Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Wishing for a Balanced World 1 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Wishing for a Balanced World 1 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Craft

Head to the atelier and use the cauldron to synthesize a Craft. You’ll need 2 Uni, a gunpowder (Woodchips, Beehive, etc.) and an ore (Kaen Stone, Eisen Ore, Hakurei Stone, Pretty Shells, Leiden Ore, etc.). For a guide on where to find these materials, click here! After you’ve crafted a Craft, return to Kati to report the quest.



  • Rabbit Fur (quality 45) x2
  • 550 Cole