Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Transparent Dreams

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides


Below is a walkthrough for the Transparent Dreams hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the ? next to the Conchrock Beach landmark.


After obtaining the quest, head up the path from the beach towards the colony. As you move along, send off the husks when you come across them! Just before the colony, you’ll trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against the Level 45 Keves Strike Team. Defeat all six then head into Colony Mu and take a left to find Bed of Woes and Wishes where a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, head under the Flame Clock in Colony Mu to trigger another cutscene during which you’ll be able to ask questions. Ask what you will then head down the hill and speak with Shu. Next, speak with Nico past the canteen. Now that you have both pieces of the Colony Mu Investigation topic, head to the canteen and discuss it.


Afterwards, make your way back to the Flame Clock to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight with Level 47 Moebius I. Upon defeating her, head to the Bed of Woes and Wishes landmark then approach Fiona to complete the quest.



  • 3320 EXP
  • 2020 Gold
  • 10 SP