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Hogwarts Legacy – Clagmar Coast Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across collectibles needed to fill out your collections and complete challenges. The World Map shows the complete area of the Highlands that includes Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and many other small villages and hamlets. If you zoom all the way out using the L2 button while viewing the World Map, you can see that the area is further broken apart into different regions that each contain a listing of the collectibles found there. This guide will focus on the following collectibles can be found in the Clagmar Coast region:

  • Collection Chests x5
  • Field Guide Pages x2
  • Merlin Trials x5
  • Balloons x1
  • Astronomy Tables x1
  • Landing Platforms x1
  • Infamous Foes x1

Field Guide Pages

1. Acromantula Venom Guide Page

This page can be found at a Medium Bandit Camp in the northern part of the region.

2. Pungous Onion Bulb Guide Page

This page can be found to the far northwest of the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame. Use Revelio on the broken tent to find the page.

Landing Platform

This platform can be found in the southeastern corner of the area.