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Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 2 – Diadem

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 2 – Diadem. In this walkthrough, we’ll cover all the areas on the second whale, called Diadem, including the story, items, Quzman family members and favors! If you’d like a guide on each area, specifically what items can be found in the shops, enemy weaknesses and an overview of all items found there, click here then select the area you’re trying to find information on!


Once you arrive in Nashira, leave the dock and enter the building (aka fish warehouse). Speak with the woman wearing a green and red striped dress to find a Quzman family member!

Baten Kaitos Nashira Quzman Family Member for Quzman Genealogy

Head down the stairs and interact with the water jugs in the corner to receive a Magnus: Fire Yell Lv. 1 then exit the building and follow the path to reach the town.

After the cutscene, you can use the blue flower to save! To the left of Lyude’s sailboat, you’ll find a Magnus: Scale Shield in the big container with some traces of rust. Next, speak with Lyude (guy with red hair) near his boat to learn more about him.

Baten Kaitos Lyude the Imperial Ambassador to Diadem

On the eastern side of this area, interact with the big rusted container to find a Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 2. While you’re over there, enter the far eastern building to find the pub. Speak with the Barkeep behind the counter to trigger a cutscene where she will introduce herself as Anna and say if you are looking to reach the capital, then you’ll need to speak with Gibari. He may be willing to ferry the party across the flooded water, but you’ll have to check back at the tavern later to find him.

Exit the building and enter the house to the right of the shop in the northern part of the town. Climb up the ladder inside and interact with the bed to receive a Magnus: Feathered Hat.

Travel to the house to the left of the shop and speak with the Old Fortune Teller sitting behind the round table. This will trigger a cutscene where you’ll learn a little more about Malpercio. Interact with the trunk on the eastern side of the room to receive a Magnus: Carina, a Star Map Fragment!

Once you’ve explored the town, return to the pub on the eastern side of town and speak with the Barkeep. This will trigger a cutscene where you’ll meet Reblys and Gibari. As the events unfold, Kalas will want to know your opinion on the favor Gibari asks. We chose the “Let’s do it” option then Gibari joined the party!

When you’re ready to progress, interact with Gibari’s boat, which is the middle boat docked in the main part of town, to travel to the Lesser Celestial River.

Baten Kaitos Gibari's Boat

Lesser Celestial River

Immediately upon exiting the boat, pick up the Magnus: Chaos Edge! Follow the trail north across the rocks to find this Magnus: Mana Stone on the right side of the path. Just north of the above item, you’ll find the Magnus: Stream Blade.

Continue north to reach the next area. Along the rushing water, you’ll find a Magnus: Camera Lv. 1. Follow the path to the northeast to find a Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 2 just southeast of the red flower.

Baten Kaitos Lesser Celestial River

From the above item, backtrack south then skip across the stones to the west to reach the red flower. By this red flower, make sure to pick up the Magnus: Century Veil. Afterwards, continue north to reach the third area where the boss named Thunderfish awaits!!

Baten Kaitos Thunderfish

During the battle, make sure to take a picture of the Thunderfish! Also, this creature can inflict poison, is weak to fire and dark and resists water and light. Defeating this creature will award you with a Magnus: Pisces, a Star Map Fragment!

When you defeat the boss, you’ll return to the previous area. Instead of backtracking through this second area, return to the third area where the Thunderfish ambushed you. You’ll be able to find a Magnus: Hemp Creel. Follow the path south to reach a new area filled with clouds. Speak with the Boy with a Bracelet (Rustah) to learn that he’s drowning. Select to save him to gain his entry into Quzman’s Genealogy.

Baten Kaitos Quzman's Genealogy Family Member

From the boy, head west then follow the stones leading south across the river to find a Magnus: Stream Blade. Next, head directly west to find a boy drowning in the river. Save him to find another entry for Quzman’s Genealogy of Hisham.

Baten Kaitos Quzman's Genealogy Family Member

Jump across the eastern set of rocks to return to the Thunderboss area where you can retrieve the Magnus: Cloak of Dark Night. Now that you’ve collected all the items, return to the second area with the red flower. In the water just southeast of the flower, you’ll find the Thunderfish’s head.

Baten Kaitos Lesser Celestial River how to reach item in southwestern corner of the starting area.

Interact with it and select for it to drift farther. Make your way to the first area where the boat awaits. When you cross the rocks, you’ll notice the fish head is in the water resting against the rocks your crossing.

Baten Kaitos Lesser Celestial River how to reach item in southwestern corner of the starting area.

Interact with it once more to let it drift father. Head south then take the western path to reach the Magnus: Heron Statue, which is required for Xelha’s Level 3 class up.

Baten Kaitos Lesser Celestial River how to reach item in southwestern corner of the starting area.

Now that you’ve officially gathered everything in this area, head east to the boat and use it to reach Nashira.


Once in Nashira, head to the pub and speak with Reblys. Afterwards, make your way to the fish warehouse and interact with the door to trigger a cutscene. Next, return to the pub and speak with Anna then make your way to The Cloud Passage.

The Cloud Passage

Once in The Cloud Passage, head through the first area to reach the second area. In this area, you’ll find a Man with a Bracelet.

Baten Kaitos Cloud Passage Quzman Family Tree Member

In order to gain his entry (Qutayba), you’ll need to have first saved his 2 children from drowning in the previous area of the Lesser Celestial River. Speak with him to gain his entry of Qutayba in the Quzman Family Tree Genealogy. Afterwards, continue through The Cloud Passage. Please note that the Albireo (flying creatures) drop the Magnus: Triangulum (Star Map Fragment). In the third area, follow the third path to reach the fourth area bringing you to a cloud gathering machine.

Baten Kaitos The Cloud Passage Cloud Reeling Machine used to gather clouds

Interact with it and turn it on then interact with it again to get the Magna Essence of the Cloud. Bring this back to the third area and use it on the darker cloud in the middle to build a bridge.

The Cloud Passage Puzzle

Next, return to the cloud machine to get another essence of the cloud then head back to the third area and follow the left path north. This will bring you to the fourth area. Follow the middle path north and interact with the gap directly right of the red flower to build a bridge.

The Cloud Passage Baten Kaitos

Follow the path north to reach a Magnus: Cygnus and Magnus: Aqua Burst Lv. 2. After you use the red flower to save, backtrack to the beginning of Area 4. There will be a small section you can use to reach the westernmost path. Use this path to reach the wooden bridge!

As soon as you touch this bridge, a cutscene will trigger followed immediately by a boss fight with an Iron Beetle I. This creature regularly uses its Nitro Boost skill which boosts its attack. It follows this up with the Voldocannon which is part of a 5 combo attack with the cannon itself averaging 240-250 damage. It resists fire and dark and is weak to water and light. Make sure to snap a picture of it before taking this boss down! As a reward for defeating the Iron Beetle I, you’ll receive a Shark Tooth, which can be used to upgrade Gibari’s Class Level to 3.

After you defeat the boss, exit The Cloud Passage to reach the world map where you’ll be able to travel to Sheliak, the Castle Town!


Upon entering Sheliak, a cutscene will trigger! When it ends, head east along the building to trigger another event with Lyude as you pass the closed door. This will cause Kalas to approach a window to listen in on the conversation. After this cutscene, enter the building to find the shop! Once you’re done shopping and resting, exit the building and head east up the stairs. Enter the first building to find a Magnus: Light Flare Lv. 2 by the flower vase. In this same room, interact with the bookcase along the northern wall to find a Magnus: Clock Shield.

Exit this building then continue to the next one to the east. Interact with the desk on the northeastern room to find a Magnus: Red and Blue Pencil. Push the bookshelf in this room to reveal a secret room then head inside to find a Magnus: Calm Helmet and Magnus: Ray of Truth.

Baten Kaitos Sheliak secret room behind bookcase that hides magnus

Exit this house and continue to the next one to the east. Interact with the cabinet with vases on top to find a Magnus: Voice Lv. 2.

Once you’ve explored the town, head to the church to level up then save at the blue flower. When you’re ready, continue east to reach the third area where a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, you’ll get a prompt: “Sounds good to me.” and “Let’s fight our way in through the front door!” We chose the first one then returned to the second area for a quick event. Hop into the bucket at the dock to take off to Castle Elnath.

Baten Kaitos Sheliak proceeding to the next area

Castle Elnath

Upon exiting the bucket and first arriving to Castle Elnath, head west of the stairs and retrieve a Magnus: Infinity Mask. Next, head down the stairs then enter the building. Head to the western side of the balcony overlooking the waterfall to find a Magnus: Dark Sword. You’ll then need to speak with the Head Knight who is blocking the stairs. He’ll give you the Diadem Royal Crest and a blank magnus. These items will help someone who is injured with no will to fight rise up and help you. Across from where the knight stood, you can interact with the Diadem Royal Crest on the wall to receive mana essence of the Diadem Royal Crest.

Head down the stairs. At the base of the stairs, head east and interact with the statues to find a Magnus: Dark Flare Lv. 2. As you make your way through this area, you’ll come across groups of knights fighting. You’ll have the option to either dispatch knights to take down the enemies or fight them yourself. If you dispatch the knights, you’ll receive different Magnus as rewards for saving them.

Once in the third area, head west and enter the door then dispatch some troops. In this room, you’ll also find a Magnus: Magical Anklet. Interact with the white pot on the northern cabinet to receive a Magnus: Fading Notebook. Exit this room then head down the stairs to enter the fray. Head west and enter the room to find injured knights that you can show the Diadem Royal Crest to get them to join you. If you leave this room and reenter, more knights will spawn allowing you to recruit them with the crest.

Keep making your way through the areas until you reach the area of the castle with a red flower. Nestled between the bases of the staircases you’ll find a Magnus: Shadow Suit and Magnus: Flash Armor.

Baten Kaitos Castle Elnath Magnus

In the room with the red flower, head up the northeastern stairs. At the top, follow the hallway east and enter the eastern room. Inside this room, assist the knights inside then interact with the window to climb up to the next floor. Once there, exit the door to reach a balcony where a cutscene will trigger followed by a boss fight with Iron Beetle V. This creature has a 4 combo attack ending with the plasma cannon which deals around 120 damage, a 5 combo attack which ends with Diving Drill that deals a significant amount of damage, and it can heal itself. It resists dark and is weak to light and water. Make sure to snap its photo before defeating it!

Once defeated Iron Beetle V has been defeated, a cutscene will trigger with King Ladekahn. During the cutscene, you’ll have a dialog prompt: “Let’s go.” and “We shouldn’t go.” We chose the first option! Also, Lyude will join the party. When you regain control, there will be a blue flower nearby that you can use to save and level up. Once you’re ready to proceed, head east to reach the world map.

Shrine of the Winds

Upon entering the Shrine of the Winds, a cutscene will trigger with the Lord of the Winds followed by a battle against him. He uses wind attacks and can inflict poison on you. He’s weak to Chronos and resists wind. Make sure to snap a picture of him during the fight! When you defeat him, it will drop the Coral Plant, which is needed for Kalas’s Class Level to 4. After you defeat him, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll be returned to the castle.

Castle Elnath

Once in the castle, speak with Lyude and the king to start another dialog event. Interact with the door when you’re ready to rest! Once you awake, exit the room and interact with the painting next to your room to receive a Magus: Light Yell Lv. 1.

Next, head west, passing the stairs. Speak with the knight who will ask your help in removing the rubble. For our guide on this favor, click here! Head up the stairs and take a right then go through the door. Inside you’ll find Lyude staring out the window.

Castle Elnath Where to find Lyude Baten Kaitos Castle Elnath walkthrough

Speak with him to begin a cutscene where he will officially join the party. Next, head down to the doors that lead to the throne room. Once there, head west and go up the stairs to find some knights surrounded by debris. Agree to help them move the rubble to begin their favor. For a guide on how to do this favor, click here!

Now is the time you should do any clean up as we’re going to the next whale and it will be some time before you can return!


Before progressing with the story there is one favor you can find and complete involving the person outside the mayor’s office in the first area who is trying to clean the lamp. For a guide on how to complete this favor, click here! Also, make sure to stop in the mayor’s office to find a Magnus: Butterfly and Magnus: Savings Book. Once ready, you’ll be able to move on to the next whale!

Castle Elnath

When you’re ready to proceed, head to the very top of the castle where the Head Knight is standing guard. Exit to the east to reach the dock. Speak with the knight there to board the king’s ship! A cutscene will trigger and you’ll sail away to Komo Mai, City of Flowers.

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 1 – Sadal Suud

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Baten Kaitos Walkthrough Part 1 – Sadal Suud. In this walkthrough, we’ll cover all the areas on the first whale, called Sadal Suud, including the story, items, Quzman family members and favors! If you’d like a guide on each area, specifically what items can be found in the shops, enemy weaknesses and an overview of all items found there, click here then select the area you’re trying to find information on!


When Kalas first wakes up, he’ll find himself laying on a bed. Speak with the doctor Larikush to learn how you ended up here. Before leaving the room that Kalas wakes up in, speak with the red-headed girl. Exhaust her dialog options to get some information on things like healing efficiently, how to earn money and to learn more about the doctor. Exit the Doctor’s Office to arrive in a courtyard filled with animals. Head to the blue flower on the left side of the area to trigger an event where you’ll learn how to use blue flowers to save.

Once that’s done, interact with the flower and select “Visit the church” to travel to the church. Speak with the Priest in the back by the altar and exhaust his dialog options to learn about leveling up and increasing class levels. When you’re finished, return to the blue flower and interact with it choosing “Return to adventure” to head back to Cebalrai. Before making your way to the main part of the village, speak with the girl wearing the pink dress in the courtyard. She’ll mention that you should visit the mayor. He has something to say to Kalas.

Head left past the blue flower to reach the main area of the village. Proceed to the center of this area to trigger an event with a boy and Meemai. When it ends, head north then through the doorway there to reach the mayor’s house. Speak with him and he’ll invite Kalas to stay in the village as long as he needs while also insisting that he stays away from the Moonguile Forest. when you’ve finished talking to the mayor, examine the bookshelf in the back-left corner of the room to receive a Fire Burst Lv. 1 Magus card. You can this exit the building.

Baten Kaitos Cebalrai Mayor's House

Back in the main part of the village, head south towards the bridge with Meemai. Speak with the blonde girl standing on the bridge to trigger another event. Afterward exit the village. You may want to save again at the blue flower before doing so. There is also a shop in the building to the left of the bridge you can visit to stock up on supplies. You can find the list of items the shop contains in our Baten Kaitos Cebalrai Shop guide. When you reach the world map, head west to reach Moonguile Forest!

Moonguile Forest

When you arrive at Moonguile Forest, Kalas will find himself in a cave. He’ll also be accompanied by two bat enemies and there we’ll be a Magnus: Voice Lv. 1 on the left side. Grab it then head north through the illuminated pathway. This will bring you outside near a river. Nearby, there will be a guy sitting near a log. Speak with him then exhaust his dialog options to get a crash course on combat. When you’ve finished, go north along the river passing through a slightly concealed cave. There will be a Magnus: Leather Hat on the other side for you to collect.

Just past the guy sitting on the ground near a log, there will be another log on the right preventing you find getting the item behind you. You won’t be able to collect this item until after you complete the story section here and return to Cebalrai. You’ll then need to progress the story until Larikush teaches you how to use blank cards.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest

Backtrack a bit then cross the river and head south to find a Magnus: Bamboo Shoot. Go north along the river to reach the next area of the forest. Make sure you are prepared, as you are about to face a mini boss.

In the next area, a cutscene will trigger involving the blonde girl you met in the village and her companions. This will lead to a fight where she and Kalas will team up against a Sabre Dragon. The beast will resist any fire attacks you send its way but is also weak to water. Use that to your advantage to take it down. Also make sure to snag a picture of the dragon that you can sell later! After the Sabre Dragon falls, another cutscene will trigger. The girl will introduce herself as Xelha and decide to tag along to the ancient ruins.

When you regain control of Kalas, proceed to the next area of Moonguile Forest. When you arrive, head left through the archways to find a Magnus: Flame Sword at the end. Backtrack to the first archway and follow the path north around the area towards the red flower. Along the way, to the east of flower you’ll be able to grab a Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 1. Make sure to use the red flower to save when you reach it along with healing up as necessary. There is a boss fight coming up in the next area!

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Boss Fight

Head to the next area to trigger a cutscene during which the Lord of the Spring will appear. After some dialog it will then attack the party. The Spring Lord uses water-based attacks which means it also resists water. To deal extra damage, use fire-based moves to hit its weak point. One thing to watch out for is its 4 attack combo that typically ends with a big attack dealing around 50 damage total. Also make sure to snag a picture of the creature to sell later. When the creature falls, another cutscene will trigger. After it concludes, you’ll be back at the world map so return to Cebalrai!


Following the events of Moonguile Forest, Larikush will be on the bridge waiting for Kalas and will bring you to the mayor’s house. You’ll catch them up on what happened in the forest to which the mayor is none too pleased. One of the villagers will mention seeing a ship pass by heading towards the city giving us our next destination.

Before setting out, stop by Larikush’s place (where Kalas first woke up) in the hamlet. Speak with him and he’ll ask Kalas for a favor. A landside in Nunki Valley has blocked that path to Pherkad (our next destination) and he would like us to take some explosives there and use them to clear the landslide. He’ll then show you how to turn stuff into magnus then he’ll give you 4 blank cards and task you with bringing him an apple to try it out. Exit his house to find a lady standing next to two barrels of apples in the courtyard. Interact with the apples then press “Sure!” when prompted to seal their magna essence in a blank card.

Cebalrai the Farming Hamlet Sealing essence in a blank card

Head back into Larikush’s house and speak with him to hand over the apple. As a reward, he’ll give you a Magnus: Ice Dagger. With that out of the way, interact with the explosives on the nearby table to seal their essence in one of the cards then leave the doctor’s residence.

Now might be a good time to save, so visit the blue flower and do so. While you’re there, use the flower to visit the church and speak with the priest in the back. Use the pray option to level and class up. Leveling up with make Kalas stronger and classing up will allow you to carry 5 extra cards in your deck, boost your max combo to 3 and also allow you to carry 4 cards at a time in battle.

After you’ve finished, head back to the blue flower. This will trigger an event where the Elder will call out to you. Speak with him and he’ll ask Kalas for a favor. The elder will ask Kalas to keep an eye out for fragments of the star map on his journey in hopes to see the star map completed before he fades away. You’ll will need to find all 50 of them scattered around the world in the form of Constellation Magnus to make this dream a reality. You’ll also be rewarded for each fragment that you find. For our guide on where to find all the Star Map Fragments, click here! Use the blue flower to return to Cebalrai.

Before heading to Nunki Valley, there are a couple of things you can do. First, head to the shop and sell any of the pictures you’ve taken to acquire some money. There are also a couple of favors you can complete. For our guide on these Cebalrai favors, click here! You’ll also want to head back to the Moonguile Forest and complete the favor for the Man wearing a Bracelet there. For our guide on how to complete this favor, click here! Once all of that has been done, travel to the Nunki Valley via world map.

Nunki Valley

After arriving at the Nunki Valley, head north to reach the bottom of the waterfall. Jump across the gap of the first waterfall then turn and jump the gap of the second. Follow the path south to a Magnus: Flame Shield at the end and grab it. Backtrack past both waterfalls to the entrance of the valley and cross the fallen log in the middle of the room. Head south to snag a Magnus: Frozen Shield then follow the path north into the next area.

Baten Kaitos Nunki Valley

In the next part of the cavern, you’ll be on the west side next to part of the rockslide. Interact with the rocks on the path then select the explosives to blow them up clearing the way. Continue following the path turn right. This should bring you to an area with two ways forward separated by flowing water in the middle of the room.

Nunki Valley Baten Kaitos

You want to take the left path first. This will bring you to a secluded section in the next area where you’ll be able to collect a Magnus: Secret Recipe 1. After doing that, take the right path to proceed towards the city.

Now on the right side of the third area, there will a guy sitting on the ground to the right of the stone ladder. Speak with him and exhaust his dialog options to learn about combat. When your done climb up the ladder and follow the path to reach the end of the Nunki Valley brining you to the world map. Press on to Pherkad, the Ancient Capital!!


Once you reach the city, a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, Kalas will explain his bond with the guardian spirit (you!). When prompted choose “Of course”. After the cutscene ends, follow the street north two areas to reach the mansion. Speak with the guards out front who will tell Kala to get lost. This will trigger another cutscene. When it concludes, speak with the lady wearing a green dress and ask about the kid, Palolo. She’ll tell mention one house that hasn’t been broken into yet and suggest camping out there to catch him.

Baten Kaitos Pherkad

Head back to the main area of Pherkad and enter the house across the street from the tavern (across from the person standing by the apple cart). Once inside, a cutscene will trigger where Kalas will speak with the great Palolo III. When he asks why you want to enter the mansion choose “To get vengeance for my grandfather and brother”. Kalas likes that answer and will spaz a bit if you choose the other one. Regardless of what choice you make, Palolo will request a Rainbow Spider’s Web in exchange for the information.

To find a Rainbow Spider’s Web, travel to the Nunki Valley and make your way to the middle area where you blew up the rocks earlier in the story. The spider you are looking for can be found on the left side of the stream. There will be a path along the trees that you can use to reach a stone ladder.

Pherkad Baten Kaitos Rainbow Spider's Web

Climb down this ladder to find the spider called Nunkirantula! When battling this creature, note that it’s weak to wind and resistant to light and water. Also, this creature likes to guard often so you’ll be doing half damage unless you’re using something that its weak to. Once the spider is defeated, it will drop the Rainbow Spider’s Web. Bring this item back to Palolo III in Pherkad. After he takes the items off your hands, he’ll tell you that the entrance to the mansion can be found behind him in the well.

If you haven’t done so recently, now would be a good time to complete the favors (click here for a guide on these favors) and head to the church (via blue flower) to level and heal up. Also, if needed head to the shop north of the blue flower to rest your weary wings. When you’re ready, return to the hideout and speak with Palolo III to hop down the well to enter The Lord’s Mansion!

The Lord’s Mansion

Upon entering this area, a cutscene will trigger during which Kalas will talk about the airship. You’ll be prompted with a choice: “Let’s find out way up to the ship!” or “Shouldn’t we find Xelha first?”. You can pick whichever option you’d like but Kalas favors the first option.

When you reach this area, you’ll start in a room with a fountain in the center. If you need to return to the city at any time, interact with the southern part of the fountain to return to the hideout. Once you’re ready, head up the stairs on the north side of the room to reach a hallway filled with a bunch of enemies.

At the top of the stairs, head directly north and interact with the stained glass window to receive the Magnus: Frozen Shield. Next, enter the room to the left of the stained glass window. You’ll find the Magnus: Shadow Wings in the back left corner. While in this room, speak with the maid to learn some more information about our friend.

Baten Kaitos The Lord's Mansion Maid

Exit the room and go up the stairs on the west side to reach the third floor. On the western side of the third floor, defeat the 2 guards stationed in front of the door then pick up the item on the west side of the hallway to receive the Magnus: Chain Mail.

Baten Kaitos The Lord's Mansion Third Floor Key

Next, enter the room to reach the lord’s room. Pick up the key on the small round table in front of the western couch.

Baten Kaitos The Lord's Mansion Guestroom Key

As soon as you pick up the key, a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, you’ll be prompted with another choice: “Let’s get Giacomo.” or “Let’s look for Xelha.”. This time, we chose the second option and Kalas agreed. Before exiting the room, head to the northeastern corner to collect Magnus: Wind Blow Lv. 1.

Next, return to the second floor and enter the western most room. You’ll use the key you just found to open this door.

Baten Kaitos The Lord's Mansion use Rodolfo's key to open locked room on second floor

Inside, interact with the end table between the beds to find a Magnus: Mink Coat. Speak with the man in the corner to learn that his name is Aljeemo. If you previously spoke to his wife in Cebalrai, the Farming Hamlet, you’ll be able to give him a pendant. In return he’ll give you a Magnus: Voice Lv. 2.

Exit this room and enter the room to the right of the stained glass window. Use the key to unlock this door to find Xelha! During the cutscene, you’ll receive a choice to either help or refuse her. Choose to help her! After the cutscene, grab the two items in the back of the room to receive a Magnus: Chronos Blow Lv. 1 and Magnus: Shrike Statue.

After exiting the above room, enter the next room to the right. In this room, interact with the nightstand to find the Magnus: Ice Dagger. Exit the room and head up the stairs on the eastern side to reach the third level where you’ll find a blue flower. In the room across from the blue flower, you’ll find the kitchen where two women with favors await! For a guide on how to complete their favors, click here! Now that you’ve found a blue flower, now would also be a good time to return to the church to level up Xelha!

When you’re ready, examine the statues to the right of the flower then press the switch.

Baten Kaitos The Lord's Mansion Blue Flower on Third Floor

This will clear the way forward, allowing you to reach the roof. At the top of the stairs, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against Giacomo. He’s weak to water and light attacks and resists fire and dark. He can attack multiple times and uses fire and dark attacks. Each of his combos can be 3 or 4 long. Before you defeat Giacomo, make sure to take a picture! After the fight, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll return to the well. During this cutscene, Xelha asks both Kalas and his guardian spirit for help. You’ll be prompted with “Let’s help her.” or “You’re right, it’s too much of a risk.” If you choose to help her, Kalas does not agree and refuses.

After the cutscene, you’ll gain control of your character again. Now would be a good time to head to the blue flower near the port to level up, heal and save. When you’re ready, approach the ship to escape!

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Complete Guide to Baten Kaitos Nashira the Fishing Village

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Nashira, the Fishing Village, in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Nashira, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up. Please note that Quzman family members can be found in this area! Check out our guide here to find out where they are located!

Nashira Items

  • Fish warehouse
    • Magnus: Fire Yell Lv. 1
  • Main part of town with blue flower
    • Magnus: Scale Shield
    • Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 2
    • Magnus: Feathered Hat
  • Building with Old Fortune Teller
    • Magnus: Carina

Baten Kaitos Nashira Story

Once you arrive in Nashira, leave the dock and enter the building (aka fish warehouse). Speak with the woman wearing a green and red striped dress to find a Quzman family member!

Baten Kaitos Nashira Quzman Family Member for Quzman Genealogy

Head down the stairs and interact with the water jugs in the corner to receive a Magnus: Fire Yell Lv. 1 then exit the building and follow the path to reach the town.

After the cutscene, you can use the blue flower to save! To the left of Lyude’s sailboat, you’ll find a Magnus: Scale Shield in the big container with some traces of rust. Next, speak with Lyude (guy with red hair) near his boat to learn more about him.

Baten Kaitos Lyude the Imperial Ambassador to Diadem

On the eastern side of this area, interact with the big rusted container to find a Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 2. While you’re over there, enter the far eastern building to find the pub. Speak with the Barkeep behind the counter to trigger a cutscene where she will introduce herself as Anna and say if you are looking to reach the capital, then you’ll need to speak with Gibari. He may be willing to ferry the party across the flooded water, but you’ll have to check back at the tavern later to find him.

Exit the building and enter the house to the right of the shop in the northern part of the town. Climb up the ladder inside and interact with the bed to receive a Magnus: Feathered Hat.

Travel to the house to the left of the shop and speak with the Old Fortune Teller sitting behind the round table. This will trigger a cutscene where you’ll learn a little more about Malpercio. Interact with the trunk on the eastern side of the room to receive a Magnus: Carina, a Star Map Fragment!

Once you’ve explored the town, return to the pub on the eastern side of town and speak with the Barkeep. This will trigger a cutscene where you’ll meet Reblys and Gibari. As the events unfold, Kalas will want to know your opinion on the favor Gibari asks. We chose the “Let’s do it” option then Gibari joined the party!

When you’re ready to progress, interact with Gibari’s boat, which is the middle boat docked in the main part of town, to travel to the Lesser Celestial River.

Baten Kaitos Gibari's Boat

For our guide on this area, click here!

After you’ve defeated the Thunderfish boss in the Lesser Celestial River, you’ll return to the boat which will transport you back to Nashira! Once in Nashira, head to the pub and speak with Reblys. Afterwards, make your way to the fish warehouse and interact with the door to trigger a cutscene. Next, return to the pub and speak with Anna then make your way to the Cloud Passage.

Baten Kaitos Nashira Shop

Aqua Burst Lv. 2ATK 30 (Water 20)950G
Chestnut TruffleCures Poison (Only usable in camp)100G
Duel SwordATK 28 (+2 Combo) / DEF 16 (+2 Combo)900G
Fire Burst Lv. 2ATK 30 (Fire 20)950G
Flame SwordATK 28 (17 Fire) Inflicts Status Aliment 10% / DEF 19 (17 Fire)250G
Frozen ShieldDEF 23 (Water 17)700G
HoneyRestores HP 80200G
Mineral WaterCures Status Ailments 66% (ATK and DEF)50G
Power HelmetUsable when attacking, to no effect / DEF 1130G
Shish Kebab (Medium)Restores HP +40% (Only usable in camp)75G
Silver BuckleProvides resistance to poison and protects against sleep and confusing (Kalas only)2500G
Wheat CrackersRevive incapacitated pary members (Only usable in camp)300G

For more Baten Kaitos guides and walkthroughs, click here!