Trails from Zero – Enigma Combat Test

Trails from Zero Walkthroughs


Below is a walkthrough for the Enigma Combat Test support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Orbal Store

Salary: 1,500 mira


Speak with Wendy at the Genten Orbal Store’s customer service counter on the first floor. This request is a bit tricky to figure out! Ultimately, you need to learn a Hollow Sphere support art.

In order to do this, open the menu then go to the Orbment tab and select Quartz. We set these quartz into the specific slots as shown below to get the Hollow Sphere support art.

The reason we did this is because you need to get 3 blue quartz, 3 green quartz and 5 grey quartz on the same line to cause the Hollow Sphere support art to appear on the Arts List (press square). When you put a quartz into a slot, make sure to put them all on the same color so their numbers stay on the same line.


Once you’ve gotten the Hollow Sphere support art, use it in any battle then return to Wendy in the Genten Orbal Store. She’ll give you a Libra Gem and the quest will complete. Make sure to report it to the terminal!