Tokyo Mirage Sessions – The Voiceless Voice Actress

Tokyo Mirage Sessions


Obtained: Talk to Ayaha in Fortuna Office.


Head to Daitama Observatory and speak to Anigoe, the depressed/hunched over lady wearing a black skirt and pink jacket. After a brief dialog scene with Chrom, return to Ayaha and report the news to her. Ayaha will tell you that Tiki sensed a strong Voice Performa at Daitama’s Idolasphere. Return to Daitama Obervatory and enter the Idolasphere. After you go down the first elevator, follow the path to the left of the stationary Mirage to find an enemy that looks like its on fire. Speak to this enemy to begin a battle. After defeating all the enemies, head out of the Idolasphere and speak to Anigoe to check up on her then report back to Ayaha.


Reward: Clap Track


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