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Like a Dragon: Ishin – Rakunai Substories

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Like a Dragon: Ishin, you can complete various substories for rewards and virtue points. This guide covers the 19 Rakunai substories!

Nichibuza’s Newest Fan

Obtained: Approach the entrance of Nichibuza

After the brief cutscene, speak with the woman being harassed by the bandit near the entrance of Nichibuza. You’ll then need to defeat the ruffians. After doing so, the bandit and his associates will run away. Maijo will then invite you to a trial class. To pass, you’ll need to rack up 6,000 points during the minigame.

Deceitful Deity

Obtained: Approach the man on Karasuma Street near the Ginryu Dojo

Doshin will ask you to track down the Dark Ebisu who has been preying on the elderly. You can find the Dark Ebisu with an elderly person on Teramachi Street, which is the street south of Hanamaru Udon. After approaching the pair, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight. Upon defeating the Dark Ebisu the substory will complete!

Who’s Entertaining Who?

Obtained: Speak with the woman in front of Shikokuya

Agree to entertain Kanda then travel to Watami, which is the restaurant west of Don Quijote. To entertain the man, you’ll start off by serenading him with a song. Play the minigame. Afterwards, he’ll ask how the picture spoke to you. Tell him “It was bold and virile.” You’ll then need to play the dancing minigame. He’ll then ask you what you find amazing. Say “It’s bold, yet elegant.” Afterwards, a fight will break out. Defeat the enemies to complete the substory.

Reward: Ancient Amulet

I’ll Miss You, Miho

Obtained: Approach the Ecchudo Pharmacy

As you approach the pharmacy, a boy will run into you then rush off to meet a girl nearby. When you gain control, approach the pair across the street to learn that Miho is moving. Once her father is finished speaking to her, talk to her to make sure she’s okay. She’ll ask a favor of you. Head off towards the temple in the northwest to find Shinta. Speak with him next to the shrine. Tell him you think she meant, “Thank you for caring about her.” and “You’re important to her.” Return to Miho’s house for the sendoff. You’ll engage in a chase to catch the palanquin. If you lose sight of it, check your mini map for the red arrow! After the kids farewell, the substory will complete.

Reward: Rainbow Fabric

Global Fraud

Obtained: Approach the west side of Teramachi street to trigger this substory during Chapter 3

For this substory, you’ll need to answer all the questions the students present you with. The answers are as follows:

  • Japan
  • The Great Qing
  • Country 4

After you answer all the questions, the substory will complete!

Reward: European Fabric

Talkin’ Tosa

Obtained: Speak with the man standing in the corner behind Nichibuza

For this substory, agree to help the man translate the letter. The correct translations are as follows:

  • It’s been a while
  • I
  • She means “you”

After the letter has been fully translated, you’ll be rewarded with Fine Silk Fabric! You’ll need to check back with him later after some time passes to continue the substory. He’ll have another letter to translate. The correct translations are as follows:

  • She means “is that every day?”
  • Her heart aches.
  • Meet soon

Once again, you’ll need to wait some time then check back in with him. He’ll have another letter. The correct translations are as follow:

  • Stumble and fall
  • Cowardly men
  • Tell her how you feel

With the final letter translated, Fujie’ll run off to Tosa to proclaim his love. Once more wait some time then check on him. You’ll learn that he’s getting hitched and the substory will complete! Make sure to collect the shiny object on the ground where Fujie was standing to receive An Account from Tosa.

Reward: Fine Silk Fabric, Platinum Chunk, Phoenix Feather

The Mochi Mystery

Obtained: Speak with the man addressing a group of people

After speaking with the Doshin, you’ll learn that two of the men in the group of five ate his delicious mochi. It’s up to you to determine who the culprits were! Speak with all 5 men and listen to their testimonies. Report back to the Doshin and tell him that you figured it out. The culprits are Higashihara and Minamino! After the cutscene, the substory will complete.

Reward: Godslayer’s Talisman

Ee Ja Nai for Justice

Obtained: Approach the dancing protestors on Shinmeicho Street

When you approach the noisy protestors, a cutscene will trigger with a Corrupt Official. The official of course will run off leaving you to deal with his body guards. Defeat them to complete the substory.

Reward: Tranquil Towel

The Unwilling Courier

Obtained: Approach the bridge east of the General Goods store

During a cutscene, a courier will yell at you to get out of the way. We stood firm and he of course ran into us. Afterwards, we agreed to deliver his last 6 letters to help him out. You’ll then go into a mini game where you have to make the 6 deliveries before time runs out. Once you complete it successfully, the substory will end.

Reward: Gold Seal

Enter the Black Panther Couriers

Obtained: Head to the center of the bridge east of the General Goods store

For this substory, you’ll need to deliver 10 letters before the other guy does. Keep in mind that when you get to a recipient, you can just press O then peace out! You don’t have to sit there until they finish their conversation. X is also helpful to sprint! Once you are successful, the substory will end.

The Panthers’ Leading Man

Obtained: Listen to the conversation between Kiyokawa and the Black Panther on the west side of Sushi Zanmai

Just like before, you’ll need to deliver 10 letters the fastest. Do so to complete the substory!

The Hungry Sumo Wrestler

Obtained: Approach the man lying down blocking the South Teramachi Street, which is southeast of Don Quijote

Upon approaching the man, you’ll learn that he is hungry. Hand over something for him to eat. If you don’t have anything on you, you can always run up the street to Don Quijote and purchase something. Once he eats, you’ll learn of his situation and the substory will complete.

Reward: Bond with Hungry Sumo Wrestler

The Love-Starved Husband

Obtained: Approach the man next to the river just west of the General Goods store

After starting this substory, eat a meal that you’ve prepared at your villa. Afterwards, the substory will complete.

Reward: Bond with Love-Starved Husband

The Oblivious Woman

Obtained: Approach the woman standing against a building next to the Palanquin Bearer on Karasuma Street, which is just west of Sushi Zanmai

After learning that the woman lost her purse, you’ll agree to give her some food. Speak with her again then hand over some food. We gave her a Sweet Potato! She liked it and the substory completed!

Reward: Vitality Pill and Bond with Oblivious Woman

The Injured Grandma

Obtained: Approach the elderly woman on the ground near the water on the eastern side of Rakunai

For this substory, select to carry her home. After the cutscene, the substory will complete.

Reward: Bond with Injured Grandma

The Barking Dog

Obtained: Approach the dog in the alley to the west of Ebisu Pawn Rakunai

After listening to the tale of the barking dog, you’ll be tasked with trying to stop it from barking. To do this, offer the pup a bone. If you don’t have one on you, check out our guide here on where you can purchase one.

Reward: Bond with Barking Dog

The Lucky Cat

Obtained: Speak with the cat near the dojo

After talking to the Lucky Cat, give it 1000 mon. It will run off then bring you back some Whitebait. You’ll give the Whitebait back to the cat and the substory completes.

Reward: Bond with Lucky Cat

The Spitfire Debt Collector

Obtained: Speak with Yae in front of the blacksmith’s shop

Once you speak with her, she’ll ask you for help in retrieving the ill woman’s husband. When you’re ready to help, speak with her again in front of the blacksmith’s. After a lengthy cutscene, you’ll have to fight the Scary Men. Once you defeat this group of enemies, Yae will free Zenji and the substory will complete.

Reward: 3 ryo

The Spitfire Lie Detector

Obtained: Approach Yae in front of the blacksmith’s shop after some time passes from completing The Spitfire Debt Collector

When you’re ready to jump into the action, speak with Yae. You’ll then begin a boss fight against Shinohara and his minions. Defeat them all to trigger a short cutscene. Afterwards, another boss fight will trigger. Defeat Ide and his minions. Another cutscene will follow triggering the completion of this substory.

Reward: 3 ryo