Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on where to find the Albion Divine Shards!
Albion Divine Shards
- Hampton Harbor
- Hampton Harbor (Secluded Shore)
- Bordeaux Town
- Greige Town
- Greige Town #2
- Black Market Dealer
- Black Market Dealer #2
- Fort Viridian Hill
- Heavensriver Town
- Citronpool Harbor (Secluded Shore)
- Citronpool Harbor
- Cherrywell Town
- Shroudford Town
- Walled City of Peyston
- Roastford Town
- Fort Foxwell
- Fort Kingsrock
- Fort Kingsrock #2
- Fort Greyhill
- Fort Greyhill #2
- Palevia Harbor
- Palevia Town
Hampton Harbor

Southeast of town just past the bridge near the encampment

Hampton Harbor (Secluded Shore)

Set sail to the Secluded Shore from Hampton Harbor to find this shard on the north side of the area.

Bordeaux Town

Southwest of town along the stone building

Greige Town

East of town in a hidden path reachable along the back of the town

Greige Town #2

Southwest of town in woods

Black Market Dealer

North of the old man

Black Market Dealer #2

South of the old man

Fort Viridian Hill

From the fort head west and cross the bridge then go south.

Heavensriver Town

Southwest of town along the gate

Citronpool Harbor (Secluded Shore)

Set sail from the harbor to reach the Secluded Shore where you’ll find this shard.

Citronpool Harbor

West of the harbor in the grass north of a bridge

Cherrywell Town

Northeast of town

Shroudford Town

Northeast side of town

Walled City of Peyston

South of city along gate

Roastford Town

Southwest of town along beach

Fort Foxwell

Northwest of town along cliff wall

Fort Kingsrock

Southeast of the fort

Fort Kingsrock #2

Directly east of the fort on the north side of a cliff
Fort Greyhill

On north side of fort

Fort Greyhill #2

Southwest of the fort

Palevia Harbor

Northwest of harbor along the beach

Palevia Town

South of town along the beach

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