Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on how to complete the Expanding a Unit 4 to 5 Overworld Quest! Here we will cover how to start and complete this quest along with the rewards you will receive. Overworld Quests are typically found on the world map and require you to complete specific actions, recruit a certain character or deliver requested items. Every little bit will help to strengthen the Liberation Army!
How to Start the Expanding a Unit 4 to 5 Quest
To begin the Expanding a Unit 4 to 5 quest in Unicorn Overlord, interact with the Mercenaries standing outside of Fort Sedorosha.

How to Complete Expanding a Unit 4 to 5
Before you can complete this quest, you’ll need to have a Renown Rank of A! When you’re ready, head to any fort and choose the “Expand Units” option in the menu where you’ll need to spend 200 Honors to increase a unit’s max size from 4 to 5. Once done, exit the fort to complete the quest. As a side note, if you have already done this before receiving this quest, the quest will just auto complete!
Expanding a Unit 4 to 5 Quest Rewards
For completing Expanding a Unit 4 to 5 in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- Supreme Military Treatise
- Honors x6
- War Funds x2000G
Unicorn Overlord Guides and Walkthroughs
For more Unicorn Overlord guides and walkthroughs, click here!