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Octopath Traveler II – Osvald Chapter 1

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Osvald is one of the 8 playable characters in Octopath Traveler II. His class is the Scholar allowing him to cast powerful skills that damage multiple enemies. He is on a quest for vengeance, hunting down the man that took everything away from him and sent him to prison. The first two chapters of Osvald’s story are back to back and cover him escaping prison. This is a walkthrough for Osvald’s Chapter 1. For more guides on Octopath Traveler II, click here!

Frigit Isle: Cell

When you finally gain control of Osvald, approach the Prisoner and use your class action on him to steal back Osvald’s notebook. This triggers a fight against the prisoner who is weak to your staff attacks. After your victory, a lengthy cutscene will trigger.

Frigit Isle: Yard

After the cutscene finally ends, head up the stairs to the right of the savepoint and into the cafeteria building. This will trigger a quick event then you’ll be tasked with finding an accomplice. There will be three prisoners in the room that you can Scrutinize. Use Osvald’s class action on Emerald near the stove to trigger another event. When prompted, choose “The latter.” to continue the conversation while gaining an accomplice.

On your second visit to the yard, travel west of the savepoint to find Bale in the area with the bell. Speak with him to learn his name is Bale and that he is good at procuring items. Osvald will then mention finding his weakness and three additional prisoners will show up in the yard (you can find their locations below).

  • Prisoner – at the end of the path west of the bell on the right side of the firepit
  • Prisoner – west of the savepoint past the firepit
  • Prisoner – next to the cafeteria north of the savepoint

You’ll want to Scrutinize the Prisoner standing next to the cafeteria to find the information you need on Bale’s Weakness. Return to Bale and speak with him again to receive the Cold-Weather Wear.

At this point, there will be a good amount of people you can Scrutinize when you get to the yard for your third visit. You can use the class action on them if want to learn more about them, but it isn’t required. A list of them can be found below.

  • Cafeteria
    • Prisoner – standing next to a table on the right side
  • Library
    • Guard – behind the counter
    • Prisoner – left side of store near a bookshelf
  • Outside
    • Guard – next to firepit right of savepoint
    • Prisoner – right side of firepit left of savepoint
    • Prisoner – left side of firepit left of savepoint
    • Bale – across from the bell
    • Prisoner – next to the bell
    • Guard – across from the bell
    • Prisoner – end of the path west of the bell
    • Guard – in the north of the past west of the bell

When you’re ready, follow the path west of the savepoint to reach the area with the bell. Head down the path leading north from the bell and through the doorway at the end.

Frigit Isle: Prison

In the prison, you’ll be looking for someone who knows about the underground passage. Head up to the second level then enter the far left cell to find a chest with a Bottle of Blinding Dust. You can find another chest on the third level at the top of the back left ladder containing an Inspiriting Plum. There is also another good chunk of people you can Scrutinize if you wish (listed below).

  • Prisoner x2 – 1st level near the entrance
  • Prisoner – 1st level on the left side of the stairs
  • Prisoner – 2nd level at the top of the stairs to the left
  • Guard – 2nd level on the left side of the bridge
  • Guard – 2nd level on the right side of the bridge
  • Prisoner – 3rd level near the right ladder
  • Prisoner – 3rd level just north of the right ladder
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side in a cell
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the north side by the left-most cell
  • Guard – 3rd level on the left side of the floor
  • Prisoner – 3rd level on the left side near the ladder

When you’re ready, use your class action on the guy near the stairs on the second floor with a green dialog bubble above his head. This will trigger a cutscene about the passage and you’ll receive the Labor Reports Whereabouts. Head back to the Yard.

Frigit Isle: Yard

Travel to the library, which is the building left of the save point at the top of the stairs. Once inside, interact with the bookshelf that has the flickering blue light to receive the Labor Report. This will trigger a quick event sending Osvald back to his cell.

When you regain control of Osvald on the 4th day, go to the yard and head to the building past the cafeteria north of the savepoint. Speak with Emerald to trigger another event ending the day.

Finally, the day of escape is at hand. After Emerald joins the party, follow the path west of the save point towards the objective. This will trigger an event where Osvald reveals the way to the underground passage and more importantly, Emerald will give him the key to his muzzle. Before heading to the underground passage, now might be a good time to go mug the other prisoners for items and gain a few levels. Below is a table with who you can mug, where they can be found and their difficulty level. When you are ready to proceed with the story, head to the Underground Passage.

Cafeteria – Prisoner next to the stove1Ice / LightHerb of Revival
Tree Nut
Cafeteria – Prisoner near the plate cabinet2Spear / Axe / Fire / IceOld Cloth
Cafeteria – Next to the tables on the right side of the room2Bow /Staff / Wind / DarkBottle of Poison Dust
Yard – Guard to the right of the save point2Sword / Dagger / Axe / LightningInspiriting Plum
Storehouse (behind the cafeteria) – Prisoner in the building1Axe / StaffHealing Grape
Library – Guard behind the counter2Dagger / Spear / Axe / LightInspiriting Plum
Ice Soulstone
Library – Prisoner on the left side of the room2Dagger / Ice /LightningFire Soulstone
Yard – Prisoner on the right side of the area will the bell1Axe / Staff / FireOlive of Life
Yard – Prisoner south part of the area with the bell1Staff / Fire / IceHealing Grape
Inspiriting Plum

Prison: Underground Passage

Head down the stairs then follow the walkway around to reach a ladder. Make sure to grab the chest with a Healing Grape in the nearby cell then climb down the stairs. There will be another chest in the cell at the bottom of the ladder with an Inspiriting Plum. Return to the ladder and head west passing the broken stairs to find a gold chest with a Sinner’s Staff for Osvald. Head back to the ladder and press on by heading down the nearby stairs.

At the bottom of the stars, head west through the broken section of the wall and follow the path to the end to find another gold chest with an Ancient necklace in a cell. Return to the stairs then head east. Grab the chest in the cell you pass for an Olive of Life then save at the save point. There will also be a Prisoner here you can buy supplies from. I’d try to make sure you have around 8-10 Healing Grapes and 3-5 Inspiriting Plums. You may also wish to fight a few enemies in the area until you get a couple of Herbs of Revival that will be useful shortly. I’d also recommend you farm enough JP to teach Osvald Lightning Bolt as it will come in very handy for the upcoming boss fight. When you’re ready, head down the stairs to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight with Warden Davids.


Frost Mole IDagger / Staff / Fire / Light
Frost Mole IISword / Bow / Staff / Fire / Light
White BatDagger / Staff / Fire / Light

Boss Fight: Warden Davids

It’s finally time to tell that snooty warden where to shove it! You’ll face Warden Davids accompanied by two Prison Guards. Check out the table below to see what attacks the enemies are weak to. As stated above, all three enemies are weak to Lightning-based attacks so Osvald’s Lightning Bolt will come in handy for this fight. A couple of things to watch out for. The Prison Guards can cast shackle on your party members causing them to act later. The warden also has an attack that renders a character unconscious. The Herb of Revival can cure this if you managed to get any to drop off of the monsters in the Underground Passage. When the warden starts charging up for (purple mist will surround him), either defend or break him before his next action.

I chose Osvald as my first character so my strategy for this fight was to defeat one of the Prison Guards while only doing enough damage to the other to keep him in break status while focusing on the warden. The reason for this is that if you defeat both guards, the warden will summon another to fight alongside him. Emerald has some skills that allow him to lower an enemy’s physical attack, attack random enemies 2-4 times and heal an ally so his role was more of support. Once an enemy’s shield was broken, I’d then boost my attack to deal massive damage. Once Warden Davids reaches half health, you’ll be introduced to Osvald’s Latent Power. You can use it to deal even more damage with a Scholar Skill to 1 enemy. The battle ends after you defeat Warden Davids.

Prison Guard x2Dagger / Staff / Ice / Lightning
Warden DavidsDagger / Staff / Fire / Lightning

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 2 in Octopath Traveler II!