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Harve Village – Dragon’s Dogma 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on all the things to do at Harve Village in Dragon’s Dogma 2!


  • Mighty Roborant – In the building next to the Harve Village Beach marker on the map
  • Greenwarish x5 – In Chandler’s General Store
  • ? x2 – In Old Lighthouse

Side Quests


Chandler’s General Store

Explorer’s Camping Kit2000
Lupine Bow1800
Hunter’s Bow4240
Ironclad Staff1450
Anchor to Heaven6200
Traveler’s Gaiters2200
Miner’s Hosen2450
Bandit Greaves6800
Sprinter’s Boots7900
Homespun Cloak450
Saurianscale Cape1280
Murky Grouse Feathercloak17000
Legacy Cloak13850
Drenching Arrow100
Tarring Arrow80
Explosive Arrow50
Blighting Arrow2000

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides and Walkthroughs

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Scaly Invaders

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Dragon’s Dogma 2 walkthrough on the Scaly Invaders quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

How to obtain the Scaly Invaders quest

Dragon's Dogma 2 Scaly Invaders

To begin the Scaly Invaders quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, someone will approach you at the Old Lighthouse in Harve Village after you rescue the soldiers during the Monster Culling quest in the Stormwind Cave.

Scaly Invaders Objectives

Defeat the Saurians

Travel to the entrance of the village to find a group of Saurians. Defeat them in battle then Fyoran will approach you. He’ll thank you for your help and ask you to return. Wait a few days then return to learn that the Saurians took over the village. Defeat them once again. Another cutscene will trigger and you’ll receive the following rewards: Saurian Scale x6 and 5000G.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Dragon’s Dogma 2 guides and walkthroughs, click here!