The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Logo
by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Prologue: Spriggan of the Slums walkthrough. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know about the prologue for the latest Legend of Heroes game! At the top of the guide, you’ll find quick links to each section if you’re looking for something specific. Otherwise, the guide is broken out based on each area you’ll travel to and the things you can do there.

Her Great-Grandfather’s Orbment

Kicking off the Prologue, we’ll meet Agnes who hires Van to help her track down an old orbment that was stolen from an antique shop in the capital that used to belong to her great-grandfather. Totally not bribed by sweets, Van reluctantly agrees to take the case.

Edith – Old Town

When you gain control of Van, stop by KIOSK Melrose across from the bistro to purchase “Tyrell Times Issue 1” for 100 mira. This is needed for a trophy later. You’ll then want to enter the bistro to trigger a cutscene officially introducing Yume, Paulette and Victor. Once it concludes, feel free to spend some time speaking with the NPCs around Old Town. When you are ready, follow the road in front of the bistro northeast to trigger another cutscene. Van and Agnes will talk about how they are going to reach Riverside, and then you’ll be prompted to either “Wait for the Bus” or “Buy Something”. Selecting the former will progress the story while the latter option will allow you to visit the bistro and Melrose again to purchase supplies. You can find the items that each shop sells listed below along with a brief description of what each item does. Choose to “Wait for the Bus” when you’re ready to proceed!

Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Candy Cigarette80Restores 8 HP – CP+8
Tyrell Times Issue 1100Viewable in Books in the Notebook

Montmart Bistro

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Lemon Cream Pasta340Restires 760 HP – ARES Up
Pizza Baguette270Restores 440 HP – DMG Up
Roast Coffee140Restores 280 HP – Cures Stat Down

Edith – Riverside

Once the duo arrives in Riverside, they’ll go over their objective which is to check with an information broker that Van knows about the orbment. A few red nablas (upside-down triangles) with an exclamation point will then appear on the map. You’ll need to visit one on either bridge then the other two on the south side of the area. After interacting with the third one, the informant will appear and stand in front of the benches across from Gordon’s Tacos. Approach him to trigger a cutscene.

A map picture of the nablas you'll need to investigate to progress the story in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue

Following the conversation with Giacomo, Van will conclude that the broker has at a minimum laid eyes on the orbment and decides to tail him. You can do this by heading east toward the nabla arriving at a metal door. Interact with it for another quick cutscene where Van will “unlock” the door leading to the Underground Maintenance Tunnel. Before proceeding, now would be a good time to purchase any healing items you may need from the taco stand. You can find what Gordon sells below along with a brief description of each item. Enter the door to progress the story!

A map image of where to follow Giacomo in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue

Gordon’s Tacos

ItemValue (in Mira)Info
Shrimp & Bean Taco280Restores 460 HP – ADMG Up
Orange Juice110Restores 240 HP – Cures Seal

Underground Maintenance Tunnel

Upon entering the maintenance tunnel, a cutscene will trigger during which Van will recommend that Agnes leave and let him handle things going forward. Fully prepared for the potential of battle, she’ll respond by whipping out her orbal staff! Approach the group of enemies to initiate the combat tutorial. You’ll then want to continue working your way through the tunnels to reach Giacomo’s hideout. Make sure to fight at least one of each enemy to fill out the enemy section of your journal. There are also a couple of chests along the way you’ll want to loot. The locations of the chests along with what they contain and the enemies you’ll run into are all listed below. Upon reaching the hideout, a lengthy cutscene will trigger.


A map of the two chests that can be found around the Underground Maintenance Tunnel in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue
  • Teara Balm x1
    • Restores 1500 HP
  • Titanium Earring x1
    • HP+200 – Prevents Rot (75%)

Enemy Data

  • Avorsade
  • Flying Mogut
  • Gazing Drome

Edith – Riverside

When you regain control of Van and Agnes, you’ll be back in Riverside. Travel to Cafe & Bar Bermotti and head inside. This will cause the game to prompt you that doing so will progress the story. Choose “Go Inside” to proceed for another lengthy cutscene. Eventually, Van and Agnes will end up on a train heading for another one of Giacomo’s hideouts. You’ll be prompted to choose which one of the hideout’s that might be fishy. Select the option “7th District – Central Station” to earn 2 SP.

Edith – Station Street

As soon as you arrive on Station Street, head north along the sidewalk and take a left into the next alley to reach the door leading to the Underground Ruins. Interact with it to watch Van jimmy the door open just like before. You can then use the door to travel to the Underground Ruins.

A map of where to find the Station Street Underground Ruins in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue

Station Street Underground Ruins

A cutscene will trigger inside the ruins in which Van will give Agnes the Evade 1 and Mind 1 Xipha quartz. The game will then give you a tutorial on how to equip quartz. Add them both to Agnes’ orbment to continue. You’ll then want to work your way through the ruins to reach the northern section. Along the way, the game will provide you with additional combat tutorials. When you reach the area that looks like a dead end, interact with the bring to the right of what looks like a doorway to reveal a hidden entrance. Follow the path to reach the charging station with our destination just beyond it. It would be a good idea to heal up and save now just in case…

An image of the brick you'll need to interactive to reveal the hidden door at the Underground Ruins in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue

Enter the hideout to trigger a cutscene where Van and Agnes will find the item they are searching for. Celebrations will be short when some unhappy spirits decide to inhabit a pair of nearby gargoyles dubbed Gargaou Roume and attend the party. The enemy is weak to earth, water, and time arts so make sure to hit them with a couple. Additionally, you’ll unlock Van’s S-Craft which you’ll want to utilize to deal massage damage to the gargoyles. Some things to watch out for are their fire breath attack that can hit both Van and Agnes as well as their buff move that will increase all of their stats for 3 turns.

An image of the two Gargaou Roume bosses you'll face at the end of the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue

Defeating the Gargaou Roume will trigger a cutscene, during which you’ll want to select the choice “Bear the Nightmare” leading to a fight against the drugged mobsters. Just follow the game’s advice to unload and make quick work of them for another cutscene leading to the end of the prologue!


A map picture of all four chests you can find around the Station Street Underground Ruins in the Trails Through Daybreak Prologue
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak_20240706143422
  • Marble Ring x1
    • ATS+5 = Prevents Mute (75%)
  • EP Charge II x1
    • Restores 300 EP
  • Zeram Powder x1
    • Cures K.O. – Restores All HP – CP+100
  • Hit 1 x1
    • ACC+25% – Crit+2%

Enemy Data

  • Aura Geist
  • Flying Feline
  • Outskirts Rummager
  • Gargou Roume

Additional Trails Through Daybreak Guides

Next up is the Chapter 1: The Young Flame Departs walkthrough. Additionally, make sure to check out our The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Guides and Walkthroughs main page for a complete listing of all our guides and walkthroughs!

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