Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for The Priestess Abducted in Unicorn Overlord. Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this main quest!
How to Start The Priestess Abducted Main Quest
In order to start The Priestess Abducted main quest, you’ll need to travel to La Criselle Town and speak with Miriam. This will trigger a cutscene during which you’ll be given a tutorial on how tactics work. When it concludes, Alain will be put back on the world map.

How to Complete The Priestess Abducted

When you’re ready to begin the rescue mission to save Scarlett, interact with the banners to trigger a cutscene leading to the Battle Stage. For this fight, you’ll mainly be fighting Warriors, Hoplites and Wizards so take that into account when selecting your units.
For this battle, we used the following units:
- Alain’s unit = Nina, Yahna and Travis
- Josef’s unit = Lex and Chloe
- Rolf’s unit = Berenice and a Thief mercenary
This stage is broken up into 3 sections. On the southeastern side, you’ll find Avague Village which is guarded by a nearby Watchtower holding Sorcerers. On the western side, you’ll find Grupont Town which is also guarded by a Watchtower. The Command Post will be found in the northern part of the area and is surrounded by countless enemies.
Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: War Funds of 5000G, Steel Trap and Farsight Crystal.

For this fight, you’ll get Miriam, Fran and Kitra as one unit. They’ll start on the northwestern side of the map by Grupont Town. Use this unit to take out the Watchtower there and liberate the town. As a reward, you’ll receive a Silver Hourglass. You’ll also be given a tutorial on Withdrawing Units. After liberating the Grupont Town, head east to Aubel Ruins and place your Garrison there to receive a Dew of Skill.
Next, summon your units to liberate Avague Village. Our strategy was to use Rolf’s unit to take out the Gryphons and provide archer support. Use Josef’s unit to take out the Watchtower and send Alain’s team directly to the village. When you reach the village, Renault will order another Gryphon unit to attack you. This unit will use Hasten Call to increase its mobility to get there faster! Once you liberate this village, you’ll receive a Wind Faerie’s Charm.

With Grupont Town and Avague Village liberated, it’s now time to set your sights on the enemy’s Command Post. In order to breach the eastern Eucuit Gate, you’ll need to get a battering ram stationed in the woods to the east of the Command Post. There will be a Watchtower on the southern side of the Command Post so we sent Fran’s unit to deal with it while the other units dispatched the other enemies outside the gate. We also sent another unit to acquire the battering ram. After using the battering ram to break the gate, we stationed Rolf in the Watchtower outside the city and used his Arrow Range Valor skill and Ranged Assist Leader Effect. For defeating the Command Post, you’ll receive the Crimson Sarissa. Afterwards, a cutscene will trigger.
Next up you’ll fight Galerius!! Move your units northwest of the town where you’ll find an encampment that you can use to heal your units. It might also be worth making a save here before confronting the big guy! Since we had Rolf with us, we position him just inside of his Ranged Assist skill. We then used Alain’s Valorous Order skill on the rest of the units to buff them. When you’re ready, attack the emperor!! If you attack Galerius with Josef and Alain, you’ll get special dialog! Fighting Galerius is a bit of a challenge. He’ll start off each fight by putting up a barrier around himself that requires multiple hits to break. He’ll also recover health quickly between fights in his garrison. We used Soldiers and Magic users to finally bring him down!
The Priestess Abducted Quest Rewards
Once you complete the stage, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- Power Belt
- Idealist’s Handmirror
- Knights of the Rose
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