
Tears of the Kingdom – A New Champion’s Tunic

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can receive the A New Champion’s Tunic quest by visiting Link and Zelda’s house.

To reach it, travel to Hateno Village in eastern Hyrule near the Necluda Sea and make your way to the Firly Pond. Cross the bridge there to find to arrive at their house then head around the back. There you will find Zelda’s Secret Well.

Climb down into it then look for her desk.

Examine the book on it to find Zelda’s Diary then choose the read it. An entry will mention that she ordered a new and improved Champion’s Tunic as a present for Link to thank him for his support. It also says that she hid the tunic in the throne room of the castle so it remains hidden until after their investigation. This will officially kick off the quest.

Now that you have the quest, travel to Lookout Landing Skyview Tower in Central Hyrule.

You’ll want to use the tower to launch Link into the air and glide over to the castle. It would help to have a bigger stamina bar or the Gliding outfit to make reaching it a bit easier. After you land, follow the main path to reach the Sanctum. On the right and left side of the room, is a set of stairs leading up to the balcony in front of the throne. Make your way there to find two unlit braziers. Light them both using a Fire Fruit.

This will cause the statue behind the throne to move revealing a secret cubby hole. Climb up on it then look inside to spot a chest. Open it up to receive the Champion’s Leathers. This will complete the quest. While you’re here, you might want to check out the upper level of the Sanctum. There is some good gear up there that could give you an edge!


Tears of the Kingdom – Orochium Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Orochium Shrine can be found near the Snowfield Stable in the Tabantha Tundra northwest of Rito Village.

You’ll need to complete the Courage to Fall challenge to clear this shrine. Start out by heading down the stairs then use Ultrahans to open the doors of the structure. Next, follow the path left of the doors and fight the enemy at the end. There will be a section of wall hanging out on the right. Use Ascend to reach the top of it then climb up the ladder and crouch through the gap in the wall on the right. When you reach the other side, turn to the right and glide down to the area below. Take out the enemy here then pass the doorway looking to the left. There will be one more enemy guarding a chest with 5 arrows inside.

Return to the doorway and open the doors then crouch walk past the lasers. There will be two enemies here that you’ll need to deal with. Afterward, return to the lasers and walk through one. This will open up the floor causing you to drop down into a hallway with more lasers. Dodge them heading under the platform at the end. Use Ascend here to reach a chest. Open it to receive the small key then use Ascend again.

Head down the stairs and use the key to unlock the door allowing you to grab the ball. Head up the stairs behind the room with the ball and use one of the moving platforms. This will take you up where you can drop the ball in a pressure plate opening a gate and gaining you access to a wing with some fans on it. Pull out then stick the ball to the top. Set the wing on the track and ride it back to the starting area by hitting one of the fans. You can then unstick the ball and place it on the floor plate opening the door leading to the altar where your Light of Blessing awaits!


Tears of the Kingdom – Tukarok Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Tukarok Shrine can be found near the Wetland Stable west of the Lanayru Wetlands along the road.

You’ll need to complete the Forward Force challenge to clear this shrine. Head down the stairs and work your way to the back of the shrine. Take the ladder at the end down, bringing you an area with a ball and a slab with wheels. Pick up the ball using the Ultrahands ability and stick it to the middle of the slab. Hop on and hit the wheels to send that slab across the pit of lava.

Once on the other side of the lava, there will be a block connected to a rail. Grab the ball and stick it to the top of that block. You’ll then want to pull the slab from the lava pit and remove the wheels. Place the slab on the 4th post from the block with the ball going back. Then grab the smaller slab and place it behind that big one. Climb up the ladder and walk down the slabs then use Ultrahand to pull the block up the rail. You can then try to grab the ball off of it before it slides back down. If you are unsuccessful, use Rewind on the block to send it back up. Grab the ball and take it down the nearby ramp.

The next room is filled with water and the objective here is to get the ball on the other side of the room. The best way to do this is by building a bridge and walking the ball to the other side. Step on the floor switch near the gated door to lower the gate. Also, note that in the second track from the left, there is a chest in the water containing a Strong Zonaite Sword. You can pull it out of the water using Ultrahand.

Grab the ball and head through the doorway bringing you back to the starting area. Place the ball in the pressure plate to open the way to the altar where you can grab your Light of Blessing.


Tears of the Kingdom – Morok Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Morok Shrine can be found just west of the Sahasra Slope, which is east of the Floret Sandbar.

Enter the shrine to begin the A Bouncy Device challenge. Once inside, head forward and stand on the launching concrete to reach the higher ledge. On this ledge, stand on the spring then hit it with a weapon to be launched up again.

Glide to the next level. Again, stand on the spring then give it a good whack to launch up into the air. Glide to the right to find a small ball on a pedestal. Angle the spring between the slanted concrete slabs then place the small ball on top.

Give it a good whack to launch the ball across the way (and hopefully into the pit)! If you got a whole in one the gate revealing 2 springs will open. If not just put it in the pit yourself. Either way just glide back to the level with the ball pit. Grab the springs and stack them on top of the spring near the wall.

Use it to launch really high up. At the top, you’ll see the altar and the level below you can find a chest containing a Sneaky Elixir. After you grab the chest glide down to the stacked springs and take them up to reach the altar where you can grab the Light of Blessing.


Tears of the Kingdom – The Missing Farm Tools

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, The Missing Farm Tools side adventure can be obtained by speaking with Penn at the Wetland Stable during the Potential Princess Sightings side adventure.

For this quest, speak with Izra who can be found on a dock in the river just down the hill next to Penn.

He’ll need help building the raft next to him. Look on the nearby rock to find 3 items to attach to the raft: steering wheel, fan and battery. Stick the fan onto the back of the raft and stick the battery to the top of it. Next put the steering on the front of the raft.

Once you’ve constructed it, speak with Izra and tell him that you’ll take him to Floret Sandbar. To cut the rope and free your raft, swing a sword at it. Steer the boat down the river until Izra tells you to stop at the dock. Do so and you’ll learn what really happened with the farm tools. With this mystery solved, the quest will complete!


Tears of the Kingdom – Jonsau Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Jonsau Shrine can be found in the Lanayru Wetlands on the southern side of Mercay Island.

Enter the shrine to begin the Deep Force challenge. For the first obstacle, grab the ball using Ultrahand then bring it underneath the target. Push it far under the water as you can then let go! It will bounce up to the target and the path forward will open. Head through the gate to reach your next challenge.

In this room take out the Construct then look in the water to find a chest. Pull it up using Ultrahand then open it to receive the Strong Construct Bow. Return to the previous room and grab the ball. Bring the ball with you to the next target. Again, pop it under the water then let go. This will open the path forward.

For the last challenge, pop the ball in the room under the water near the center of the structure. When it flies up, the wooden pallet will fly off freeing the lift. The lift will then drop into the water. Swim to the lift and stand in it then case Rewind on it. You’ll soar up into the air and when you reach the top, step off and make your way to the altar. Examine the altar to receive a Light of Blessing.


Tears of the Kingdom – Utsushok Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Utsushok Shrine can be found in the Faron region between Fural Plain and Guchini Plain.

Enter the shrine to begin the Long or Wide challenge. For the first obstacle, you’ll see a ball on a track with a pit at the end. You’ll need to use Ultrahand and pull the paddle as far back as you can then let it go. It’ll hit the ball down the track and into the pit which opens the gate. Head on through for the next obstacle. For this one, attach the metal cube to the side of the paddle closest to the gate.

Use Ultrahand to grab it then swing it as high back as you can. Let go to send the ball into the pit. Head through the newly opened gate to reach the last puzzle in the altar room. Attach the long plank to the back of the paddle then swing it as far as you can so the ball goes into the pit.

This will cause a cart to drop down. Detach the plank from the paddle and reattach it horizontally.

Hop in the cart and use Ultrahand to pull it all the way back. Let go and enjoy the ride. Be sure to grab the chest from the ledge on your way to the altar. It contains a Sneaky Elixir. Interact with the altar to receive a Light of Blessing.


Tears of the Kingdom – An Eerie Voice

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can obtain An Eerie Voice side adventure by speaking with Penn at the Highland Stable during the Potential Princess Sightings! side adventure.

For this quest, you’ll need to speak with Penn again at night. To advance time to night, you can either wait or sleep at the stable. Afterwards, follow Penn west into the grassy field where you’ll hear an eerie voice. You’ll then need to search for its source. It’s coming from the bottom of Haran Lakefront Well.

Jump in to find Sagessa. She’ll explain herself and you’ll inform Penn. Afterwards, An Eerie Voice side adventure will complete.


Tears of the Kingdom – Joju-U-U Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Joju-U-U Shrine can be found on the cliff overlooking the Lakeside Stable in Faron.

Enter the shrine to begin the Building Bridges challenge. Head down the stairs and cross the bridge which will bring you to your first obstacle: a broken bridge. Use Ultrahand to connect this bridge then move on to the next one.

Again, you’ll have to use Ultrahand to grab the second to the last section of the bridge then connect it to the other side. Move on to the next broken bridge. Jump down to the area below then stretch the bridge as far as you can. Grab the 4th piece then connect it to the section under the light. Walk across then make your way to the next broken bridge.

For this one, bring the cube underneath the pole sticking out of the column.

Grab the last section of the broken bridge using Ultrahand then loop it over the pole and stick it to the cube. The cube will be a counterweight, allowing the bridge to stay taunt. Cross this bridge and jump up to the ledge to the left of it. This will bring you to a bridge leading to the altar where you can grab the Light of Blessing.

Along the way, make sure to use Ultrahand on the middle of the bridge and attach it to the column on the left where you can obtain a Large Zonaite from a chest.


Tears of the Kingdom – The Beast and the Princess

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can obtain The Beast and the Princess side adventure from Penn at the New Serenne Stable after starting the Potential Princess Sightings side adventure.

For this side adventure, you’ll need to travel to the Lakeside Stable, which is north of Ubota Point. Once there, speak with Shay who can be found outside by the fire.

He’ll tell you of a girl to the north just on the other side of the ravine. Make your way north to the southern part of Bronas Forest.

Speak with Cima to complete the quest.