The Call of the Past Walkthrough | Avowed

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Welcome to NGB and our Avowed walkthrough for The Call of the Past quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start The Call of the Past Quest

To begin The Call of the Past side quest in Avowed, rest at The Rise Party Camp, which is northwest of the Watcher’s Mirror.

The Call of the Past Walkthrough

The voice in your head believes they have lost a fragment of their memory somewhere in Dawnshore. As strange as it seems, you may gain insight into their enigmatic nature if you find it.

The Call of the Past Avowed

Find the Voice’s Memory

From the camp, head east into the Watcher’s Mirror.

Avowed The Call of the Past

On the far eastern side of the area, you’ll find the Ancient Memory. Interact with it to trigger a cutscene!

Find the Voice's Memory

During the cutscene, visions of the past will play out. The voice will ask you a series of questions. Pick whichever ones interest you. Afterward, you’ll receive the Remembrance of Kishamal godlike ability, which increases your Maximum Health by 10%.

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