Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Guardian Force Drill Participation

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Guardian Force Drill Participation support request in The Legends of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Deputy Commander Baelz

Salary: 3000 mira


Travel to East Street and exit to East Crossbell Highway. Once there, take the bus stop and select “Bus Stop (Fork)”. Take the eastern path and follow it all the way towards Tangram Gate. Along this path, you’ll find the below!

  • Treasure Chests
    • EP Charge
    • Heaven’s Eye
    • Teara Balm
    • Each Sepith x40
    • Monster chest – Defeat the enemies to receive a Range quartz.
    • Monster chest – 2 Level 30 Master Cryon (won’t be able to defeat yet so just skip!)
  • Enemies
    • Purple Charlot
    • Horned Frog
    • Fartacus
    • Nepenthes
    • Humming Gator

Once you arrive at the Tangram Gate, enter the large building. Head through the first door on the left (behind the guy standing next to a column). Go through the doorway to the right of the stairs then speak with Temas twice behind the counter in the cafeteria to receive the below recipe!

  • Recipe
    • Boiled Fish Hotpot

Exit this room via the door you came in then head up the stairs on the left. Follow the walkthrough and head through the doorway at the end of the path. Follow this walkway and exit to reach the outside. Again, follow the path to reach the below chest.

  • Treasure Chest
    • Soldier Suit


Head back inside and follow the path through the doorway. Enter the first door on the right then speak with Deputy Commander Baelz. Select “Let’s get this started!” to begin a fight against a Recruit – Assault Rifle and 3 Recruit – Halberd. Defeat them! You’ll then have to fight them again but this time you’ll also have to defeat Sergeant Major Seeker. Once you defeat them all, the quest will complete!