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Complete Guide for Baten Kaitos Balancoire, Borough of Illusion

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Balancoire, Borough of Illusion, in Baten Kaitos. Here we’ll cover the story section of Baten Kaitos that takes place in Balancoire, the items you can purchase from the shops and the favors from townsfolk you can pick up. Please note that Quzman family members may be found in this area! Check out our guide here to find out where they are located!

Balancoire Items

  • Balancoire
    • Magnus: Sugar Cane
    • Magnus: Millinery
    • Magnus: Pot of Air
    • Magnus: Cedar Tree
    • Magnus: Deluxe Fruit Drink
    • Magnus: Bacon
  • The Duke’s Manor
    • Magnus: Offering Box
    • Magnus: Piscis Austrinus (Star Map Fragment)
    • Magnus: Sleet Shawl
    • Magnus: Tearless Mermaid
    • Magnus: The Silent Woman
    • Magnus: Secret Recipe 5


  • Stoked Flame
  • Stagnant Water

Baten Kaitos Balancoire Story

After the brief cutscene, speak with the woman near the base of the stairs to learn that she has a favor to see a cloud (see below!).

Next, enter the eastern house to find a Magnus: Sugar Cane on the eastern side. From the stove you can acquire the magna essence of the Stoked Flame. On the bookshelf east of the bed, you’ll find a Magnus: Millinery.

Exit the house then make your way to the doorway next to the blue flower to find the shop!

Once you’re done shopping, head up the stairs and enter the first house to find essence of Stoked Flame and a Magnus: Pot of Air. Interact with the Elder to hear her tale then exit the house. Just before exiting, examine the plants on the west side of the exit to find a Magnus: Cedar Tree.

Afterwards, head north and enter the restaurant. Speak with the old man sitting at the table to learn that he’s always wanted to buy his wife a Gold Nugget.

If you give one to him, you’ll receive a Magnus: Deluxe Pastry. While here, interact with the southern side of the counter to find a Magnus: Deluxe Fruit Drink and the oven to find a Magnus: Bacon.

Also, make sure to speak with Trill’s father near the counter!

When you leave, a quick cutscene will trigger. Head back inside and speak with Trill’s father. He’ll ask you to do a favor for him. Head outside then speak with the person next to the door. Coach him through with whichever options you’d like then return to Trill’s father to obtain a Magnus: Scorpion Barrette.

Now that you’ve explored everything, head west of the restaurant to find The Duke’s Manor. Once inside, a cutscene will trigger. When it ends, examine the water near the entrance to find the magna essence of the Stagnant Water. In the display room, head to the northwestern display case to find a Magnus: Offering Box. Also in this room, interact with the southern drums to find a Magnus: Piscis Austrinus (Star Map Fragment).

Next, head up the stairs and enter the western room. Inside you’ll find a Magnus: Sleet Shawl in the chair.

Also in this room, you’ll find a Magnus: Tearless Mermaid hiding under the bed.

Exit this room and head to the eastern room. In this room, inspect the pictures on the eastern side to find a Magnus: The Silent Woman. On the western bookshelf, you’ll find a Magnus: Secret Recipe 5.

After you’ve finished exploring, it’s time to enter the double doors on the second floor. Upon entering this room, a cutscene will trigger. When it ends, head down the stairs and enter the display case room to trigger another cutscene during which Mizuti will join your party! Head down the stairs to enter Coccolith.

Balancoire Favors


Speak with the woman at the base of the stairs who will ask you for a cloud. These clouds can be obtained from the machine located in The Cloud Passage in Diadem!

Trill’s Father

In the northwestern restaurant, speak with Trill’s father, who will ask you to do a favor for him. Head outside then speak with the person next to the door. Coach him through with whichever options you’d like then return to Trill’s father to obtain a Magnus: Scorpion Barrette.

Balancoire Shop

Apple Pie (Slice)EXP +3000 (only usable in camp)5000G
Chestnut TruffleCures poison (only usable in camp)100G
Chronos Blow Lv. 3ATK 73 (Chronos 55)9000G
Chunk of IceInflicts Status Ailment 10% / Resists Burn Status Ailment +50100G
Dark Flare Lv. 3ATK 64 (Dark 47)8000G
Fruity GelatinCures 1 party member of flames (only usable in camp)200G
MayflyATK 78 (Wind 47) / DEF 50 (Wind 47) 2+ Combo8500G
Mini Cream PuffDEF +20 / DEF +202200G
PersimmonsRestores HP 225 Cures Status Ailment 50% / Cures Status Ailment 50%1800G
Shish Kebab (Large)HP +60%250G
Shish Kebab (Medium)HP +40%75G
SkipjackRestores HP 330 Cures Burn Status Ailment 35% / Resists Burn Status Ailment +6010000G
Tekken (Iron Fists)ATK 54 / DEF 374800G
Wheat CrackersRevive incapacitated party members (only usable in camp)300G

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