The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Logo
by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1: The Young Flame Departs walkthrough. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know about Chapter 1 of the latest Legend of Heroes game! At the top of the guide, you’ll find quick links to each section if you’re looking for something specific. Otherwise, the guide is broken out based on each area you’ll travel to and the things you can do there.

4SPG Details

Now that Van has taken Agnes on as a part-timer at Arkride Solutions, her first day on the job has come. You’ll spend the beginning section of this chapter showing her the ropes by visiting the shops Van uses along with helping out those in need of aid.

September 6th

Edith – Old Town

When you gain control of Van, you’ll be in Montmart Bistro. Start out by speaking with Victor, who’s hanging out behind the counter. He’ll give you an Ingredient Set, and the office’s kitchen will become available for cooking. You’ll then get a tutorial on cooking, and the Achievement section of the Notebook will become available. Head upstairs to Van’s office and interact with his desk to start cooking. Make yourself a Sweet Omelet, which restores 900 HP and provides a RES Up buff.

A map image of Edith - Old Town in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

Once you’ve made an omelet, exit Van’s office and head to Melrose Newspapers & Tobacco across from the bistro, where you’ll want to purchase the Tyrell Times Issue 2 for 100 mira, which you’ll need for a trophy later. Also, make sure to exchange any Sepith Mass you’ve earned so far for mira at the kiosk as well. From there, head down the alley to the right of Melrose and enter Stanely Factory about halfway down on the right. Speak with Chris behind the counter to learn about the Bargain Bin, then speak with Rebecca afterwards at her desk, who will give you an Amethyst Ring and 30 of each Sepith. This will also prompt a tutorial on how to open slots. She can also use Sepith to synthesize new quartz, so make sure to make use of that.

After finishing up at the factory, head to the western part of Old Town to find the Bulletin Board. Interact with it to find a job posted by Lott, adding the Friendly Felon 4SPG quest to the To-Do List. Progress with the quest to unlock the ability to travel to Station Street (see next subsection below). Before heading there, it might be a good idea to check out some of the shops around Old Town. We’d recommend picking up the Rose Corsage from Siete Florist for Agnes, which will slightly boost her arts attack and defense. Another good choice is the Tin Coin from Stanley’s Factory for Van, which increases arts defense and item drop rate by 15%. If you speak with Brenda at the General Store, she’ll give you a pair of Teara Balms for free. You can find a list of what each shop sells, along with how much they cost and what they do, on our Where to Purchase Items and Gear guide. When you’re ready, travel to Station Street.

Friendly Felon – Part 1

Once you’ve started the Friendly Felon quest. travel to Lott’s location up the stairs to the right of the General Store’s entrance in Old Town and speak with him. He’ll inform Van and co. that his friend Daniel has been taking cash out of the register at work and he wants him to figure out why. The only lead we have is that he may be planning on purchasing something from the orbal store over on Station Street.

Edith – Station Street

A map image of Edith - Station Street in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

Upon reaching Station Street, a cutscene will trigger where Van continues showing Agnes the places he typically visits while working a case. Following the cutscene, a few more red nabla will appear on the map at the Orbal Cafe Iota and Weston. Start out by going north to reach Weston. Approach the entrance to trigger a quick event, then head up to the 2nd floor and enter Gun Shop Thunders. Speak with Sylvie behind the counter to learn about purchasing weapons and armor. A tutorial on gifts will slowly make an appearance, unlocking the Connections tab on the To-Do List/Notebook. This will then prompt Lott to call with information about Daniel. If you didn’t get the call from Lott, then proceed to the Orbal Cafe. Before leaving, make sure to check out the shops in the Weston Department Store. You can purchase weapon upgrades for both Van and Agnes along with a gift from Jardin Boutique. Also, make sure to stop by Holden Foods on the 1st floor to purchase the Soul Chef: Cookie recipe book for 2000 mira.

Next, head to the Orbal Cafe Iota (across the street), then speak with Manager Carlo behind the counter who will give Van the plugins he ordered. You’ll then be given a tutorial on how they work. Once that’s been completed, you’ll be able to finish up the Friendly Felon quest (see the next section below). Once the quest has been completed, make your way to the entrance of Edith Central Station to locate the bulletin board outside along the right wall of the building. Interact with it to receive the Attache Case Delivery quest. You’ll then want to progress with the quest until you travel to Riverside.

Friendly Felon – Part 2

Area image of where to start the steak out for the Friendly Felon quest in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

Once you’ve received the call from Lott, make your way over to the Orbal Cafe and head inside. You’ll want to then climb the first set of stairs, interacting with the red nabla on the railing to start staking out the cafe. After some time passes, Daniel will show up to purchase the latest model of Verne’s cutting edge Glare series of orbal cameras. He’ll then leave the shop with Van and Agnes tailing him. Travel to the Weston Department Store then take the stairs up to the third floor to trigger a cutscene. As it concludes, you’ll be prompted to make a choice: Own Up to It (Law +2/Gray+1) or Conceal the Truth (Gray+2/Law+1). This is the first Alignment choice you’ll have to make in the game. Choosing the first option will give you more Law while choosing the second will give you more Gray. Once you make the choice, the quest Friendly Felon becomes completed!

Attache Case Delivery – Part 1

After starting the Attache Case Delivery quest, approach the nearby Central Station to trigger a quick event where you’ll be able to accept the request officially. This will move Van and Agnes into the station for the handoff of the package. Once it is safely in your hands, Detective Nate will show up for a fun little cutscene. To progress this quest, you’ll then need to travel to Riverside.

Edith – Riverside

Map image of Edith - Riverside area in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

After you get to Riverside, please make your way over to Cafe & Bar Bermotti where Van will formally introduce Agnes as his assistant to Bermotti. You’ll then want to cross the bridge heading for the second nabla to proceed with the Attache Case Delivery quest. Once you complete it, you may want to check out some of the shops in the area. When you’re ready to proceed, travel back to Station Street.

Attache Case Delivery – Part 2

Once you’re in Riverside, head across one of the bridges making your way to the northwestern part of the area to trigger a cutscene with some unsavory characters. This of course will lead to a battle against the pair. Both are Level 8 with nearly identical stats, but one is wielding a katana while the other is using a spiked bat. You can deal quite a bit of damage to them with Van’s S-Craft then finish them off with a couple of normal attacks. After they go down, the client will show up to collect the goods and the quest will be completed!

Edith – Station Street

On Station Street, mosey on over to Orbal Cafe Iota to trigger a cutscene, leading to more work for Arkride Solutions! Let’s start out by tackling the optional 4SPG request, The Bravel Little Wallet. After completing that quest, travel to Riverside for the Underground Fumigation quest. If you need help with the Bravel Little Wallet, see the section below for more details!

The Brave Little Wallet

Since we’re already on Station Street and outside the Orbal Cafe, head inside and make your way up to the second floor. Take a left to find our client Alicia sitting on a black couch next to the railing above the stairs. She’ll give you the details of the job she needs help with. Her wallet was stolen and sold on the black market. The precious wallet was gifted to her by her loving parents for her 20th birthday and is one of her most prized possessions. Alicia is willing to buy the wallet from the black market but needs someone to act as her proxy which is where we come in! Upon receiving all the details, you’ll be able to officially accept the request.

Now that we’ve agreed to take the job, head over to Weston Department Store on the northwest side of Station Street. Take the stairs up to the 2nd floor and speak with Neumann behind the counter. Van will ask about old man Yimai. After you receive the info, travel to Stanley’s Factory in Old Town and approach the counter for a cutscene. During this cutscene, Agnes will try to get a better deal for the wallet, prompting you to pick one of three choices. Choose the option “The Wallet’s Engraved Message,” then follow that up with “Fifty Percent Discount.” Yimai will then hand over the wallet and take his leave. Van and Agnes will then meet up with Alicia to deliver the wallet, completing the quest! You’ll also earn 2 additional SP for choosing the correct options while negotiating the price.

Edith – Riverside

In Riverside, head down to the Underground Maintenance Tunnel then go inside. Our next jog from the Bracer Guild is to eradicate the Hunderd Eye Dronme that has taken up residence there.

Underground Maintenace Tunnel

Enter the tunnel triggers a quick cutscene that will continue once you reach the charging station covering Dungeon Checkpoints. After it concludes, work your way through the maintenance tunnel until you reach the hideout from the prologue. Head there for a sub event then proceed to the northern part of the area to reach Section 2 for the Underground Fumigation quest.

Underground Maintenance Tunnel Section 2

Underground Fumigation

Upon entering the Underground Maintenance Tunnel Section 2, you’ll be greeted with a cutscene which leads to a battle against some bats. Once you’ve defeated them, the cutscene will continue and Agnes will unlock her Brilliant Halo S-Craft. Proceed further into the maintenance tunnel with Dingo now in tow in search of the missing reporter. You’ll run into her along with the Hundred Eye Drome in the last area of the tunnel. Just before the room they are in, you’ll have a gold charging station. If you’d, you can purchase the Celebrate Arts Driver for 1600 mira. Also, make sure to heal up and prepare for the upcoming battle. When you’re ready, enter the room for a cutscene leading to a battle against the target!

The Hundred Eye Drome enemy in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

The Hundred Eye Drome is a level 9 monster with weakness to both earth and wind arts. You can deal some significant damage utilizing Van’s S-Craft then deal some solid damage with arts. If you don’t have earth or wind on Agnes, her water arts still okay damage. Once the jelly is defeated, you’ll receive the Amber Arts Driver and another cutscene will play out completing the Underground Fumigation quest. Leave the area heading back to Riverside.


an image of the Underground Maintenance Tunnel Treasure Chests in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1
  • Reviving Balm x1
  • Each Sepith x200
  • Sepith Mass x100
  • Action 2 x1
  • Red Pendulum x1
    • STR+10 – Prevents Rot/Freeze/Deathblow (75%)

Enemy Data

  • Avorsade
  • Ball Bat
  • Dart Drome
  • Gazing Drome

Edith – Riverside

Back in Riverside, Van will report the jobs completed to the guild and then set out in search of some sweets. Make your way over to Shino’s Bar along the boardwalk past Gordon’s Tacos. Speak with Shino to order some grub then travel to Station Street.

Edith – Station Street

At Station Street, head to the Orbal Cafe going up to the 2nd floor. Speak with Iihan behind the counter to place Van’s 2nd order. The next stop is over in Old Town.

Edith – Old Town

Finally back after a hard day of work, mosey on over to the flower shop in the southwestern part of the area and speak with Raymond. With all of the sweets, you can return to the agency and select the top option when prompted to trigger a cutscene. As the cutscene progresses, you’ll presented with three choices. Choose “The Northwest HWY Through Ored or Remiferia” to earn 2 additional SP.

September 7th

Creil Outskirts

When you regain control of the party, assist the bus by clearing out the monsters. After the last one falls, a cutscene will trigger.

Creil Village

A map image of Creil Village in Trails Through Daybreak Chapter 1

First thing you’ll need to do when you gain control is exit the inn and speak with Hunter Rutts sitting on the bench next to his dog. Afterwards, make your way over to the Focken’s Goods store and purchase the Canvas Toe gift for Agnes. If you didn’t buy the Tyrell Times Issue 2 previously, you’ll have another chance to pick it up here.

Next, head to the northeastern part of the village and speak with the officer in front of the police station. In front of the nearby shop stall, speak with Giovanna who is wearing a blue skirt to accept the Feasts from the East 4SPG quest which you can find below!

After completing the Feasts from the East subquest, head to the northernmost building, which is the Orbal Factory Goddard. Speak with Kaina behind the desk. Next, head towards the Creil Outskirts through the southeastern exit of town to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll get the A Burgled Bicycle quest.

Feasts from the East

Since Giovanna is have trouble making delicious soba noodles, she’ll need our advice. After you accept the quest, you’ll receive a tutorial on Topics.

Feasts from the East Trails through Daybreak

For this quest, the Topic is “Buckwheat noodles”. When facing Giovanna, head west following along the path which will bring you to a house with a bunch of milk jugs outside. Speak with Motona by the overhand using the Topic button (square for PlayStation).

Trails Through Daybreak Motona

After you received the information, head to the southernmost house and speak with the mayor inside using the Topic.

Mayor Weng from Trails Through Daybreak

After your conversation, head behind the windmill to the west. Behind the tree interact with the bush next to the river to find some raw horseradish.

Where to find the horseradish in Trails Through Daybreak for the Feasts from the East quest

Now that you’ve gotten everything needed, return to Giovanna and teach her the recipe! Choose the following options: “Buck the Trend” and “Go with the Shrimp”. Upon making the tasty meal, you’ll earn 2 SP and the Feasts from the East quest will complete!

Creil Outskirts

A Burgled Bicycle

For this quest, you’ll need to follow the bike thief down the highway. Keep making your way east until you reach the bike laying in the middle of the road.

Bicycle laying in path for A Burgled Bicycle quest in Trails through Daybreak

After the cutscene, continue heading east along the road. Eventually, you’ll reach a guy being attacked by a group of wolves. Intervene and take out the wolves that remain to save the man. Afterwards, you’ll need to return to the village. As you approach the entrance of the village a cutscene will trigger with Kyle. You’ll then be given the option to turn the thief in or put him to work. If you turn him in, you’ll get a higher increase in Law. If you let him work it off, you’ll get a higher increase in Gray.

Creil Outskirts Chests

Locations of all the Creil Outskirts chests in Trails through Daybreak
  • EP 2 – Max EP+120
  • Teara Balm – Restores 1500 HP
  • Each Sepith x200
  • Reviving Balm – Cures K.O. – Restores 800 HP
  • Twinkling Ring – ACC+30% – Prevents Blind (75%)
  • EP Charge II – Restores 300 EP
  • Rot – (STR+3) Attacks/crafts can rot enemies (10% chance)
  • Sepith Mass x150

Creil Outskirts Enemy Data

  • Blade Pincer
  • Lily Mover
  • Peck Chaser
  • Crash Garm

Creil Village

When you gain control, you’ll be at Limoges Tavern & Inn. Interact with the laptop on the table in the room to create an Interim Report. You might have enough SP to rank up your Evaluation Rank to E++, which will reward you with a Gladiator Headband accessory that has STR+8 – DEF+4 – CP Up+30%.

Afterwards, exit the building and enter Focken’s Goods and speak with Focken for an event. Now that you’re more informed, head to the western side of town near the Hillside map transition to trigger a cutscene where you’ll meet Melchior. Unfortunately, he didn’t see anyone on the hills he came from. When the cutscene ends, make your way to the inn to think things over. On your way, speak with the two kids next to a bench with a green Nabla above their heads to learn over their missing kitty. Accept the Cat Gone Astray quest. You’ll find the details for this quest below! After entering the inn, make your way up to your room and end the investigation.

Now that it’s night, you’ll need to speak with the villagers to get more questions answered. First, head up to the Orbal Factory in the northern part of town and speak with Kaina behind the desk. Next, enter the mayor’s house in the southern part of town and speak with Mayor Weng. Afterwards, head to the buses in the southeastern part of town to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, you’ll then need to return to the inn for another cutscene. Once you gain control again, head to the western side of the map near the Hillside transition to follow Aida’s tracks. There you’ll fight 3 Level 11 Ghoul Assault Dobers, which are weak to Earth and Water arts.

Cat Gone Astray

For the Cat Gone Astray quest, head up the road northeast of the kids to trigger a cutscene. Follow Lashkar to the northwestern side of town and speak with him. Next, you’ll need to head south near the Hillside map transition. Unfortunately, Nero will run off yet again. Pursue the cat into the Hillside. You’ll find him straight ahead and to the right atop the cliff. As a reward for rescuing the kitty, you’ll receive Black Cat Ears and Black Cat Tail.


Make your way through the Hillside area to the center of the map. In the center, you’ll find a Charging Station that you can use to level up and purchase weapons. When you’re ready, approach the center to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against Aida and her 7 Ghoul Eisenschild Soldiers.

Melchior from Trails Through Daybreak

All are weak to Time Space. For this fight, it’s better to focus on the adds then finishing off Aida. Make sure Agnes heals the whole time, throwing in some Arts when you can. Once you win, Round 2 will trigger and Van will transform into the Grendel. In addition, he will learn Howling Roar. For this round, you’ll fight against Level 16 Ghoul Aida. During the fight, Feri will assist you!

Hillside Chests

Locations of all Hillside chests in Trails Through Daybreak during Chapter 2
  • Teara Balm – Restores 1500 HP
  • Impede 1 – Attacks/crafts can cancel arts (15% chance). Delay +3
  • EP Charge II – Restores 300 EP
  • Each Sepith x200
  • Blue Pendulum – ATS+10 – Prevents Burn/Blind/Fear (75%)
  • Zeram Powder – Cures K.O. – Restores All HP – CP+100

Hillside Enemy Data

  • Lily Mover
  • Peck Chaser
  • Necrogarm
  • Ghoul Assault Dober
  • Neo Fall Eagle
  • Ghoul Eisenschild Soldier (gun)
  • Ghoul Eisenschild Soldier (sword)
  • Aida
  • Ghoul Aida

September 12

When the cutscene concludes, so will Chapter 1!

Trails Through Daybreak September 12 Spriggan Report

Additional Trails Through Daybreak Guides

Make sure to check out our The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak Guides and Walkthroughs main page for a complete listing of all our guides and walkthroughs!

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