Welcome to NGB and our Stellar Blade guide for the Recruit Passcode Specialists request. Here we will cover where to start the request, how to complete it and the rewards you’ll receive for all of your effort.
How to Start the Recruit Passcode Specialists Request
This request becomes available during the main mission, Hidden Truth. Head to the bulletin board in Xion and interact with it to accept the request. If it’s not showing up, you may have to complete a couple of the requests to make it appear in the list.

How to Complete the Recruit Passcode Specialists Request
For this request, the requestor is asking for someone to travel to the ship stranded in the middle of the desert and try to unlock a certain storage container there that is sealed with a passcode. In order to unlock the storage container in question, you’ll need to collect the Prayer Documents 1-6. Each of them has a code and when put together, it makes the passcode required to open the container. The subsections below will detail how to obtain each Prayer.

Once you have all six, set out for the Wasteland then head to the Western Great Canyon Supply Camp. From there, go west to reach the ship in question (make sure you’re at the raised section of the ship). Head inside and take a right, dealing with the enemies along the way, to spot a red container. Interact with the input device and enter the passcode to open it then inspect the Altar inside and loot the chest. Return to the bulletin board in Xion to complete the request and receive your gold!

Chapter of Trial 1 (MAtrix 11)
You can find the Chapter of Trial 1 Prayer at the altar in Matrix 11 on the upper level of the living quarters just past the sewers. You’ll come here and interact with the altar upon traveling to Matrix 11 as part of the main story.
Chapter of Trial 2 (Great Desert)

Chapter of Trial 2 can be found in a half-destroyed building on the second floor north of the Buried Ruins Outskirt Supply Camp.

Chapter of Trial 3 (Great Desert)

To find Chapter of Trial 3, travel to the Debris-filled Entryway Supply Camp in the eastern part of the area then go south. Toward the end of the collapsed overpass, there will be an area on the right you can head through leading you towards a group of buildings and a gate blocking your way. Take a right just before the gate to enter one of the buildings and the Prayer altar will be in that room.

Chapter of Trial 4 (Great Desert)

Chapter of Trial 4 can be found at the bottom of the Hybertube (which becomes accessible once starting The King of the Tunnel mission). Once you land in the water at the end of the tube, head to the south side of the pool to find the altar with the Prayer.

Chapter of Trial 5 (Wasteland)

The Chapter of Trial 5 can be found in a small cave to the east (and slightly north) of the West Great Canyon Supply Camp.

Chapter of Trial 6 (Wasteland)

Chapter of Trial 6 can be found by traveling to the Altess Levoire Entrance and following the path north-northeast to a smaller side area. There will be a small cave there with the Prayer inside.

Request Rewards
Once you’ve completed the request you’ll be rewarded with the items in the list below.
- 20,000 Gold
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