Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 3 Walkthrough: Downtown, Prom Queen Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 3 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


After using the Bus Pass to reach Downtown, head north and speak with the lady holding flowers. She’ll need your help with crossing the road so agree to help Grandma Patel. Next, head west in the crosswalk until you reach the other side. While you’re on this side of the street, enter Video Busters. Examine the bubble gum machine on the north side by the gorilla and purchase Gumballs for $1.00. Speak with Aarius in the second aisle from the door. He wants to film the first sequence in the forest behind the pet cemetery later tonight. In the southwestern corner, examine the Buy 2 Get 1 sign and purchase the Mashup Poster for $20.00. (You’ll want to hang this poster in the treehouse on the wall.) In the northwestern corner there is an Alien Cutout on sale for $500. Even though you don’t have enough money for it, go ahead and purchase it! The guy behind the counter will give it to you for free since he was just going to throw it out. Behind the counter, interact with the Robot Action Figure. If you have $50, buy it otherwise you’ll have to wait (we have to wait!).


Exit the store then continue north on the west side of the street. Speak with the man in front of Tea Tunes. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to enter unless you’re on the list. To get on the list someone who is already on the list must vouch for you by bringing you in personally or lending you their special item.


Head back to the east side of the street and enter Bookatorium. Here you’ll need to buy some books for some outstanding requests from Maple Town, specifically Quantum Physics Book for $50 in the display in the center of the room and Robonix Magazine for $250 on the southern display. Since you’ll get the Robonix Magazine as part of the story, just pick up the Quantum Physics Book! Speak with the unhelpful cashier just for fun. Then continue exploring the store. You’ll find the Porto Book for $100 in the travel section. It looks like this book will be for your mom. In the history section, retrieve the Heavy Encyclopedia on the ground to the left of the t-rex. Enter the bookshelves to the right of the t-rex to find a Juice Box, Apple and Sandwich. Interact with the Superhero Cutout to learn that you can take it if the cashier wasn’t looking. In the comics section, examine the bookshelf to purchase the Ground Pound move for $1.75. On the display in the center of the comics section, purchase the Easy Swing move for $4.95.


Exit the store and make your way north to the large building which is the school. Speak with the kid in front who will offer to let you buy his Ice Cream for $20. It’ll allow you to damage certain targets for 50 damage and will give you an achievement. If you’d like, purchase it.


Since the front doors of the school are locked, head to the east side of the school to find a window you can enter. Do so then make your way through the classroom to the hallway. On the right side of the hallway you can examine the vending machine and purchase the following items from the Tuck Shop:

  • Juice Box x3 for $1.25 each
  • Apple x3 for $3.00 each
  • Sandwich x3 for $2.50 each

Head to the far west side of the hallway and trespass into the room which is the Principal’s Office! Examine the lost and found box in the southwestern corner to receive the Swing Throw move. Examine the principal’s desk to retrieve the Principal’s House Key.


Exit the room and continue down the hall to the north to stumble across the next boss. This creature with long hair has 120 HP and has a move that steals your skill points so be prepared. Defeat the Prom Queen to receive a Book Coupon which is good for one book at the Bookatorium!


Continue heading north down the hallway to find an Apple on the table at the end. Across from the table, pick up the Firecracker from the ground.


Exit the school and head to the Bookatorium to use your coupon! Speak with the cashier to hand it over then head to the display on the south side of the room to retrieve the Robonix Magazine! Next, drop the Heavy Encyclopedia into the spot where the train comes out of the floor. Return to the school and enter the Principal’s Office. On the desk, examine the phone and use it to call the Booktaorium. Return to the Bookatorium and steal the BC-22 Volt Repair Book from the display near the door. Also, take the Superhero Cutout in the back near the comics section.


Exit the book shop and return to Grandma Patel. Speak with her then help her cross to the other side of the street. Speak with her again to receive the Potted Flower. Next, head to the guy standing in front of Tea Tunes to show him the Potted Flower. Speak with him again then choose to enter Tea Tunes. Once inside, pick up the Stack of Cups from the empty table. Speak with the woman at the other table to find out that she’ll teach you something if you give her Bubble Tea that isn’t mango. If you speak with the cashier, you can purchase Mango Bubble Tea that adds 10 Skill Points for $10. After you receive the option to purchase this item, he’ll tell you that he’s currently out of other flavors. Interact with the counter and choose to go behind it. Examine the silver object on the counter against the wall and place the Stack of Cups. Interact with the silver box again to learn that if you had some flavoring you can use it to make your own Bubble Tea!


Exit the shop and return to Grandma Patel. Speak with her to receive the Cat Fight move. It’s time to leave Downtown so return to the bus stop and interact with the pole next to it. Choose to go back to Suburb.


Click here for the Part 4 walkthrough on Maple Town and the School Principal Boss!