Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade guide for the Siren’s Song mission. Here we will cover where to start the mission, how to complete it and the rewards you’ll receive for all of your effort.
How to Start the Siren’s Song Mission
To start the mission, travel to Eidos 7 and use the telephone to fast travel to the Plaza Entryway. From there exit to the shopping mall and head for the supply camp outside the abandoned station. Speak with Olivia there and agree to help her investigate the clue. You’ll also need to have drained the water from the plaza. We were also on the Abyss Levoire main mission when we came here!

How to Complete the Siren’s Song Mission
To find the siren, you’ll need to head to the other side of the plaza, opposite the Supply Camp where you met Olivia. When you get in front of the steps near the Abandoned Station, cross the bridge taking a right down the walkway. Head all the way to the bottom of the ramp then go straight past the liquor store taking a right when you reach the brick wall. Go up the ramp taking the next left and follow it around to the siren statue.

Place the fusion cell in the fusion drive in front of the siren to trigger an event. After it concludes, travel to Xion and speak with Olivia who can be found in front of the liquor side west of Gwen’s Hair Salon. This will complete the mission and you’ll receive your rewards.
Mission Rewards
Once you’ve completed the request/mission you’ll be rewarded with the items in the list below.
- SP
- Vitcoin
- Pulse Grenade
- 200 Gold
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