The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Logo
by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak guide on where to purchase items and gear.

Basel – Artisanal District

The Quarry Tavern & Inn

The Quarry Tavern & Inn becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Soul Chef: Soup2000Recipe
Grilled Stone Stew1800Restores 1800 HP – 180 EP – CP+18
Wild Burger620Restores 1240 HP – RES Up
Mild Cappuccino260Restores 560 HP – Cures Stat Down

Vending Machine

The Vending Machine next to the ticket booth becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Super Sweet Canned Coffee160Restores 340 HP – Cures Stat Down
Sweetened Canned Coffee110Restores 120 HP – Cures Stat Down
Fruit Au Lait210Restores 460 HP – Cures Blind

Basel – Institute of Science

Student Cafeteria

The Student Cafeteria can be found during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Hearty Doria1950Restores 3200 HP – 160 EP – CP+16
Maple Scone170Restores 200 HP – CP+10
Spicy Chai Tea310Restores 780 HP – Cures Freeze

Vending Machine

The vending machines can be found next to the ticket gate and inside the Institute of Science during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Super Sweet Canned Coffee160Restores 340 HP – Cures Stat Down
Dark Guarana190Restores 400 HP – Cures Fear
50% Grape Juice120Restores 280 HP – Cures Burn

Basel – New Town

Cerise Drugs

Cerise Drugs becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Apple Granola Bar580Restores 1060 HP – CP+5
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HP
Teara Balm800Restores 1500 HP
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EP
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EP
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
Antiseptic40Cures Rot
Relaxant40Cures Seal
Insulating Tape40Cures Mute
Cooling Spray40Cures Burn
Warmer40Cures Freeze
Eye Drop40Cures Blind
Calming Potpourri40Cures Fear
S-Tablet200Cures Stat Down
Curia Balm400Cures Ailments
Breezy Hair Tonic2000Gift for Kincaid
Tyrell Times Issue 5100Book
Fresh Egg40Ingredient
Honey Carrot40Ingredient
All-Purpose Leaf40Ingredient
Rainbow Berry120Ingredient
Chameleon Spice120Ingredient
Assorted Grains120Ingredient

Verne Arms

Verne Arms becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Swordbreaker5400DMG+179 – ADMG+32
Cyclotron5200DMG+159 – ADMG+37
Sigma Unit5200DMG+170 – ADMG+34
Twin Sabers5250DMG+175 – ADMG+33
Combat Dagger5350DMG+168 – ADMG+34
Ergonomic Grip2160ADMG+54 – ACC+35%
Mirage Turbine II2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Swallow Hilt2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Sonic Bolt2520ADMG+63 – SPD+6
Chain Vest2600RES+130 – ARES+91
Flexible Coat3500ARES+112 – EVA+6% – AEV+6%
Chain Cleats2000ARES+45 – SPD+8 – MOV+3
Mechanic Cleats2760ARES+54 – SPD+12 – MOV+6

Verne Store

Verne Store becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in mira)Info
Azure Xipha Cover3000Gift for Aaron
Excel Watch2000Gift for Dingo
Verne Cap1680STR+6 – DEF+12

Willy’s Roaming Cafe

Willy’s Roaming Cafe becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Willy’s Coffee550Restores 960 HP – Cures Stat Down
Lychee Juice280Restores 680 HP – Cures Mute
Cheese Dogs320Restores 540 HP – DMG Up

Blacklight District

Back-Alley Doctor Isabelle

Back-Alley Doctor Isabelle becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in mira)Info
Power Tablet1600Restores 1200 HP – DMG Up
Shield Tablet1600Restores 1200 HP – RES Up – ARES Up
Mind Tablet1600Restores 1200 HP – ADMG Up

Beckson’s Bar

Beckson’s Bar becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Lucky Collins520Cures K.O. – Restores 220 HP – CP+20
Cassis Soda170Restores 420 HP – Cures Mute
Turkey Leg250Restores 580 HP – ARES Up

Dynamite Bar

Dynamite Bar becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in mira)Info
Dynamite 400Restores 880 HP – Cures Fear
Wild Burger620Restores 1240 HP – RES Up
Cheese Dogs320Restores 540 HP – DMG Up

Eden Adult Shop

Eden Adult Shop becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Viper Bite1500Restores 480 HP – CP+40 – Cures Ailments
Turtle Tonic1200Restores 960 HP – CP+20 – Cures Ailments
Bunny Strap2000Crit+7% – EVA+7%

Gabriella’s Pub

Gabriella’s Pub becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Northern Tonic480Cures K.O. – Restores 360 HP – CP+5
Spicy Salami240Restores 380 HP – DMG Up
Peppery Potato Salad240Restores 520 HP – RES Up

Lindsey’s Books & Goods

Lindsey’s Books & Goods becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in mira)Info
Soul Chef: Toast1000Recipe
Proverbs of Justice1760ACC+70% – Crit+7%

Maja’s Medicines

Maja’s Medicines becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Lemon Balm Cookie680Restores 700 HP – CP+15
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HP
Teara Balm800Restores 1500 HP
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EP
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EP
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
Antiseptic40Cures Rot
Relaxant40Cures Seal
Insulating Tape40Cures Mute
Cooling Spray40Cures Burn
Warmer40Cures Freeze
Eye Drop40Cures Blind
Calming Potpourri40Cures Fear
S-Tablet200Cures Stat Down
Curia Balm400Cures Ailments
Chamomile Earrings3000Gift for Elaine
All-Purpose Leaf40Ingredient
Chameleon Spice120Ingredient

Morgan’s Weapons & Armor

Morgan’s Weapons & Armor becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Ceramic Blade3950DMG+130 – ADMG+22
Aqua Scepter3720DMG+114 – ADMG+26
Roaring Beast3710DMG+122 – ADMG+24
Talwars3850DMG+127 – ADMG+23
Misericorde3800DMG+120 – ADMG+24
Ergonomic Grip2160ADMG+54 – ACC+35%
Mirage Turbine II2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Swallow Hilt2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Sonic Bolt2520ADMG+63 – SPD+6
Jagd Armor3060RES+138 – ARES+96 – EVA+7%
Raid Boots2440ARES+51 – SPD+8 – MOV+7

Yimai’s Quartz & Antiques

Yimai’s Quartz & Antiques becomes available during Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Antique Locket2000Gift for Renne
Classic Coin2000ATS+12 – Item Drop+25%

Creil Village

Focken’s Goods

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HP
EP Charge 1500Restores 150 EP
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
Antiseptic40Cures Rot
Relaxant40Cures Seal
Insulating Tape40Cures Mute
Cooling Spray40Cures Burn
Warmer40Cures Freeze
Eye Drop40Cures Blind
Calming Potpourri40Cures Fear
S-Tablet200Cures Stat Down
Canvas Tote1000Gift for Agnes
Tyrell Times Issue 2Viewable in Books in the Notebook
Titanium Earring520HP +200 – Prevents Rot (75%)
Pearl Ring520STR+5 – Prevents Seal (75%)
Marble Ring520ATS+5 – Prevents Mute (75%)
Cooling Choker520STR/ATS+2 – Prevents Burn (75%)
Lighter520DEF/ADF+5 – Prevents Freeze (75%)
Twinkling Ring520ACC +30% – Prevents Blind (75%)

Limoges Tavern & Inn

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Family-Stye Galette940Restores 1200 HP – 120 EP – CP+12
Galette Crepe380Restores 680 HP – CP+10
Fresh Salad320Restores 580 HP – ADMG Up

Martha’s Stall

ItemValue (In Mira)Info
Buckwheat Cookie290Restores 500 HP – CP+5
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipes
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipes
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipes
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipes

Edith – Old Town

Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco

Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco becomes available at the beginning of the Prologue. More items will be added for purchase as you progress through the game.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Candy Cigarette80Restores 8 HP – CP+8Prologue
Melon Soda Candy120Restores 12 HP – CP+12Chapter 1
Peach Lemon Candy260Restores 16 HP – CP+16Chapter 3
Tyrell Times Issue 1100Viewable in Books in the NotebookPrologue
Tyrell Times Issue 2100Viewable in Books in the NotebookChapter 1
Tyrell Times Issue 3100Viewable in Books in the NotebookChapter 2
Tyrell Times Issue 4100Viewable in Books in the NotebookChapter 3
Tyrell Times Issue 5100Viewable in Books in the NotebookChapter 4

Montmart Bistro

The Montmart Bistro becomes available at the beginning of the Prologue.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Wine-Based Burger880Restores 1600 HP – DMG UpChapter 4
Lemon Cream Pasta340Restires 760 HP – ARES UpPrologue
Pizza Baguette270Restores 440 HP – DMG UpPrologue
Sunny Cheesecake400Restores 420 HP – CP+15Chapter 2
Roast Coffee140Restores 280 HP – Cures Stat DownPrologue

Newberry General Store

The Newberry General Stores becomes accessible at the beginning of Chapter 1.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Strawberry Financier280Restores 250 HP – CP+10Chapter 1
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HPChapter 1
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EPChapter 1
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EPChapter 3
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HPChapter 1
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HPChapter 2
Antiseptic40Cures RotChapter 1
Relaxant40Cures SealChapter 1
Insulating Tape40Cures MuteChapter 1
Cooling Spray40Cures BurnChapter 1
Warmer40Cures FreezeChapter 1
Eye Drop40Cures BlindChapter 1
Calming Potpouri40Cures FearChapter 1
S-Tablet200Cures Stat DownChapter 1
Curia Balm400Cures AilmentsChapter 3
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Chameleon Spice120Used in cooking recipesChapter 3
Assorted Grains120Used in cooking recipesChapter 3

Siete Florist

Siete Florist becomes accessible at the beginning of Chapter 1.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailalbe
Floral Muffin260Restores 160 HP – CP+15Chapter 2
Silver Vase1000Gift for ElaineChapter 2
Orchid Scrunchie1000Gift for RisetteChapter 4
Rose Corsage840ATS+4 – ADF+8Chapter 1

Stanley’s Factory

Stanley’s Factory will become available at the beginning of Chapter 1 once you progress the story a little bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EPChapter 1
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EPChapter 3
Tin Coin800ADF+12 – Item Drop+15%Chapter 1

Vending Machine

This vending machine can be found across from the bulletin board.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
50% Orange Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cures Seal
50% Apple Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cures Mute
Banana Au Lait150Restores 300 HP – Cures Blind

Edith – Riverside

Bradley Garage

You’ll be able to purchase stuff from Bradley Garage in Chapter 1 after reaching Riverside by progressing the main story.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Black Leather Keycase2000Gift for AaronChapter 3
Ingert Cap840STR+4 – DEF+8Chapter 1

Blue Score Concert Hall

The Blue Score Concert Hall is open for business in Chapter 2 at night.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Cheese Dogs320Restores 540 HP – DMG Up
Fizzy Blues220Cures K.O. – Restores 200 HP – CP+5
Cassis Soda170Restores 420 HP – Cures Mute

Cafe & Bar Bermotti

Cafe & Bar Bermotti will be open for business in Chapter 1 after reaching Riverside while progressing the main story.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Passionate Kiss190Cures K.O. – Restores 160 HP – CP+5Chapter 1
Charme De La Nuit480Cures K.O. – Restores 140 HP – CP+15Chapter 4
Lemon Tea120Restores 280 HP – Cures RotChapter 1
Peppery Potato Salad240Restores 520 HP – RES UpChapter 1

Gordon’s Tacos

Gordon’s Tacos is accessible upon reaching Riverside in the Prologue.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvaliable
Shrimp & Bean Taco280Restores 460 HP – ADMG UpPrologue
Chocolate Rice Taco750Restores 1280 HP – ADMG UpChapter 4
Turkey Leg250Restores 580 HP – ARES UpChapter 2
Orange Juice110Restores 240 HP – Cures SealPrologue

Shino’s Bar

Shino’s Bar will become available in Chapter 1 after dealing with the monster in the maintenance tunnel. Please note that this bar can move around to other areas.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Shino’s Red250Restores 240 HP – Cures AilmentsChapter 1
Shino’s Yellow360Restores 380 HP – Cures AilmentsChapter 3
Ginger Ale150Restores 300 HP – Cures RotChapter 1
Spicy Salami240Restores 380 HP – DMG UpChapter 1

Vending Machine

The Vending Machine can be found in Chapter 2 at night in the Blue Score Concert Hall.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Sweetened Canned Coffee110Restores 120 HP – Cures Stat Down
50% Orange Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cures Seal
50% Apple Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cures Mute

Edith – Seiden District

Erland Boutique

Erland Boutique becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Vivid Makeup Bag2000Gift for FeriChapter 3
Enamel Jacket2320RES+96 – ARES+105 – AEV+5%Chapter 3
Velvet Dress2320RES+96 – ARES+86 – AEV+15%Chapter 3
Black Loafers2460ARES+42 – SPD+16 – MOV+2Chapter 3
White Mules2400ARES+34 – SPD+18 – MOV+3Chapter 3
Yellow Pendulum3200DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Seal/Mute (75%)Chapter 3
Blue Pendulum3200ATS+10 – Prevents Burn/Blind/Fear (75%)Chapter 3
Red Pendulum3200STR+10 – Prevents Rot/ Freeze/Deathblow (75%)Chapter 3
Green Pendulum3200Crit/EVA+3% – Prevents Delay/Slow/Stat Down (75%)Chapter 3
Titanium Wristbrand1560HP+400 – Prevents Rot (90%)Chapter 3
Pearl Bracelet1560STR+10 – Prevents Seal (90%)Chapter 3
Marble Bracelet1560ATS+10 – Prevents Mute (90%)Chapter 3
Frost Charm1560STR/ATS+4 – Prevents Burn (90%)Chapter 3
Heat Brooch1560DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Freeze (90%)Chapter 3
Shining Goggles1560ACC+60% – Prevents Blind (90%)Chapter 3
Van – Red Hair300CostumeChapter 3
Agnes – Dark Hair300CostumeChapter 3
Feri – Blonde Hair300CostumeChapter 3
Aaron – Blue Hair300CostumeChapter 3
Risette – Pink Hair300CostumeChapter 4

Kanza’s Kebab Stall

Kanza’s Kebab Stall becomes available at night during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Onion Kebab480Restores 840 HP – DMG Up
Ginkgo Kebab430Restores 720 HP – ADMG Up
Deep Steamed Hojicha320Restores 840 HP – Cures Freeze

Kanza’s Soba Stall

Kanza’s Soba Stall becomes available during the day in Chapter 4.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Moongazer Soba720Restores 1200 HP – ADMG Up
Chilled Yam Soba670Restores 1140 HP – ARES Up
Deep Steamed Hojicha320Restores 840 HP – Cures Freeze

Maserati Hotel

Maserati Hotel becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Soul Chef: Curry1000Recipe
Maserati Curry1680Restores 2400 HP – 120 EP – CP+24
Steak560Restores 1080 HP – RES Up
Orange Juice110Restores 240 HP – Cures Seal

Vending Machine

This vending machine can be found inside the Edith Capital Police Department during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Unsweetened Canned Coffee120Restores 180 HP – Cures Stat Down
Sweetened Canned Coffee110Restores 120 HP – Cures Stat Down
Refreshing Wheat Tea90Cures K.O. – Restores 10 HP

Vending Machine

This vending machine can be found across from the bulletin board and becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Dark Guarana190Restores 400 HP – Cures Fear
50% Orange Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cures Seal
50% Grape Juice120Restores 280 HP – Cures Burn

Edith – Station Street

Gun Shop Thunders

Gun Shop Thunders can be found on the 2nd floor of Weston Department Store and becomes available in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

Chapter 1 Only

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Steel Edge1360DMG+45 – ADMG+7
Scholar Rod1250DMG+37 – ADMG+9
Leather Grip480ADMG+12 – ACC+20%
Mirage Turbine720ADMG+18 – EVA+4%
Leather Guard240RES+12 – ARES+8
Leather Shoes120ARES+3 – SPD+4 – MOV+1

Chapter 2 Only

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Broad Saber1750DMG+59 – ADMG+10
Aerial Device1670DMG+50 – ADMG+12
Heat Slinger1620DMG+54 – ADMG+11
Rubber Grip960ADMG+24 – ACC+25%
Quick Trigger1320ADMG+33 – SPD+5
Dazzling Wing1320ADMG+33 – AEV+5%
Light Carbine1320ADMG+33 – EVA +4%
Fiber Jacket800RES+40 – ARES+28
Nylon Jacket1060RES+48 – ARES+33 – EVA+2% – AEV+2%
Fiber Shoes940ARES+21 – SPD+6 – MOV+2
Hiking Boots1260ARES+24 – SPD+8 – MOV+4

Chapter 3 Only

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Blue Scale Blade2420DMG+80 – ADMG+14
Ruby Staff2250DMG+69 – ADMG+16
Ruby Shot2300DMG+74 – ADMG+15
Silvery blades2350DMG+78 – ADMG+14
White Grip1560ADMG+39 – ACC+30%
Force Magazine1920ADMG+48 – Crit+6%
Rapid Pulser1920ADMG+48 – SPD+6
Sonic Blade1920ADMG+48 – SPD+6
Fang Guard1920ADMG+48 – Crit+5%
Ceramic Guard1760RES+88 – ARES+61
Ceramic Boots1540ARES+36 – SPD+8 – MOV+2

Chapter 4 Only

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Ceramic Blade3950DMG+130 – ADMG+22
Aqua Scepter3720DMG+114 – ADMG+26
Roaring Beast3710DMG+122 – ADMG+24
Talwars3850DMG+127 – ADMG+23
Misericorde3800DMG+120 – ADMG+24
Ergonomic Grip2160ADMG+54 – ACC+35%
Mirage Turbine II2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Swallow Hilt2520ADMG+63 – EVA+7%
Sonic Bolt2520ADMG+63 – SPD+6
Chain Vest2600RES+130 – ARES+91
Chain Cleats2000ARES+45 – SPD+8 – MOV+3

Holden Foods

Holden Foods is located on the 1st floor of Weston Department Store and becomes available in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Soul Chef: Cookie2000Recipe book to make cookiesChapter 1
Acerbic Tomato Cookie240Restores 140 HP – CP+15Chapter 1
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipesChapter 1
Chameleon Spice120Used in cooking recipesChapter 3
Assorted Grains120Used in cooking recipesChapter 3

Iota Cafe Counter

The Iota Cafe can be found on the 2nd floor of Orbal Cafe Iota and becomes avaialbe in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Excellent Milk Latte250Restores 520 HP – Cures Stat Down
Roast Coffee140Restores 280 HP – Cures Stat Down
Maple Scone170Restores 200 HP – CP+10

Iota General Counter

The Iota General Counter can be found on the 1st floor of Orbal Cafe Iota and becomes avaialbe in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Cat Strap800EVA+4% – AEV+4%
Xipha Cover – Gray500Swappable in Modify Orbment
Xipha Cover – Black500Swappable in Modify Orbment

Jardin Boutique

Jardin Boutique can be found on the 2nd floor of Weston Department Store and becomes available in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Cartoon Handkerchief1000Gift for Yume
Guard Vest400RES+20 – ARES+14
Cotton Shirt540RES+22 – ARES+24 – AEV+3%
Chiffon Blouse540RES+22 – ARES+19/AEV+9%
Reinforced Shoes360ARES+9 – SPD+6 – MOV+1
Smart Stregas1360ARES+18 – SPD+14 – MOV+1
Cute Stregas1260ARES+10 – SPD+16 – MOV+2
Titanium Earring520HP+200 – Prevents Rot (75%)
Pearl Ring520STR+5 – Prevents Seal (75%)
Marble Ring520ATS+5 – Prevents Mute (75%)
Cooling Choker520STR/ATS+2 – Prevents Burn (75%)
Lighter520DEF/ADF+5 – Prevents Freeze (75%)
Twinkling Ring520ACC+30% – Prevents Blind (75%)
Fancy Ring520EP+20 – Prevents Fear (75%)
Angel Ring520EVA+3% – Prevents Deathblow (75%)
Force Emblem520Crit+3% – Prevents Stat Down (75%)
Leather Watch520SPD+3 – Prevents Slow/Delay (75%)

Laurel Pharmacy

The Laurel Pharmacy is located on the 1st floor of Weston Department Store and becomes available in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)InfoAvailable
Banana Granola Bar190Restores 280 HP – CP+10Chapter 1
Purifying Spice2400Restores 2000HP – Cures AilmentsChapter 1
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HPChapter 1
Teara Balm800Restores 1500 HPChapter 4
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EPChapter 1
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EPChapter 3
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HPChapter 1
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HPChapter 2
Antiseptic40Cures RotChapter 1
Relaxant40Cures SealChapter 1
Insulating Tape40Cures MuteChapter 1
Cooling Spray40Cures BurnChapter 1
Warmer40Cures FreezeChapter 1
Eye Drop40Cures BlindChapter 1
Calming Potpourri40Cures FearChapter 1
S-Tables200Cures Stat DownChapter 1
Curia Balm400Cures AilmentsChapter 3

Vending Machine

The Weston Vending Machine can be found on the 3rd floor of Weston Department Store and becomes available in Chapter 1 after progressing the story a bit.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Refreshing Wheat Tea90Cures K.O. – Restores 10 HP
50% Apple Juice100Restores 200 HP – Cure Mute
Banana Au Lait150Restores 300 HP – Cures Blind

Edith – Tyrell District

Caiyunge Eastern Restaurant

The Caiyunge Eastern Restaurant becomes available in Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Leafy Hotpot1100Restores 1600 HP – 80 EP – CP+16
Shining Almond Tofu270Restores 60 HP – CP+16
Babaocha Tea180Restores 360 HP – Cures Freeze

McMillan Cafe

The McMillan Cafe becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)InFo
McMillan Sandwich400Restores 680 HP – DMG Up
Fluffy Madeleine320Restores 280 HP – CP+15
Rich Mango Frappe300Restores 740 HP – Cures Burn
Mild Cappuccino260Restores 560 HP – Cures Stat Down

Nami’s Ice Cream Stand

The Nami’s Ice Cream Stand becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Strawberry Milk Ice Cream260Restores 260 HP – CP+12
Apple Gelato220Restores 360 HP – CP+10

Porco’s Refreshments

The Porco’s Refreshments becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Caramel Corn290Restores 200 HP – CP+15
Ginger Ale150Restores 300 HP – Cures Rot

Stuart Bookstore

The Stuart Bookstore becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)InFo
Soul Chef: Samosa1000Recipe
Walking Edith1000Gift for Feri
Proverbs of Color880ACC+50% – Crit+5%

Vending Machine

This vending machine can be found during Chapter 3 inside Tyrell News Service.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
50% Grape Juice120Restores 280 HP – Cures Burn
Sweetened Canned Coffee110Restores 120 HP – Cures Stat Down
Strawberry Au Lait120Restores 240 HP – Cures Blind

Langport – Eastern Quarter

Baogui Books & Souvenirs

The Baogui Books & Souvenirs becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Soul Chef: Citrus Tea1000Recipe
Tyrell Times Issue 3100Book
Proverbs of Conformity1320SPD+6 – Crit+6%

Filenkov Junk Shop

The Filenkov Junk Shop becomes available during Chapter 2 and is located on the second floor of the Guihua Fandian.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Mirage Turbine720ADMG+18 – EVA+4%
Quick Trigger1320ADMG+33 – SPD+5
Dazzling Wing1320ADMG+33 – AEV+5%
Light Carbine1320ADMG+33 – EVA+4%
Black Cat Ears200Costume
Black Cat Tail200Costume
V Headphones500Costume
Square Backpack500Costume

Gambit Bar

The Gambit Bar becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Dragon’s Tom Yum Goong600Restores 1080 HP – DMG Up
Gambit Sour Cocktail480Cures K.O. – Restores 240 HP – CP+10
Roast Coffee140Restores 280 HP – Cures Stat Down

Guihua Fandian

The Guihua Fandian becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Guihua Fried Rice1300Restores 2400 HP – 120 EP – CP+12
Shining Almond Tofu270Restores 60 HP – CP+16
Jasmine Tea240Restores 480 HP – Cures Stat Down

Jiafei’s Curios & Sundries

The Jiafe’s Curios & Sundries becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Moshy Strap1200Crit+5% – EVA +5%

Jinhua Long-Cut Noodles

The Jinhua Long-Cut Noodles becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Jinhua Long-Cut Noodles580Restores 960 HP – ADMG Up
Orange Juice110Restores 240 HP – Cures Seal

La-Kau’s Health Foods

The La-Kau’s Health Foods becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Peculiar Black Rice Porridge660Restores 1080 HP – ARES Up
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipes
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipes
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipes
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipes

Langport Eastern Theater

The Langport Eastern Theater becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Lychee Juice280Restores 680 HP – Cures Mute
Rosewood Fountain Pen2000Gift for Dingo

Longkai Clinic

The Longkai Clinic becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HP
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EP
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
Antiseptic40Cures Rot
Relaxant40Cures Seal
Insulating Tape40Cures Mute
Cooling Spray40Cures Burn
Warmer40Cures Freeze
Eye Drop40Cures Blind
Calming Potpourri40Cures Fear
S-Tablet200Cures Stat Down
Purifying Spice2400Restores 2000 HP – Cures Ailments

Qintao’s Fermented Foods

The Qintao’s Fermented Foods becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Street Zha Cai490Restoes 960 HP – RES Up
Babaocha Tea180Restores 360 HP – Cures Freeze

Langport – Harbor District

Guhan’s Used Goods

The Guhan’s Used Goods becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Replica Coin800DEF+12 – Item Drop+20%

Langport – New Town

Cyprus Food Imports

The Cyprus Food Imports in the Kowloon Department Store becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Starberry Cookie370Restores 360 HP – CP+15%
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipes
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipes
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipes
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipes

Houraien Eastern Cuisine

The Houraien Eastern Cuisine becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Penglai Samye-tang1450Restores 1800 HP – 180 EP – CP+18
Gummy Dumpling420Restores 480 HP – CP+12
Deep Steamed Hojicha320Restores 840 HP – Cures Freeze

Liu-Ho’s Crafts & Souvenirs

The Liu-Ho’s Crafts & Souvenirs in the Kowloon Department Store becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Blue Scale Blade2420DMG+80 – ADMG+14
Ruby Staff2250DMG+69 – ADMG+16
Ruby Shot2300DMG+74 – ADMG+15
Rubber Grip960ADMG+24 – ACC+25%
Quick Trigger1320ADMG+33 – SPD+5
Dazzling Wing1320ADMG+33 – AEV+5%
Light Carbine1320ADMG+33 – EVA+4%
Fiber Jacket800RES+40 – ARES+28
Regal Garb1300RES+60 – ARES+42 – EVA+5%
Fiber Shoes940ARES+21 – SPD+6 – MOV+2
Regal Shoes1400ARES+30 – SPD+6 – MOV+6

Suiran’s Buns

The Suiran’s Buns becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Steaming Hot Meat Bun520Restores 920 HP – DMG Up
Lychee Juice280Restores 680 HP – Cures Mute

Vending Machine

The Vending Machine becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Apricot Water180Restores 360 HP – Cures Burn
Strawberry Au Lait120Restores 240 HP – Cures Blind
Banana Au Lait150Restores 300 HP – Cures Blind

Vittorino Refreshments

The Vittorino Refreshments becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Vittorino Pasta590Restores 1160 HP – RES Up
Cassis Soda170Restores 420 HP – Cures Mute

Ziyao Accessories

The Ziyao Accessories in the Kowloon Department Store becomes available during Chapter 2.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Amber Tie Pin2000Gift for Kincaid
Rose Earring1260EP+50 – ATS+5
Titanium Earring520HP+200 – Prevents rot (75%)
Pearl Ring520STR+5 – Prevents Seal (75%)
Marble Ring520ATS+5 – Prevents Mute (75%)
Cooling Choker520STR/ATS+2 – Prevents Burn (75%)
Lighter520DEF/ADF+5 – Prevents Freeze (75%)
Twinkling Ring520ACC+30% – Prevents Blind (75%)
Yellow Pendulum3200DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Seal/Mute (75%)
Blue Pendulum3200ATS+10 – Prevents Burn/Blind/Fear (75%)
Red Pendulum3200STR+10 – Prevents Rot/Freeze/Deathblow (75%)
Green Pendulum3200Crit/EVA+3% – Prevents Delay/Slow/Stat Down (75%)
Titanium Wristband1560HP+400 – Prevents Rot (90%)
Pearl Bracelet1560STR+10 – Prevents Seal (90%)
Marble Bracelet1560ATS+10 – Prevents Mute (90%)
Frost Charm1560STR/ATS+4 – Prevents Burn (90%)
Heat Brooch1560DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Freeze (90%)
Shining Goggles1560ACC+60% – Prevents Blind (90%)

Tharbad – Cultural District

Balsheh Goods & Textiles

Balsheh Goods & Textiles becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Sand Art Bottle1000Gift for Agnes
Arabesque Coaster2000Gift for Elaine
Desert Turban1260HP+500 – STR+5

Hilal Tavern & Inn

Hilal Tavern & Inn becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Soul Chef: Hummus2000Recipe
Juicy Kofta1700Restores 1200 HP – 240 EP – CP+12
Spicy Chai Tea310Restores 780 HP – Cures Freeze
Roast Coffee140Restores 280 HP – Cures Stat Down

Jaret’s Camel Meat

Jaret’s Camel Meat becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Camel Steak940Restores 1800 HP – ARES Up
Turkey Leg250Restores 580 HP – ARES Up

Monir’s Ingredients & Spices

Monir’s Ingredients & Spices becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Cinnamon Cookie620Restores 900 HP – CP+10
Fresh Egg40Used in cooking recipes
Honey Carrot40Used in cooking recipes
All-Purpose Leaf40Used in cooking recipes
Rainbow Berry120Used in cooking recipes
Chameleon Spice120Used in cooking recipes
Assorted Grains120Used in cooking recipes

Tharbad – Entertainment District

Majelah’s Attire

Majelah’s Attire can be found in Specialty Store Azraq and becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Ceramic Blade3950DMG+130 – ADMG+22
Aqua Scepter3720DMG+114 – ADMG+26
Roaring Beast3710DMG+122 – ADMG+24
Talwars3850DMG+127 – ADMG+23
White Grip1560ADMG+39 – ACC+30%
Force Magazine1920ADMG+48 – Crit+6%
Rapid Pulser1920ADMG+48 – SPD+6
Sonic Blade1920ADMG+48 – SPD+6
Fang Guard1920ADMG+48 – Crit+5%
Ceramic Guard1760RES+88 – ARES+61
Nomad Robe2400RES+110 – ARES+77 – EVA+4% – AEV+4%
Ceramic Boots1540ARES+36 – SPD+8 – MOV+2
Desert Sandals2060ARES+39 – SPD+10 – MOV+5
Titanium Wristband1560HP+400 – Prevents Rot (90%)
Pearl Bracelet1560STR+10 – Prevents Seal (90%)
Marble Bracelet1560ATS+10 – Prevents Mute (90%)
Frost Charm1560STR/ATS+4 – Prevents (90%)
Heat Brooch1560DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Freeze (90%)
Shining Goggles1560ACC+60% – Prevents Blind (90%)

Marcello’s Bootlegs

Marcello’s Bootlegs becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Moshette Strap1600EVA+6% – AEV+6%

Moulin Bar Counter

Moulin Bar Counter becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Salty Shot380Cures K.O. – Restores 280 HP – CP+5
Cassis Soda170Restores 420 HP – Cures Mute
Ginger Ale150Restores 300 HP – Cures Rot

Muhsin Meats

Muhsin Meats becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Wild Kebabs800Restores 1460 HP – RES Up
Orange Juice110Restores 240 HP – Cures Seal

Philica’s Ice Cream

Philica’s Ice Cream becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Orange & Mint Ice Cream700Restores 120 HP – CP+35
Milk Gelato600Restores 320 HP – CP+25

Shadin Souvenirs

Shadin Souvenirs can be found in Specialty Store Azraq and becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Tear Balm200Restores 500 HP
Teara Balm800Restores 1500 HP
EP Charge I500Restores 150 EP
EP Charge II1500Restores 300 EP
Reviving Balm1000Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
Celestial Balm4000Cures K.O. – Restores 2400 HP
Antiseptic40Cures Rot
Relaxant40Cures Seal
Insulating Tape40Cures Mute
Cooling Spray40Cures Burn
Warmer40Cures Freeze
Eye Drop40Cures Blind
Calming Potpourri40Cures Fear
S-Tablet200Cures Stat Down
Curia Balm400Cures Ailments
Tyrell Times Issue 4100Book
Camel Figurine2000Gift for Yume
Rose Bottle1680ATS+6 – ADF+12
Titanium Earring520HP+200 – Prevents Rot (75%)
Pearl Ring520STR+5 – Prevents Seal (75%)
Marble Ring520ATS+5 – Prevents Mute (75%)
Cooling Choker520STR/ATS+2 – Prevents Burn (75%)
Lighter520DEF/ADF+5 – Prevents Freeze (75%)
Twinkling Ring520ACC+30% – Prevents Blind (75%)
Fancy Ring520EP+20 – Prevents Fear (75%)
Angel Ring520EVA+3% – Prevents Deathblow (75%)
Force Emblem520Crit+3% – Prevents Stat Down (75%)
Leather Watch520SPD+3 – Prevents Slow/Delay (75%)
Yellow Pendulum3200DEF/ADF+10 – Prevents Seal/Mute (75%)
Blue Pendulum3200ATS+10 – Prevents Burn/Blind/Fear (75%)
Red Pendulum3200STR+10 – Prevents Rot/Freeze/Deathblow (75%)
Green Pendulum3200Crit/EVA+3% – Prevents Delay/Slow/Stat Down (75%)

Sparks Refreshments

Sparks Refreshments becomes available during Chapter 3.

ItemPrice (in Mira)Info
Blazin’ Hot Frank780Restores 1340 HP – DMG Up
Mixed Popcorn540Restores 800 HP – CP+10

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