Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade walkthrough for the Time for Revenge Request! Here we’ll cover everything you’ll need to easily breeze through this quest!
How to Start the Time for Revenge Request
You can grab this quest from the Bulletin Board in Xion. In order for it to show up, you’ll first need to complete a good amount of the other requests first.

How to Complete the Time for Revenge Request
For this request, the requestor will ask that you slaughter 10 Hedgeboars to avenge the death of her son.

To do this, travel to the Wasteland where these particular Naytiba can be found. If you travel to the Junkyard Supply Camp then follow the path west there, you’ll be able to quickly locate about 6 in that area. You can then return to the camp to reset the enemies or explore a bit more to find the rest. Once 10 of the Hedgeboars have been taken down, return to the Bulletin Board to complete the request and receive your rewards.

Request Rewards
For completing this request, you’ll be rewarded with the items listed below:
- 5000 Gold
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