Welcome to Hawaii MFer! – Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Guide

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Welcome to our walkthrough for the Welcome to Hawaii MFer! substory in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. The Welcome to Hawaii, MFer! substory will automatically trigger after you leave Revolve Bar during Chapter 3. You’ll be given a tutorial on Timed Selections, which essentially means that you must choose an answer or not within a given amount of time. She’ll then ask “Oh, are you a customer? Aloha!” and you’ll have 3 responses:

Aloha!Increase in Charisma
Um, lovely day today, huh?Nothing

After you’ve made your selection, she’ll install the Aloha Links app on your smartphone. Aloha Links users are marked with a special icon over their heads. By using emotes to engage with these characters, you can become friends with them. The friend gauge serves as an indicator of your bond. Once it’s maxed, you and your friend become best buddies. As you gain more of these, your personality will improve, so try and make lots of friends!

Afterwards, the bartender will come out. Press square to greet the bartender and you’ll gain Confidence. Next, you’ll become friends with Kei and will gain Charisma. Now you can begin your friendship journey by setting out in search of new friends! Keep in mind that sometimes you’ll need to use actions such as giving them gifts or patronizing their business to befriend more people!

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