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Unicorn Overlord – Blooming Rose on Bare Rock

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Unicorn Overlord guide on the Blooming Rose on Bare Rock side quest! Learn how to begin and finish the quest, discover the rewards you’ll earn and the strategy we applied to conquer the battle stage. Keep in mind that we prioritized tasks like freeing forts, capturing bridges, and clearing watchtowers before meeting the victory conditions to maximize experience points, war funds, Honors, and renown, all crucial for strengthening the Liberation Army.

How to Start the Blooming Rose on Bare Rock Quest

Unicorn Overlord Blooming Rose on Bare Rock

To begin the Blooming Rose on Bare Rock quest in Unicorn Overlord, head east from Vansberg Town and follow the road north. Speak with the Drakenhold Soldier guarding the gate who will then move to the side for you to pass. Do so to begin the quest.

Battle Stage

For this battle, you’ll be facing mostly Legionnaires, Thieves and Wyvern Knights so plan your units accordingly.

Legionnaires Witches, Wizards and Warriors
ThievesHunters and Swordfighters
Wyvern KnightsHunters, Arbalists, Witches and Wizards
Blooming Rose on Bare Rock Unicorn Overlord

After beginning the battle, a cutscene will trigger after which you’ll load into the battle stage. When you load in, your Command Post will be in the southern part of the stage with Giethe’s Command Post in the far northwestern part. In between you’ll have multiple forts, garrisons and towns filled with enemies that you’ll also have to contend with. In addition, you’ll also need to reach Virginia’s unit and speak with her using Josef. During this fight, waves of enemy reinforcements will also show up.

Be on the lookout for shiny objects on the ground throughout the battle stage. You’ll be able to receive the following items: Silver Hourglass, Giant’s Canopy and War Funds of 5000G.

Schwarthruse Town

Unicorn Overlord Blooming Rose on Bare Rock Schwarthruse Town

This is the first town you’ll come to following the main path. There will be a Watchtower just before the town providing range support for enemies within the radius. On the far side of the town, there will be a catapult that you can commandeer.

Enemy Units:

  • Wizards x3 / Fighter
  • Hunters x2 / Thieves x2
  • Swordfighters x3 / Housecarl
  • Thieves x3 / Sellsword

Liberation Reward:

  • Gold Hourglass

Kleitur Town / Wasehel Garrison

Unicorn Overlord Kleitur Town
Unicorn Overlord Wasehel Garrison

Both locations are next to each other and are protected by a Watchtower. This happens to be the area where Virginia’s unit is at the start of the stage. Another thing to keep a note of is the catapult next to the town that you can use.

Enemy Units:

  • Wyvern Knights x3 / Housecarl
  • Gladiators x2 / Berserker / Soldier
  • Hunters x4
  • Radiant Knights x2 / Housecarl / Sellsword

Liberation Rewards:

  • Kleitur Town = Gold Hourglass

Fort Asterweiss

Unicorn Overlord Fort Asterweiss

This is the next enemy stronghold you’ll come across on your way to Giethe. Like the others, the fort has a Watchtower nearby to offer ranged support and has a catapult next to it.

Enemy Units:

  • Doom Knight / Dark Knights x2 / Soldier
  • Arbalists x4
  • Hoplites x3 / Housecarl
  • Swordfighters x3 / Housecarl

Command Post

Unicorn Overlord Command Post

Giethe is located at the Command Post in the far northwestern corner of the map! As you approach this Command Post, Giethe will summon another catapult.

Enemy Units:

  • Legionnaire / Dark Knights x2 / Cleric
  • Theives x3 / Sellsword
  • Wyvern Knights x2 / Housecarls x2

Liberation Reward:

  • Bulwark Towershield

Blooming Rose on Bare Rock Quest Rewards

For completing Blooming Rose on Bare Rock in Unicorn Overlord, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • Black-Iron Bow
  • Healing Font (L)
  • Feathered Crest Knights

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