Woman of La Mancha Gig Guide | Cyberpunk 2077

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Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for the Woman of La Mancha gig! This guide will cover everything you will need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the gig and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Woman of La Mancha Gig

Woman of La Mancha Cyberpunk 2077

To begin the Woman of La Mancha gig in Cyberpunk 2077, approach the gig location southwest of the Kabuki Market fast travel point in Kabuki.

Woman of La Mancha Walkthrough

Ask Around the Market

As you approach the location of the gig, you’ll get a call from Regina Jones tasking you with stopping the investigation of Anna Hamill who is looking into the Kabuki Market. Follow the objective to reach the bazaar, where you’ll need to try to gather intel on Anna.

If you head down the stairs near the entrance to the bazaar and hug the left wall,  you’ll come across Eve leaning on an AC unit. Show her the picture of Anna then tell her you’re not a cop (if you say you are, she will stop talking to you). She will then ask for some eddies to tell you what she knows.

The other option is to stop by the first stall on the right side of the bazaar, where a food vendor and a guy named Imad are bartering. After their business has concluded, you’ll get the option to show the food vendor the picture. This is a fruitless endeavor as she refuses to answer any questions.

Instead, head after Imad to find him sitting on a chair further in the bazaar. Speak with him and show him the picture of Anna. He will then tell you what he knows for some eddies. If you’re a Nomad, he’ll tell you the information for free! Both Eve and Imad will tell you that Anna is staying in room 303 of the hotel on the right (east) side of the bazaar, however, you can find her in the hotel on your own if you don’t want to spend the eddies.

Another option is to speak with the ripperdoc, Robert. If you’re Street Cred is high enough, he’ll tell you where you can find Anna also mentioning that she’s a good person.

Find Anna Hamill

There are a couple of ways to confront Anna in the hotel. The first is to hack the door on the 1st floor then head up the stairs in the building to reach room 303 on the third floor. Please note that if your Technical Ability is at least Level 4 you can hack into a room on the 1st floor and investigate the files on a PC to learn about Anna.

If you cannot hack the door on the 1st floor to get into the hotel, you can also pay to enter by selecting the option on the keypad to the left of the door. If you choose to pay, you’ll receive a text with a room number in it, which is 203.

In order to enter Anna’s room from the 3rd floor, you’ll need to have a Technical Ability of 6. The 2nd way to reach her room is by getting into room 203 on the 2nd floor. If your Technical Ability is level 4, you can hack the door, you can enter the room and use the balcony to climb onto some AC units. From there, climb onto the balcony of room 303.

If your Technical Ability is not high enough, you can head to the building just north of the hotel by opening a door. This will gain you access to a stairwell you can take to the third level, where you can jump onto an AC unit and use it to reach the balcony of room 303.

As you enter the room, Anna will stop you and demand to know who sent you. By choosing the options “Here to warn you”, “Just wanna help you” and “Your buddies at the NCPD”, I was able to convince her to leave town.

One wrong choice will turn her hostel, resulting in you having to flatline her. After dealing with Anna, leave the area to get a call from Regina completing the gig. 

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