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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on The Battle for Ysveda liberation quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start The Battle for Ysveda Quest

To begin The Battle for Ysveda quest in Unicorn Overlord, approach Ysveda Harbor!

Unicorn Overlord Battle for Ysveda

Battle Prep Phase

For this battle, you’ll mainly be facing Warlock and Elven Archer enemies so plan your units accordingly.

Enemy UnitsWeaknesses
BerserkerCalvary / Thieves
Elven ArcherFighters
Gryphon Knight / Gryphon MasterArchers / Swordfighters
Hoplite / LegionnaireWitches / Wizards / Warriors
Sergeant Hoplites / Fighters
Wizard / WarlockRadiant Knights / Hunters

Battle Stage

Battle for Ysveda Unicorn Overlord

When you load into the map, your Command Post will be located in the north and the enemy’s will be in the south.

Battle for Ysveda Command Post

The enemy’s Command Post will be in the range of a Watchtower using Ranged Assist to provide support. As you approach the Watchtower, multiple units filled with Sergeants will come out of the forest to attack you.

The Battle for Ysveda Quest Rewards

For completing The Battle for Ysveda in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Honors x12
  • Blancmange
  • War Funds of 1500G

Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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