Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Walkthroughs

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – The Trial of Crooked-Eye Phil

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Trial of Crooked-Eye Phil side quest in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. To obtain this quest, interact with the poster on the board at Brighthoof.



Find Crooked-Eye Phil in Crackmast Cove

Travel to the objective in Crackmast Cove to find Phil in a box.


Knock on box

Bang on the box.


Use lever to release Phil

Head behind the box to pull the lever next to the desk.


Kill cage guards

Defeat all the enemies!


Find directions to Phil’s cave

Travel north to find a scroll.


Find a local 

Head northwest to the next objective to find a group of pirates.


Talk to Surle Finbreaker

Speak with the pirate wearing a pirate hat.


Enter lower caverns

Head north to find the cavern.


Solve the puzzle

To solve the puzzle, click the left lever one, the middle one once and the right the twice. Just line up the symbols with those above the gate in front of the levers.


Enter Phil’s lair

Head through the newly opened gate and work your way forward. Pull the skull by the gate to open it. Head inside to reach the inner sanctum.


Find Certificate of Non-Evilness

Pull the skull above the chest then loot the chest.


Go to Scallywag Landing

Pull the skull next to the fireplace to find a shortcut then follow the objective to reach a gate. Approach it to trigger a quick dialog event with Surle Finbreaker. Head through the gate and proceed into Scallywag Landing until you approach the objective.


Melee 3 mysterious totems

Melee the totem in front of you then defeat the enemies that spawn. Afterwards, follow the objective to the next one!


Talk to Churl Finbreaker

With the totems destroyed, approach Churl Finbreaker at the objective to the south.


Find Phil

As you make your way to the jail compound, defeat the enemies standing in your way and follow the objectives to 2 Totems and destroy them! Check on Phil in the cage hanging in the air to learn that he is not there anymore.


Reach jail

As you approach the objective, more enemies will spawn. Defeat them only to find the way forward is blocked.


Find another way in

Head to the left side of the structure and examine it. Afterwards, head to the cannon in the middle of the area and ignite it. The way forward will now be open so head on through!


Find Phil

Phil can be found in a cage on the upper level of the structure.


Go to pirate court

Head west towards the objective. You’ll pass some vending machines along the way.


Talk to Phil

Speak with Phil in the middle of this area.


Approach the stand

Step on up to the stand!


Present Certificate of Non-Evilness

Place the certificate on the stand.


Kill enemies

After the debate, you’ll be presented with additional objectives to shoot the judge in the leg and melee the totem. If you melee the totem, it’ll cause the shark creatures to spawn just like it’s always done. Defeat everything during your pirate brawl.


Talk to Phil

Speak with him to complete the quest.