Below are all the chests that can be found at the Duality in Trinity Trigger!
Duality F1
Detox Stone II / Divine Extract
These chests can be found in the southern part of the orange side. The west chest is a mimic!
7000 Liba / Lucky Stone II
These chests can be found in the southern part of the blue side. The east chest is a mimic!
Duality F2
Lucky Stone II
This mimic can be found on the eastern side of the blue side.
Gold Stone II / Harmony Crystal x3
These chests can be found on the western side of the blue side. The western chest is a mimic!
Chaos Fragment x5
This chest can be found behind a breakable wall in the southwestern corner of the blue area.
Order Fragment x5
This chest can be found behind a breakable wall on the southeastern corner of the orange area.
Strength Pill / Skill Stone II
These chests can be found on the eastern side of the orange area. The eastern chest is a mimic!
Aura Stone II
This mimic chest can be found near the stairs leading up on the western side of the orange area.
Duality F3
Enchanted Metal Shards x7
This chest can be found along the southern side of the orange area.
Aura Stone III / Mega Potion
These chests can be found in the center of the orange area. The western one is a mimic!
Synchro Stone II
This mimic chest can be found east of the above chests.
Strike Stone II
This mimic chest can be found on the western side of the blue area. **To reach this area, you’ll need to descend from Duality F4.**
Panacea / Dodge Stone III
These chests can be found near the center of the blue area. The southern one is a mimic!
High Quality Tourmaline x6
This chest can be found on the southern side of the blue area.
Duality F4
Gold Stone II / Arcane Extract
These chests can be found in the southern part of the orange area. The silver one is a mimic!
Detox Stone II / Seal Defense IV
These chests can be found on the western side of the orange area.
15000 Liba / Horizon Stone II
These chests can be found on the eastern side of the blue area. The southern one is a mimic.
Detox Stone II / Super Elixir
These chests can be found on the southern side of the blue area. The eastern one is a mimic.
Duality F5
Strength Pill a
This chest can be found in the southwestern corner of the orange area.
HP Absorber IV
This chest can be found behind a breakable wall on the southeastern side of the blue area.
Duality F6
Order Crystal x3
This chest can be found just east of the western teleporter in the orange area.
Order Fragment x5
This chest can be found on the southwestern side of the orange area.
Harmony Fragment x5
This chest can be found on the southeastern side of the orange area.
**The other chests won’t be available until you progress further into the story.**
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