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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Miles’ Suits and How to Unlock Them

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Miles’ Suits! In this guide, we’ll cover how to unlock each of Miles’ suits along with what they actually look like!

Upgraded Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Upgraded Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
By DefaultN/AYesTech Parts x50, City Tokens x2

Evolved Suit

Evolved Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Just before the final mission as part of the main storyN/AYesTech Parts x30

Family Business Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Family Business Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
By DefaultTech Parts x20, City Tokens x1YesTech Parts x10, City Tokens x1

Classic Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Classic Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
DefaultTech Parts x20, City Tokens x1YesTech Parts x10

T.R.A.C.K. Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Track Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
DefaultTech Parts x20, City Tokens x1YesTech Parts x10

Brooklyn 2099 Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Brooklyn 2099 Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 7Tech Parts x30, Hero Tokens x1YesTech Parts x10, City Tokens x1

Sportswear Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Sportswear Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 10Tech Parts x35, City Tokens x2YesTech Parts x15

Life Story Suit

Life Story Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 12Tech Parts x35, City Tokens x2YesTech Parts x15, City Tokens x1

Miles Morales 2099 Suit

Miles Morales 2099 Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 13Tech Parts x35, Rare Tech Parts x2YesTech Parts x15

Advanced Tech Suit

Advanced Tech Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 16Tech Parts x40, City Tokens x2YesTech Parts x20

Shadow-Spider Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Shadow Spider Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 18 or Buy the Deluxe Version of the GameTech Parts x45, City Tokens x3Yes?

Miles Morales 2020 Suit

Miles Morales 2020 Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 19Tech Parts x45, City Tokens x3YesTech Parts x25

Purple Reign Suit

Purple Reign Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 21Tech Parts x45, Hero Tokens x2YesTech Parts x25

Bodega Cat Suit

Bodega Cat Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 24Tech Parts x50, City Tokens x4YesTech Parts x25

Forever Suit

Forever Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 25Tech Parts x55, Rare Tech Parts x2YesTech Parts x25, Rare Tech Parts x1

Homemade Suit

Homemade Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 27Tech Parts x55, Hero Tokens x2YesTech Parts x30

Into the Spider-Verse Suit

Into the Spider-Verse Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 30Tech Parts x60, Hero Tokens x2NoN/A

Into the Spider-Verse SB Suit

Inter the Spider-Verse SB Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 33Tech Parts x70, City Tokens x5NoN/A

The End Suit

The End Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 34Tech Parts x70YesTech Parts x40

10th Anniversary Suit

Spiderman 2 Miles Suits - 10th Anniversary Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 36Tech Parts x75, Rare Tech Parts x2YesTech Parts x65, City Tokens x3

Programmable Matter Suit

Programmable Matter Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 37Tech Parts x80, Hero Tokens x2YesTech Parts x45

S.T.R.I.K.E. Suit

Strike Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 39Tech Parts x80, City Tokens x6YesTech Parts x55

Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Suit

Agent of Shield Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 40Tech Parts x85, Rare Tech Parts x2YesTech Parts x70, Rare Tech Parts x2

Great Responsibility Suit

Great Responsibility Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 42Tech Parts x90, Rare Tech Parts x2YesTech Parts x55

Across the Spider-Verse Suit

Across the Spiderverse Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 44Tech Parts x95, Hero Tokens x2NoN/A

Crimson Cowl Suit

Crimson Cowl Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 48Tech Parts x100, Hero Tokens x2YesTech Parts x60

Best There Is Suit

Best There is Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 52Tech Parts x105, City Tokens x7YesTech Parts x45, Rare Tech Parts x2

Dark Ages Suit

Dark Ages Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 56Tech Parts x110, Hero Tokens x3YesTech Parts x70, City Tokens x4

Absolute Carnage Suit

Absolute Carnage Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Reach Level 60Tech Parts x115, Hero Tokens x3YesTech Parts x60, City Tokens x2

King in Black Suit

King in Black Suit
UnlockedCostSytlesStyles Cost
Take out all the Symbiote nestsN/AYesTech Parts x35, City Tokens x2

Boricua Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles' Boricua Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Complete the A Gift missionN/AYesTech Parts x25, City Tokens x2

Smoke and Mirrors Suit

Smoke and Mirrors Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Complete the Grand Finale missionN/AYesTech Parts x30, Rare Tech Parts x1

Most Dangerous Game Suit

Spiderman 2 Miles Most Dangerous Game Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Complete all of the Hunter Blinds and BasesN/AYesTech Parts x20, City Tokens x2

City Sounds Suit

Miles City Sounds Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Complete the Hard Bob missionN/AYesTech Parts x20, City Tokens x1

Encoded Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Encoded Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Purchase the Deluxe Version of the GameN/ANoN/A

Biomechanical Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Biomechanical Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Purchase the Deluxe Version of the GameN/ANoN/A

Tokusatsu Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Tokusatsu Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Purchase the Deluxe Version of the GameN/ANoN/A

Agimat Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Agimat Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Purchase the Deluxe Version of the GameN/ANoN/A

Red Spectre Suit

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Miles Red Spectre Suit
UnlockedCostStylesStyles Cost
Purchase the Deluxe Version of the GameN/ANoN/A

For more Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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All Spider-Man 2 FNSM App Requests

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on all the Spider-Man 2 FNSM (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man) app requests! In this guide, you’ll be able to find information on how to obtain and complete the FNSM requests, along with their rewards.

Find Grandpa

Location: Downtown Brooklyn

Find Grandpa FNSM App Request

Once at the objective, speak with Tasha under the archway to learn that her grandpa is missing. The only clue that you’ll have to go on is an old picture from 60 years ago. Follow the new objective marker to reach the zoo. If it’s not active, open your map to select it.

At the zoo, there will be a plant bed by the stone fountain. Scan the note then read it to find that he might be at the botanical garden.

Find Grandpa Note

Head southeast. Near a set of benches just past the sphere sculpture, you’ll find grandpa’s inhaler.

Spiderman 2 Find Grandpa Inhaler

Scan it then interact with it to trigger a mini game. Destroy the corrupted atoms to science a trail that will lead you to grandpa! When you find him, sit on the bench and have a conversation with him. Afterwards, the Find Grandpa mission will complete.

Rewards: XP x600, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200

Graffiti Trouble

Location: Little Odessa

Grafitti Trouble Map

Once you arrive at the flower stall, speak with Nikola then you’ll get to play as Hailey! Head to the Flower Shop then make your way to the back where the graffiti is. Play the mini-game to spray paint the wall. Afterwards, jump over the broken fence and head forward a short way to find some more graffiti to paint over.

Grafitti on Wall

When you’re done, you’ll spot the culprit! Head to the construction area and cross the wiggly board, which will of course break. After you crawl out of the pit, proceed towards the scaffolding and throw a rock at the stuffed Spider-Man. Continue forward, petting a cat, and head up the blue stairs. From there, take the nearby elevator down.


Head back up the blue stairs and walk over the top of the elevator. Shimmy across the narrow board and follow the wooded walkway to another elevator. Push the red button across from the elevator then head inside. Look at the red button and hold L1 to aim a rock. Press R1 to throw the rock at the button!

At the top, climb onto the stack of cement bags and jump over the wall. Confront the graffiti artist on the left. You’ll need to help her finish her masterpiece to complete the mission!

Rewards: XP x800, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200


Available: At the start of the Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt main story mission

Location: Financial District

Spiderman 2 Howard Mission

Once you arrive at the objective, speak with Howard sitting on the steps overlooking the marina. Look at the different objects as he describes them. He’ll then teach you how to whistle. Follow to the objective while flying with the birds. Sling your way through the city and fly above the river using the air jets. Eventually, you’ll reach Queens where you’ll drop off the birds at their new home. The Howard mission will then complete and you’ll receive the A New Adventure Trophy!

Rewards: XP x800, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200

Monster in Queens

Available: After completing the Wings of My Own main mission

Location: Astoria

Monster in Queens

Once at the objective, approach the deck and speak with Alma then head into the backyard. Scan the following:

  • Tree trunk
  • Track on ground next to tree
  • Red gnome
  • Goop next to overturned pots

After scanning everything, you’ll then need to destroy the corrupted atoms in the mini-game. Next, follow the trail until you reach the creek. Scan the other side near the bank by the car to find more tracks.

Monster in Queens Trail

Once on the other side, scan the car then the goop next to the car. You’ll then be able to continue following the trail. At the end of the trail, you’ll arrive in a fenced in area with one of the Hunter beasts. Slowly approach it to trigger an event with a QTE. You’ll then have to shoot things in the yard with your web blasters while Ganke examines its databanks.

Next, it’ll be time to take the dog for a walk! Take out the enemies in front of the church then pet your good boy! Afterwards, speak with Alma to gift her with an allergy-friendly guide dog. The mission will then complete!

Rewards: Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200

Photo Help

Available: At the start of the Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt main story mission

Location: Midtown

Spiderman 2 Photo Help

When you arrive at the objective marker on the roof of a building, speak with Mina near the blue tent. In the flashback, you’ll need to pedal the bike quickly to Jameson. Along the way, you’ll need to fight off the muggers. Since they messed up your bike, you’ll need to continue the rest of the way to the Daily Bugle on foot. Once the flashback ends, the Photo Help mission will complete!

Rewards: XP x800, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200

Rooftop Fireworks

Available: Rooftop Fireworks becomes available after starting the Amends main story mission.

Location: Williamsburg

FNSM Request Rooftop Fireworks Map

While patrolling the city, Spider-Man notices a couple of guys shooting off fireworks from the roof of a nearby building. Land on the roof to trigger an event leading to a firework blowing up in one of the guy’s face. Pick him up and carry him to a nearby hospital (you may need to open the map and select the objective marker to see where to go).

Once you are there, Mike will tell you where he got the fireworks from and ask Spider-Man to check it out in case others are faulty. Follow the objective to the northeastern part of Little Odessa. You’ll find a group of thugs there making fireworks. Take care of all of them (more will show up) then you’ll need to throw 3 boxes of fireworks over the river before they explode. Once this is done, the request will complete.

Rewards: 600 XP, Hero Tokens x2, Tech Parts x200

**Please note this guide is a work in progress!** For more Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 guides and walkthroughs, click here!