Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons – What are the shiny spots on the ground for?

by MrsChappie in


As you explore your island, you might come across a shiny spot on the ground (see image above). If you click “a” on the switch, nothing happens so what do you do with it? The answer to that question is to use a shovel to dig it up. The shiny spot means a sack of money is buried underground in that particular location. Dig it up for a great reward! You can either pocket the money or in the same shiny hole, you can rebury it and a money tree will sprout! It does take awhile for the tree to bear money so be patient.


Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons – How to build a new shop?

by MrsChappie in


After your first home is ready (small one room house that you got to pick the color roof for), head to Resident Services to trigger a dialog scene. Afterwards, speak to Timmy who asks for your help gathering supplies so the shop can be built. He will need donations of 30 hardwood, 30 wood, 30 softwood and 30 iron nuggets. You can gather the hardwood, wood and softwood by using an axe on the trees around the island. For the iron nuggets, you will need to use your axe on rocks. Once you gather the materials, talk to Timmy and inquire about building a shop to donate the materials. *NOTE: He only accepts donations in amounts of 30 (i.e. 30 hardwood, not 29 hardwood). When you have gathered all of the materials, you’ll need to wait a day in real time for it to be ready.