Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Monica’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Monica during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • Are you ever overcome with feelings of complete and utter helplessness? I’m asking for a friend, of course.
    • Say you’ve never felt that way.
  • Don’t you think Her Majesty is at her most beautiful in profile? Apologies, just a stray thought.
    • Admire her devotion.
  • My father was not a legitimate heir, and in truth had no desire to inherit his title. The situation is… complicated, to say the least.
    • Catch her meaning and feel for her.
  • I remember every single word you’ve said – even tracing back to when you first burst in to save me.
    • Say you’re glad she’s all right.
  • Fighting inland for too long makes me miss the sea near my home. I used to love swimming there.
    • Vow to all go together someday.
  • If Her Majesty wills it, I want to annihilate every last one of those who slither in the dark.
    • Say you need to learn the truth first.
  • I know Hubert is capable, but his attitude leaves much to be desired!
    • Smirk and say she’s not much better.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Be shocked.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Be sad.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Lean forward in excitement.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Be pleased.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Be dispirited.
  • Ask about their home.
    • Be doubtful.



For a guide on the gifts that Monica loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Linhardt’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Linhardt during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • The aristocracy of ten meets in the Imperial capital, so I recognized many of the other students when I first arrived at the academy.
    • Envy him for having such old friends.
  • I’m fond of the little silences you often get in the middle of conversations.
    • Stay silent.
  • Mind if I catch some shut-eye? I feel so safe with you I can’t help myself.
    • Wake him with a funny story.
  • I thought for certain you would have a Crest, but no. I still find that so strange…
    • Offer to help him research.
  • Have you ever been to Hevring territory? The seat of power sits in a steep valley, and the slopes are simply impossible!
    • Say it’d be perfect for hiding away.
  • Oh, sorry. I was thinking about you so intently that I lost track of the conversation. What were you saying?
    • Crack a joke.
  • Let’s rest here a bit longer. Also, horseback riding really should be classified as heavy labor…
    • Wholeheartedly agree.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Smile.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Console.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Contemplate that.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Act dependable.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Yawn.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Pick one.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Let that sink in for a moment.



For a guide on the gifts that Linhardt loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Hapi’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Hapi during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • ‘You ever eat fancy noble food? All the weird flavors just end up leaving my taste buds confused.
    • Agree.
  • I can’t imagine myself doing anything other than what I’m doing now.
    • Say her decision must be right.
  • Say, have you ever eaten the root of this plant here? It’s sweet, but I also think it’s poisonous.
    • Say you almost died from eating it.
  • I really like singing, but I only know songs from my village that no one else has even heard of.
    • Ask her to teach you those songs.
  • Honestly? I’m secretly rooting for you. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got.
    • Say that you’re rooting for her too.
  • I always sleep like a rock. That’s pretty much the only perk to, you know… being the way I am.
    • Reveal that you have strange dreams.
  • So I have a theory about you – that what you say and what you’re thinking are usually very different things.
    • Admit it.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Give advice.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Talk about something else.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Ask what she wants from them.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Offer encouragement.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Cheer up.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Give counterargument.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Give a pep talk.



For a guide on the gifts that Hapi loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Hubert’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Hubert during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • You do love inviting me on excursions. You must be quite fond of them…or me.
    • Laugh.
  • If I were planning to kill me, this would be the perfect opportunity.
    • Purposefully let down your guard.
  • When I told Her Majesty about today, she expressed a wish to come along. You should invite her.
    • Suggest you all go together. 
  • You always seem to be enjoying yourself. Not to say I am miserable, of course.
    • Reply that it goes without saying.
  • Have I ever mentioned how you would fit right in at House Vestra? Heh.
    • Consider the idea.
  • In the beginning, there was no goddess in Fodlan. That is scripture, by the way – not sacrilege.
    • Say you’ve had the same thought. 
  • Are you ever suddenly struck with a brilliant strategy on expeditions such as this?
    • Propose a competition. 


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Nod seriously.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Be doubtful.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Speculate.
  • Ask thoughts on their employer.
    • Be pleased.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Shrug.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Smile.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Extend a challenge.



For a guide on the gifts that Hubert loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Ferdinand’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Ferdinand during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • I hope I might escort you about Aegir territory one day. It is a cozy place nestled amidst the most beautiful, tranquil sea.
    • Jokingly ask if you’ll live together.
  • Fodlan’s nobility face a crisis, and I consider it my sacred duty to see us through it.
    • Ask if there’s anything you can do.
  • When I was young, my parents often took me out riding. Ah, but those were better times…
    • Say you’re here for him now.
  • I admire how much effort you put into getting to know us all. I ought to do the same.
    • Say you won’t be outdone.
  • Hubert cannot abide my involving myself in any underhanded doings. The man needs to lighten up!
    • Say that Hubert is a true friend.
  • Ah, the great horizon calls! Er, my apologies. I do not know what came over me just then.
    • Shout along with him.
  • Your horse is so well-behaved. You must have something of a gift with animals.
    • Smile and say it’s a special bond.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Applaud that.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Speculate.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Act encouraging.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Vow to achieve victory.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Promise your support.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Blush.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Tease.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Act dependable.



For a guide on the gifts that Ferdinand loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Petra’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Petra during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • I read books before coming to Fodlan. I wanted to be preparing. But it was still a thing of difficulty.
    • Say she should ask people for help.
  • Your hair changes color just like one of the legends of Brigid! This is a thing of much strangeness.
    • Ask about the legend.
  • Brigid is between Fodlan and Dagda. We are getting many ideas from both.
    • Hope that trade will flourish.
  • We have no horses in Brigid, so riding is still a thing of much newness to me.
    • Ask if they ate them all.
  • I thought Fodlan’s army would be highly discipline. But instead, the rules are having much flexibility.
    • Say they should be even more so.
  • We should be training here in secret! Then we will return stronger and give our friends much surprise.
    • Eagerly suggest you shock them all.
  • Sometimes a hunt will last for days. I have to be sleeping in trees or between rocks.
    • Say you want to hunt too.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their worries.
    • Calculate it.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Smile.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Be envious.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about their likes.
    • Express admiration.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Give a pep talk.



For a guide on the gifts that Petra loves, likes and dislikes, click here!