work

Gather info in the Administrative District on the commander's nighttime place of work

First, head west and walk by the group of people talking in front of a Skell. One will have a yellow conversation bubble above his head.

Gather info in the Administrative District on the commander's nighttime place of work

Investigate the BLADE Tower door at night

Travel to BLADE Tower at night and approach the entrance to trigger a cutscene.

That's why you pay me the big bucks, am I right?

Defeat the sailing grex in Primordia’s Biahno Grassland

Defeat the sailing grex in Primordia's Biahno Grassland

Once in the Biahno Grassland, you’ll find the Level 16 Sailing Grex surrounded by a bunch of Level 12 Fighter Grex. Take out the fighters then focus your attention on the big guy.

Return to BLADE Tower and report to Commander Vandham

Travel to the BLADE Tower. Once you enter the tower, a cutscene will trigger! After it ends, so will the A Day in the Life mission.

Completion Rewards

As a reward for completing the A Day in the Life mission, you’ll receive the following:

  • Experience x180
  • Reward Money x10,000
  • Limited Tank Top (Black Camo)

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