To obtain the Snow Man’s Treasure standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, approach the duo in the Belgazas’ Drifts of the Black Mountains. For this quest, you’ll go on a treasure hunt! Start by heading up the mountain to the Town of Banerro Ruins.

You’ll need to fix the Expedition Elevator (if you have not already done so) then take it up. At the top, continue making your way through the ruins. You’ll need to climb up a ladder then turn left and climb up some vines. At the top, take another left and follow the top of the ramparts to the dead end where a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, construct the ether lift and take it down. Follow the path to reach a sealed door. As you approach it, a cutscene will trigger. Once concluded, head inside to discover the La Luz Temple secret area. Approach the insects to trigger another cutscene followed by a battle against 4 Lv. 43 Treasure Antol. Dispose of the pests to receive a Platinum Jewel. Afterwards, the quest will complete and you’ll be rewarded with 3460 EXP, 1550 Gold, Phantom Feather and Jewel Beetle Gauntlet.