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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Final Battle!

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Final Battle! main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

The Final Battle! Goals

Go to the Great Hall

At the start of The Final Battle story, make your way to the Great Hall to… you guessed it!… begin the final war game.

Defeat Dux Aldric

After the war, you’ll find yourself in the Imperial Army Headquarters. If you wish to save, shop, heal, change your gear or party members, turn around. When you’re ready, press forward! At the end of the area, you’ll encounter the Dux. Instead of fighting him now, you’ll face Heinrich and 2 Imperial Elite (Sword). As soon as victory is yours, a cutscene will trigger and Goldwyn, Elektra, Maxim, Vorrdice, Viesskin will join the Alliance.

Imperial Army Headquarters Collectibles


  • Imperial Elite (Sword)
  • Imperial Soldier (Bow)
  • Imperial Soldier (Spear)
  • Imperial Soldier (Sword)
  • Mach Egg
  • Modified Speciment T_1965
  • Ogre
  • Ripper Raptor

Collectible Materials

  • Premium Healing Herb
  • Revival Medicine

Go to give your speech

At the start of the Declaring Victory story, head downstairs, exit your HQ then proceed towards the gathered group.

Go to the Great Hall and hear the other war results

At the start of the Counterattack story, enter the Great Hall for the discussion.

Prepare and return to the Great Hall

Before heading to the Great Hall, make your way over to The Hero’s Den to check on Kurtz. Interact with the mystery chef to meet Trey. This will prompt Kurtz to want the Scroll of Heaven so he too can get his hands on some arcane recipes. For our guide on where to find this fabled Scroll of Heaven for Kurtz’s side quest, click here!

Also, make sure to explore Twinhorne West now that it’s available for an additional recipe and some recruitable characters!

Twinhorne West Collectibles

  • Rohan – Speak with him in the inn and he’ll join you!
  • Hogan – Speak with him on the dock. To recruit him, you’ll need to make a profit of 50,000 baqua by buying and selling at the Trading Posts.
  • Shrimp Doria Recipe – Speak with the woman in the southwestern most house.

When you’re ready to proceed, enter the Great Hall and tell Melridge that you’re ready to go! You’ll then begin a war battle against Chapell’s forces. Eliminate them to recapture Eltisweiss.

Liberate Eltisweiss

Head north fighting the enemies along the way then turn west when you reach the end of the path!

Give your orders from the Great Hall

After liberating Eltisweiss, The Last Order story will begin. Make your way to the Great Hall and give the order when you’re ready to end the war.

Rest to prepare for the final battle

When you’re ready, head up to your room and sleep. The morning after you’ll engage in a war battle. After organizing your legion, defeat Dux Aldric in battle then move your units to the north to end the battle. You’ll then need to form a party to storm the Gardhaven Castle.

Gardhaven Castle Collectibles


  • Arch-Demon
  • Imperial Elite (Sword)
  • Imperial Soldier (Bow)
  • Mine Orb
  • Modified Specimen H_008
  • Ogre
  • Synthetic Specimen C_0282
  • Synthetic Specimen R_0901


Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Gardhaven Castle Chests
  • Rune of the Knight’s Path
  • Osechi Recipe
  • Ascent Badge
  • Rune of SP+
  • Rune of Tremendous Power
  • Rune of Supersonic Speed
  • Blessed Shield
  • Holy Circlet
  • Sacred Helmet
  • Rune of Medical Studies
  • Rune of Quick Movement
  • Faded Book, Chapter 17
  • Blessed Heavy Helm
  • Blessed Armor

Search for Dux Aldric

In the castle, start with the right path. When the path turns north, take the second opening down a hallway to find some stairs leading up. On 2F, head north to the dead end to find a blue lens. Head back down to 1F and take the western path. Again, take the middle path to find a set of stairs. Take them up to 2F. Once on 2F head to the southeastern corner of the map to find a set up stairs. Take them to reach 3F where you’ll find a rather complicated library.

Gardhaven Castle 3F Library

Gardhaven Castle Library Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes

In this library, you’ll notice 3 statues that require books to be placed in their pedestals.

Book of Knowledge

For the first book, the Book of Knowledge, head up the right set of stairs behind the pedestals and follow the path to the right, hugging the bookshelves. You’ll notice a point to interact with which will move the bookshelf revealing a chest containing the Book of Knowledge.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Final Battle Castle Gardhaven Library Book of Knowledge

Head down to the statues and place this book on the first statue (western statue). This will reveal a new path on the western side.

Book of Power

For the second book, the Book of Power, head behind the statues and take the left path. Follow it up the stairs then head right at the top. Take the stairs up to reach the next level.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Book of Power

Head right and take the curvy ramp up. Head right and follow the path all the way across to the other side. When you go down the steps, head right to find a chest containing the Book of Power.

Gardhaven Castle Library Book of Power

Backtrack all the way to the statues and place this book on the last statue (eastern statue). This will reveal a new path.

Book of Fate

For the third and final book, the Book of Fate, head up the stairs behind the statues and take the right path. Follow it around and take the stairs up. At the top, the chest you got the Book of Power from should be on your right. Head to the far left, taking the ramp up to find a new set of stairs leading down. Take them down and at the bottom head left to find a button to push revealing a chest containing the Book of Fate.

Gardhaven Castle 3F Library Book of Fate

Return down to the statues and place it in the middle one.

Keep searching for Dux Aldric

Head down the newly opened path behind the statues to continue forward. Just after the next save, you’ll encounter Narungarde. After you defeat her, she’ll unfortunately get again yet again.

Track down Aldric

Press forward to find the Red Lens. Once you interact with it, a hidden door will open. Head inside and go down the long staircase. At the bottom, head straight across and take another set of stairs all the way down to the bottom to find yourself on 2F by the previously locked doors next to where the Blue Lens was. Head down to the double doors next to the save point on 1F and place the Blue and Red Lenses in place to open it. If you need to first freshen up your health and supplies, exit to the south to the castle’s perimeter where you’ll find your Alliance waiting!

When you’re ready, head on through and interact with the platform to encounter the dux and his pet, Alde Dracare!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Final Boss Fight against Alde Dracare

During this fight, Alde Dracare will trap one of your allies and you’ll need to use the gimmick to attack the bubble to break the ally free. After defeating the dragon, you’ll enter Phase 2 of the Alde Dracare fight. Not only does the dragon use a bunch of heavy hitting moves but it can also heal itself!

Defeat Aldric

After the dragon fight, you’ll find yourself alone. Continue into the castle and approach Aldric. You’ll then engage in multiple duels with him. Upon emerging victorious, you’ll finish Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes! Congrats!!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – To the Safehouse

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for the To the Safehouse main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through this quest.

To the Safehouse Goals

Go to Lowtown, on the west side

After you finish the New Forces main quest, you’ll automatically start this quest! When you gain control of Seign, you’ll find yourself in Ardinale City. Head down to the southwestern side of the city then enter the room at the back of the General Store to trigger a cutscene.

Ardinale City Collectibles

  • Speak with the resident in the house on the east side of the inn to receive the Raclette Recipe!
  • Speak with the guy standing outside of the third house to the right of the General Store to obtain the Spicy Pigs’ Ear Recipe!
  • Speak with the lady inside the second house to the right of the General Store to obtain the Maqluba Recipe!

Find the hidden rune tank on the east side of town

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes To the Safehouse

Make your way to the east side of town to find a cave containing the rune tank. Along the way, you’ll be treated to a cutscene!

Explore the rune-lens research laboratory

Travel east to reach the Rune Research Lab – UG Passage! Take the first right then enter the jail cell to find a chest containing a Red Key! Bring this key following the path north then swinging west to find another chest in a cell.

Blue Key Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes

This time it will contain a Blue Key! Backtrack south and take the central path. Use the Blue Key to unlock the cell then continue forward.

Blue Cell

When you reach the !, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight with a group of enemies. After you take them out, head west and enter the cell to find another Blue Key.

Blue Key

Snag it then keep following the path all the way to the south. There you’ll find the cell that this Blue Key unlocks.

Red Key

Open the chest inside to receive a Red Key! Take this red key to the central western part of the area and use it to open the cell.

Crankshaft Chest

Loot the chest inside to receive the Crankshaft! Now that you have the missing piece, return to the northern part of the area. Near the save point, you’ll find a giant sealed door. To open it, interact with the panel to the right of the door.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Rune Research Lab

Approach the ! to trigger a cutscene followed by a battle against Dux Aldric. It will be one of those Attack/Counter/Break battles.

Rune Research Lab – UG Passage Collectibles


  • Andromalius
  • Assault Cleaner
  • Lesser Demon
  • Murdersoul
  • Protoguard
  • Wandering Golem


Rune Research Lab Chests Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Anti-Confuse Scarf
  • Red Key
  • Blue Key
  • Patchwork Armor
  • Tom Yam Kung Recipe
  • Blue Key
  • Breton Galette Recipe
  • Red Key
  • Crankshaft

Make a diversion with the rune tank and escape

Afterwards, you’ll be returned to the Outskirts. Speak with the villagers to be healed and receive a healing potion. When you’re ready to proceed, speak with Pohl to begin the operation. Yaelu and Ivy will officially join the Alliance. When riding in the tank, you’ll come across Modified Specimen W_1155. Take it down then the ride will continue until you bump into Heavy Modified Specimen B_1929. Again, you’ll need to take this creature out to continue your ride where you’ll then encounter Synthetic Specimen R_0812. Defeat it to continue the ride. Up next, you’ll encounter the Chimera. This is the final boss on this crazy ride. Watch out for when the creature builds up its Hurricane Wing attack as it will unleash a devastating hit to all party members! To avoid it, use the gimmick of attacking with the rune tank whenever the creature starts building up to cancel its attack. Upon killing it, a cutscene will trigger during which Seign will see his father. Afterwards, the chapter will end and you’ll be Nowa again!

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – The Proving Grounds

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes walkthrough for The Proving Grounds main quest. Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to easily breeze through this quest.

The Proving Grounds Goals

Head for Runebarrows

Before leaving The Treefolk Village, make sure to speak with the Treefolk next to the inn to receive a Vegetable Juice Recipe.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Ground

When you’re ready to proceed, head down the stairs to the level with the General Store and Inn. Take the path to the right of the General Store then head straight towards the spinning blades. After the quick cutscene, you’ll find yourself on the Road to the Proving Grounds!

Road to the Proving Grounds Collectibles


  • Forest Lizard
  • Shadow Unicorn
  • Sky Sahagin

Collectible Materials

  • Iron Ore
  • Stone


Road to the Proving Grounds Chests Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • 1500 Baqua
  • 1500 Baqua
  • Magic Drop x2

Find Leene and the bandit

Now that you’re in the Proving Grounds, you’ll need to make your way through this area by activating the pedestal multiple times to turn the rooms, allowing new passageways to open each time. Your goal in this area will be to interact with two separate gears, one on each side of the area, to open the door in the main room with the pedestal.

Eiyuden Chronicles The Proving Grounds find Leene and the Bandit

Inside, you’ll face Astraea the Judge and Slaosha the Enforcer. After this battle, we highly recommend returning all the way to town before proceeding as you’ll have another boss fight against Hurstwine and Narungarde in the next room. It’s best to be fully stocked on supplies! After the battle, a cutscene will trigger and Kallathor will join your party!

The Proving Grounds Collectibles


  • Astraea the Judge (Boss)
  • Golem Cleaner
  • Greedtoy
  • Hardknock
  • Hurstwine (Boss)
  • Narungarde (Boss)
  • Pawn Demon
  • Shadow Unicorn
  • Slaosha the Enforcer (Boss)
  • Spy Orb
  • Yellow Slime


Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Grounds Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Grounds Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Grounds Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Grounds Chests
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes The Proving Grounds Chests
  • 1500 Baqua
  • Ruby Brooch
  • Magic Drop x2
  • Tanzanite Brooch
  • Quality Healing Herb x6
  • 1500 Baqua
  • Rune of Quick Slash
  • Rune of Sidewinder
  • Palenight Mail
  • Topaz Brooch
  • Rune of Fire Enchantment

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Guides and Walkthroughs

Click here for more guides and walkthroughs on Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes!