Tales of Arise

The Owls’ Gratitude Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering The Owls’ Gratitude subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start The Owls’ Gratitude subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Owls’ Gratitude Subquest

The Owls' Gratitude Subquest Map Location

To start The Owls Gratitude subquest, you must begin the Disappearance and Distress main quest and then progress to the Go to Ulzebek objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Aqfotle Hills in Mahg Saar then speak with Giselle in front of her house.

The Owls’ Gratitude Objectives

  • Talk to Giselle
  • Acquire 3x Majestic Feathers
  • Deliver the materials to Giselle

Talk to Giselle

Speak with Giselle to learn about the picture book using owl feathers that she wants to make. She’ll then ask if you can gather some materials for her.

Acquire 3x Majestic Feather

The Owls' Gratitude Subquest Manhunt Hawk Image

To find the 3 Majestic Feathers you need, travel to Rudhir Forest in Cyslodia and defeat the Manhunt Hawks found there. They drop the time you’re after.

Deliver the Materials to Giselle

Once you have 3 of the Majestic Feathers, deliver them to Giselle. This will complete the subquest.

The Owls’ Gratitude Rewards

  • 2500 Gald
  • 480 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

A New Rival Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the A New Rival subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. Happy Questing!

How to Start the A New Rival Subquest

A New Rival Subquest Map Location

To start the A New Rival subquest, you must begin the Disappearance and Distress main quest and then progress to the Go to Ulzebek objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Training Grounds in Menanica and speak with the Service Corps member there.

A New Rival Objectives

  • Speak to the Service Corps member
  • Accept the fight against Lagill
  • Win the fight against Lagill

Speak to the Service Corps Member

Talk with Lagill at the Training Grounds in Menancia. She will challenge Kisara to a battle to see who is the best with one final fight. In the spirit of fairness, Dohalim volunteers to fight on Kisara’s behalf.

Accept the Fight Against Lagill

When you’re ready to start the fight, speak with Lagill.

Win the Fight Against Lagill

To finish the subquest, you’ll need to defeat Lagill. The fight itself isn’t too bad, she will be at level 75 and only use sword attacks with the periodic charge thrown in.

A New Rival Rewards

  • 2500 Gald
  • 480 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

The Ties That Bind Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering The Ties That Bind subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start The Ties That Bind subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Ties That Bind Subquest

The Ties That Bind Subquest Map Location

To start The Ties That Bind subquest, you must begin the Disappearance and Distress main quest and then progress to the Go to Ulzebek objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to Messia 224 in Cyslodia and speak with the Considerate Brother there.

The Ties That Bind Objectives

  • Talk to the young man
  • Meet up with the young man and his brother
  • Defeat the zeugles blocking the way
  • Defeat more zeugles blocking the way
  • Calm the horse (via cutscene)
  • Defeat more zugles blocking the way
  • Continue after the young man and his brother
  • Return to the young man in Messia 224

Talk to the Young Man

Speak to the Considerate Brother to learn that he wants to show his sick brother the outside world, but their horse is easily spooked by Zuegles. Offer to keep beasts at bay long enough for the brothers to enjoy the great outdoors.

Meet Up with the Young Man and His Brother

The Ties That Bind Subquest Meet Up Map Location

Set out for Rudhir Forest which is accessible from the northern part of Messia 224. When you get there, head north a bit to find the brothers. Approach them to trigger a cutscene.

Defeat the Zeugles Blocking the Way

The Ties That Bind Subquest 1st Group of Zeugles Map Location

Leading the way, head north down the road, taking the first right just before the bridge. Continue following the path until you reach the objective area. There will be 3 level 75 Roper enemies you will need to defeat. After the battle, a quick cutscene will trigger. Please note that you may run into other enemies along the way, but only the ones in the objective area will count for the subquest.

Defeat More Zeugles Blocking the Way

The Ties That Bind Subquest 1st Group of Zeugles Map Location

Continue following the path to reach the next objective area. Approach the enemies to start a battle against a level 75 Roper and 2 level 75 Berserkers.

Continue After the Young Man and His Brother

The Ties That Bind Subquest Brothers Area Image

After the fight, you’ll come off of the path on the other side of the bridge. You’ll spot the brothers nearby. Approach them to trigger a cutscene.

Return to the Young Man in Messia 224

Return to the village and speak with the young man in front of his house to complete the subquest.

The Ties That Bind Rewards

  • 2700 Gald
  • 600 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

You’re So Thoughtful Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the You’re So Thoughtful subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the You’re So Thoughtful subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This quest is also a reconstruction quest that will affect the region’s city and add more items to the general store. Happy Questing!

How to Start the You’re So Thoughtful Subquest

You're So Thoughtful Subquest Map Location

To start the You’re So Thoughtful subquest, you must begin the Disappearance and Distress main quest and then progress to the Go to Ulzebek objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to Central Plaza Avenue in Cycloden (Cyslodia) then speak with the Help-Seeking Member there near the Fountain Plaza Avenue entrance.

You’re So Thoughtful Objectives

  • Speak with the client in Cysloden
  • Defeat the zeugles on the Nevira Snowplains lakeshore
  • Defeat the zeugles on the Nevira Snowplains road

Speak with the Client in Cysloden

Talk to the Help-Seeking Man from the Silver Swords who appears to be in need of some help. He tells the group about some zeugles causing problems for them in the Nevira Snowplainds. Agree to help him then set out to eliminate the beasts.

Defeat the Zeugles on the Nevira Snowplains Lakeshore

You're So Thoughtful Subquest Zeugles Map Location 1

Once you reach the Nevira Snowplains, head down to the lake then make your way to the southwestern side. You’ll find the first group of zeugles there, consisting of a level 74 Deceptive Effigy and 2 level 75 Berserkers (ours were both gold enemies).

Defeat the Zeugles on the Nevira Snowplains Road

You're So Thoughtful Subquest Zeugles Map Location 2

The other group of zeugles can be found along the road heading east from the campfire by the Rudhir Forest entrance. Approach them to start a battle against a level 75 Berserker and 2 level 74 Effigys.

Report Back to the Client in Cysloden

When both groups of zeugles have been dealt with, return to the client and speak with him to complete the subquest.

You’re So Thoughtful Rewards

  • 2800 Gald
  • 660 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Gourmet Saga Wind of the New World Subquest: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Gourment Saga subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. Happy Questing!

How to Start the Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Subquest

Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Subquest Map Location

To start the Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World subquest, you must begin the Disappearance and Distress main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Traslida Highway in Menancia then speak with the collapsed man just past the bridge in the center of the map.

Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Objectives

  • Speak with Gourdeno
  • Find out what Gourdeno’s cooking is lacking
  • Report back to Gourdeno
  • Acquire 3x sweet and sour, lumpy fruit
  • Acquire 3x blue fish that tastes great raw or cooked
  • Acquire 3x things that neither oink nor hop
  • Deliver the ingredients to Gourdeno

Speak with Gourdeno

Speak with your old buddy Gourdeno who is up to his old tricks of not eating. He’ll mention how his latest dish isn’t faring well then ask Shionne and the group to find out why.

Find Out What Gourdeno’s Cooking is Lacking

Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Subquest Food Critics Map Location

Travel to Viscint in Menanacia then head north down the sidewalk Speak with the first lady on the right to ask her about the meal. Next, head to the Inn and while facing it, go down the stairs to your right and take the next left. Talk to the man on the right of the walkway to get another opinion on the meal.

Report Back to Gourdeno

Return to Gourdeno on the Traslida Highway, speaking with him to report the findings. He’ll then task you with collecting some ingredients:

  • sweet and sour, lumpy fruit
  • blue fish that tastes great raw or cooked
  • things that neither oink nor hop

Acquire 3x Strawberries / 3x Mackerel / 3x Rappig Meat

Given the clues, the three ingredients you’ll need to find are strawberries, mackerel and rappig meat. Strawberries can be found at the Pharia Ranch (Menancia) nearby. Mackerel can be gathered from the water at Adan Lake (Mahag Saar) and Traslida Highway (Menancia). If you’ve completed all three of the reconstruction subquests in Menancia, you can buy mackerel from the general store for 100 glad each. Lastly, the rappig meat can be obtained by raising them at the ranch. If you choose the Miracle Feed when prompted, they will grow faster.

Deliver the Ingredients to Gourdeno

Once you have gathered all of the ingredients, deliver them to Gourdeno to complete the subquest.

Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Subquest Flashy Pose

Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New World Rewards

  • New-Era Gnocchi Recipe x1
  • 2600 Gald
  • 540 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This quest is also a reconstruction quest that will have an effect on the region’s city and add more items to the general store. Happy Questing!

How to Start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Map Location

To start the Goodwill Ambassador Zareh subquest, you must reach the Disappearance and Distress main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Viscint in Menancia and speak with Lagill near the Training Grounds.

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Objectives

  • Speak to Lagill
  • Search for Zareh
  • Search more for Zareh
  • Search even more for Zareh
  • Search for the child
  • Report back to Lagill

Speak to Lagill

Speak with Lagill near the Training Grounds to learn that her cat Zareh is missing. Since she is so busy, agree to help her look for it.

Search for Zareh

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Zareh Map Location 1

Follow the sidewalk west through town to trigger a cutscene with Zareh.

Search More for Zareh

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Zareh Map Location 2

Chase after Zareh by heading down the sidewalk leading south from the Inn. When you reach the most southern point, another cutscene will trigger.

Search Even More for Zareh

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Zareh Map Location 3

Again, follow the cat this time it will lead you to the front of the Inn. Head there for another cutscene.

Search for the Child

Exit the city heading to Traslida Highway. Once you’re there, make your way to the center of the area near the campfire.

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Subquest Lost Child Map Location 1

As you approach, you’ll find the little girl surrounded by zeugles. Charge at them to initiate a battle against 2 level 69 Forest Ropers and 3 level 68 Boomys.

Report Back to Lagill

Now that the girl is safe, return to Lagill and speak with her to complete the subquest.

Goodwill Ambassador Zareh Rewards

  • 2500 Gald
  • 480 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Pastoral Romance Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Pastoral Romance subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Pastoral Romance subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. Happy Questing!

How to Start the Pastoral Romance Subquest

Pastoral Romance Subquest Map Location

To start the Pastoral Romance subquest, you must first begin the Feared main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Pharia Ranch in Menancia and speak with Bogdel.

Pastoral Romance Objectives

  • Talk to Bogdel
  • Search for Wilbur
  • Continue the search for Wilbur
  • Report that Wilbur has been saved

Talk to Bogdel

Speak with Bogdel to learn that Wilbur the rappig has run away. Bogdel will then ask Law and the gang to help find him. Law is even more motivated when an animal-loving lady (who favors Wilbur) hints that she might have feelings for him.

Search for Wilbur

Exit the ranch to the Traslida Highway then head east towards Viscint. When you reach a certain point, the party will call out his name but conclude that he’s not there.

Pastoral Romance Subquest Search for Wilbur Map Location 1

Next head to the western part of the area, southwest of the campfire. The party again will be unable to find the little guy.

Pastoral Romance Subquest Search for Wilbur Map Location 2

Continue the search for Wilbur

Make your way back by Pharia Ranch, but head north from its location on the map towards the Waterfall Depths.

Pastoral Romance Subquest Search for Wilbur Map Location 3

You’ll spot the little guy being attacked by a group of zeugles on the road. Approach them to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight. Defeat the enemies to save Wilbur!

Report that Wilbur Has Been Saved

Now that our favorite rappig is safe, return to Pharia Ranch where a cutscene will trigger. The subquest will be completed when it ends.

Pastoral Romance Rewards

  • 2500 Gald
  • 480 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

The Keeper of Wallets Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Keeper of Wallets subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Keeper of Wallets subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This quest is also a reconstruction quest that will have an effect on the region’s city and add more items to the general store. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Keeper of Wallets Subquest

The Keeper of Wallets Subquest Map Location

To start The Keeper of Wallets subquest, you must reach the Budding main quest and then progress to the Report back to Lagill objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to Viscint in Menancia and head a little east of the Inn to find a shopkeeper. Speak with him to begin the subquest.

The Keeper of Wallets Objectives

  • Speak with the shopkeeper
  • Invigorate the caravan soldiers
  • Talk to the caravan solider
  • Report the training results to the shopkeeper

Speak with the Shopkeeper

Talk to the shopkeeper to learn that the prices of goods are rising due to frequent zeugle attacks on the supply caravans transporting the goods. This will fire Kisara up and set her attention to some soldiers who are in desperate need of some emergency instruction.

Invigorate the Caravan soldiers

Make your way over to the Training Grounds near the palace in Viscint then speak with the Service Corps soldiers standing near the back desk. This will lead to a fight where you’ll need to beat them up using just Kisara and Dohalim. You’ll face a level 74 Armored Swordsman, Armored Marksman and Heavy Spearman. As you defeat enemies, more will spawn occurring for several waves. Also, make sure to keep an eye out for when they start casting. The arte will create a black hole on the ground that will suck you while dealing a bit of damage.

Talk to the Caravan Solider

After winning the fight, Kisara will address the soldier automatically via cutscene.

Report the Training Results to the Shopkeeper

Return to the shopkeeper to give him the good news about the soldiers thus completing the subquest.

The Keeper of Wallets Rewards

  • 2800 Gald
  • 660 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Beauty Clearing the Land Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Beauty Clearing the Land subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Beauty Clearing the Land subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn. This quest is also a reconstruction quest that will have an effect on the region’s city and add more items to the general store. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Beauty Clearing the Land Subquest

Beauty Clearing the Land Subquest Map Location

To start the Beauty Clearing the Land subquest, you must first begin the Budding main quest and then progress to the Visit Bogdel at Pharia Ranch objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to the Traslida Highway in Menancia then head for the small village near the Pharia Ranch entrance. Speak with the elderly female farmer there and agree to help her.

Beauty Clearing the Land Objectives

  • Speak to the elderly female farmer
  • Defeat the zeugles along the Traslida Highway
  • Report back to the elderly female farmer

Speak to the Elderly Female Farmer

Talk to the Elderly Female Farmer to learn about the zegules that infest the highway (and talk about Kisara’s brawny physique). Agree to help her then set out to put those muscles to work.

Defeat the Zeugles Along Traslida Highway

Beauty Clearing the Land Zeugles Map Location

Head west across the bridge then when you reach the campfire, change direction going southwest to arrive at the quest area. Approach the zeugles to start a battle with a level 70 Boar, level 68 Boomy and level 69 Forest Roper. As you defeat enemies, more will show up and this will continue for a couple of waves.

Report Back to the Elderly Female Farmer

After you have dealt with all of the zegules, return to the elderly farmer and give her the good news to complete the subquest.

Beauty Clearing the Land Rewards

  • Impact Ring x1
  • 2300 Gald
  • 420 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start The A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest

A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest Map Location

To start the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest, you must first begin the Free from Pursuit main quest and then progress to the Take Nazamil to the palace’s noble room objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to Autelina Palace in Menancia and head to Autelina Palace 1F. Speak with the Renan man there standing with a kid then offer to help them out.

A Bright Schoolhouse Objectives

  • Talk to the client
  • Acquire 3x Sharp Fangs
  • Acquire 3x Hard Bones
  • Acquire 1x Earth Stone
  • Deliver the materials to the client in Autelina Palace

Talk to the Client

Talk to the client to learn about his plan to build a schoolhouse where all children can come to learn. He’ll then mention they are missing some materials needed for the schoolhouse. Offer to go collect them for him. There is a good chance you’ll have most if not all of the materials already if you’ve been fighting zeugles along the way.

Acquire 3x Sharp Fangs, 3x Hard Bones, 1x Earth Stone

In order to complete this quest, you’ll need to collect some Sharp Fangs, Hard Bones and an Earth Stone. The fangs are dropped from Archer Hawks, Rioter Claws and Withered Wolves which can be found at Adan Lake or Aqfotle Hills. The Hard Bones come from the Sweeper Apes found in Mausoleum: Helgal-Ryugola 238. Lastly, the Earth Stone can be looted off of the Ominous Earthen Mass zeugles also found in Mausoleum: Helgal-Ryugola 238.

Deliver the Materials to the Client in Autelina Palace

Once you’ve obtained all of the materials, bring them back to the client to complete the subquest.

A Bright Schoolhouse Rewards

  • Shock Charm x1
  • 2300 Gald
  • 420 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!