The Beast Haunting Cases | Banishers

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Welcome to NGB and our Banishers walkthrough for The Beast haunting case! This guide will cover everything you need to know so you can easily complete the quest.

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How to Begin The Beast Quest

You’ll automatically receive The Beast quest in Banishers after meeting Thickskin at the Hunters’ Camp during the main story.

The Beast Walkthrough

Obtain Kate’s Musket

Speak with Kate next to a campfire on the southern side of the Hunters’ Camp.

Banishers The Beast

Afterwards, pick up the musket leaning against the crate.

Hunt the Beast

Follow the trail southeast and speak with the guy at the gate. You’ll receive another hint for Kate then he’ll lower the bridge. Follow the path!

Find a Way Through the Mines

Head to the eastern part of the search area to find the mines then head inside after shooting the log hanging above the wooden boards blocking the entrance. Destroy the enemies in this area.

Escape the Mines

Work your way through the area until you reach the part where you’ll need to move a mine cart out of the way to reach a larger section of the mines. Looking to the right, you’ll see a mine cart in front of the opening across from it. Look down to see a chain you can shoot. Do so then move the mine cart underneath the ledge. You’ll then be able to climb up to the higher ledge. Follow the path until your hand glows blue, indicating a jump point. If you look up you’ll spot some hanging logs above.

The Beast Banishers Ghosts of New Eden

Follow the path under them to reach a ledge where you can destroy the counterweight. Use the jump point to exit the mines.

Investigate the Area

Follow the main path. You’ll come across some giant footprints. Follow them and inspect the corpses you come across. Afterwards, continue following the footprints to reach a cave. Inside, examine the wolf cub.

Banishers Ghosts of New Eden The Beast

You’ll learn that the Beast could be a Scourge. Enemies will then spawn, so take them out!

Climb up the ledge to continue forward. You’ll face more enemies as you continue along the path. Eventually, you’ll reach some corpses by a cliffside. Antea will call out something for you to look at. A bunch of enemies will spawn so take them out. After you defeat them, examine the item to receive a new hint for Thickskin.

Track the Beast

Climb up the cliff to continue pursuing the Scourge. It will bring you to a camp. Interact with the burned paper on the remnants of an old campfire to get the last hint. Keep heading further past the camp. Drop down to the lower level to spot some more tracks in the mud.

Follow the tracks to find that the bridge is out. Head west, dropping down a couple of ledges, to work your way around. You’ll need to use Antea to spirit your way across the gap. Continue until you reach a cabin.

Track the beast

Find the Lost Settlers

At the cabin, head north, climb over the ledge, and then keep heading north. As you approach the wreckage of the second group of settlers, interact with the two points.

Learn How the Settlers Died

Head north through the camp to find another point of interest on a rock. Switch over to Antea to interact with it. Afterwards, switch to Red and shoot it with the musket. Interact with it to reveal the Echo. Head into the nearby Wolf Den Shelter and interact with another spot as Antea. Exit the shelter then look for the wagon near the wreckage.

Learn how the settlers died

Interact with it to move it. Switch to Antea then interact with the point under it to trigger a fight.

Find the Beast’s Lair

Defeat the creatures, then head northeast. Follow the path to reach the ritual circle.

Find the Beast's Lair

Before performing the ritual, equip the Gunner Battlegear from the Lost Chest in a cabin northeast of Kate’s Bivouac. This will make it easier to attack from afar with your musket.

When you’re ready, perform the Summon Scourge Ritual to begin the fight with The Beast.

Banishers The Beast

For the first bar, shoot the creature in the face. For the second bar, shoot it in the front left leg (when looking at the creature). As the second health bar starts dwindling, it will summon smaller wolves to help. For the third health bar, attack the back right leg (when facing the creature). At this phase, it will send little orbs out that will attack you.

Once you have defeated the creature, you’ll need to make a choice: Spare or Sacrifice Thickskin.

Journey On

After your decision has been made, travel east towards the objective. When you emerge from the other side of the cave, a cutscene will trigger. Once it completes, so will the quest.

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