Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade guide for The Scavenger’s Story mission! Here we’ll cover where to start the mission, how to complete it and the rewards you’ll get at the end.
How to Start the Scavenger’s Story
You’ll automatically start the Scavenger’s Story during the main story after reaching Xion. Adam will send EVE to Sister’s Junk to collect a part for his ship. While there, she’ll meet Kaya who will ask EVE to locate her lost bike in the Scrap Plains.

How to Complete the Scavenger’s Story
When you’re ready to track down Kaya’s missing bike, set out for the Wasteland and head for the Junkyard Supply Camp located in the Scrap Plains at the southeastern corner of the map.

From the supply camp, head east passing the pit of junk on the left to spot a shack with two Turret Droids nearby. Deal with the droids then enter the shack. Locate the yellow cube and move it to the other side of the room then use it to reach a rope hanging down from the ceiling.

Climb up the rope to find the bike near a yellow service droid. Interact with it to examine the bike then grab the nearby trunk. Take it back to Kaya to complete the mission.

Mission Rewards
You’ll be rewarded with the items listed below after you complete this mission!
- SP
- 700 Gold
- WB Pump
- Extreme Polymer Material x10
- Advanced Polymer Material x20
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