Welcome to NGB and our Plan to Clean the Earth mission guide for Stellar Blade. Here we’ll cover where to start this mission, how to complete it and what you’ll be rewarded with at the end.
How to Start the Plan to Clean the Earth Mission
In order to start this mission, you’ll need to travel to the Wasteland and head for the northeastern part of the map. Around there, EVE will receive a radio transmission asking for help thus starting the mission.

How to Complete the Plan to Clean the Earth Mission
To kick off this mission, head to the Scarp Yard in the northwestern part of the map to find the source of the signal.

Interact with the trapped doing in the center of the area to learn his name is D1G-g2r (digger) and that he needs help getting unstuck. To do this, you’ll need to rest the claw crane’s control system by interacting with the Ticker, Buzzer and Clunker in that order (you can see the order and how to reach starting with the Restart the Ticker section below). Once all three have been restarted in the correct sequence, return to D1G-g2r and speak with him to trigger a cutscene that will lead to the completion of the mission.

Restart the Ticker
If you open the map, you’ll notice that there are now three objectives in the Scrap Yard flagged as “Reset the claw crane’s control system”. Start out by heading for the most right one. There you’ll spot a raised metal platform with the ticker on it. To reach it, you’ll need to move a nearby yellow cube next to the cliffside and use it to reach a climbable ledge embedded in the cliff. This will allow you to scale the cliff and reach the platform to turn on the ticker.

Restart the Buzzer
To find the Buzzer, you’ll want to head to the most southern objective in the scrap yard. Once there, move the yellow cube so that you can use it to climb up to the metal platform.

Next, you’ll want to locate a floor switch and move a nearby cart thing (filled with luggage and boxes) on top of it. This will cause a gate to lower allowing you to move another yellow cube in place to reach the upper level of the metal platform.

Climb up there and interact with the machine to get it going.

Restart the Clunker
Finally, this time to start the Clinker. Head to the northernmost objective from the Buzzer to reach a gate. You’ll need to place the two carts on the floor plates to open the gate revealing a yellow cube.

Take that cube and move it to the nearby tower allowing you to reach a yellow ladder. Climb it to the top of the tower and interact with the console to turn it on. This will cause the crane to lift freeing our little droid friend.

Mission Rewards
The items listed below are what you’ll receive for completing this quest. In addition, you’ll be able to trade the parts collected from defeating robots and androids to D1G-g2r.
- SP
- 400 Gold
- Extreme Nano Element x5
- Advanced Nano Element x25
- Nano Element x50
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