Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Aetia Region Soldier’s Husk Locations

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides


Below is a guide on the location of the Soldiers’ Husks around Aetia Region in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


Everblight Plain

Tutorial near Torchlight Hill


Southeast of Riccalo Pond


Rottswoe Battlescar – Southeast of Battlescar Ferronis Hulk


Yzana Plains

Southeast of Riccalo Pond


West of Colony 9 Front Gate


West of Shark’s Jaws Cape along the river


Alfeto Valley

Southwest of Alfeto Valley Mouth on ledge overlooking lake


Along the cliff directly east of the Gura Flava Lowlands during the main story objective to return to Colony 9 after meeting Vandham


South of Loch Ciel


Millick Meadows

Southwest of Kilmarris Highland in Viliera Hill


East of Luca’s Eyot


At Hilltop Caravan Accessory Shop, south of Luca’s Eyot


Murmur Rise – Northeast of Kamos Guidepost landmark


Kilmarris Highland – At the landmark


Next to the Millick Ravine Way landmark



Melnath’s Shoulder

Melnath’s Pass, Lower – West of Loch Ciel landmark


Coolley Lake – Just west of the Coolley Lake landmark



Captocorn Peak

Tsang Road – South of the Spiralhorn Baccro unique enemy



Southwest of Colony Omega Camp rest spot



South of the Nocclia Mire landmark



West of the Gava Junction landmark